AromaDb: A Database of Plant's Aroma Molecules

Benzopyridine Details

: IUPAC Name
:Chemical Class
:CAS Registry Number

:Fragrance Type

Physical and Chemical properties

Molecular Weight (g/mol) 129.162
Molecular Formula C9H7N
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 0
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 1
Rotatable Bond Count 0
IUPAC Name Isoquinoline
Canonical SMILES c2ccc1ncccc1c2
Solubility Level 3
Vapour Pressure -1.419

Absorption and Metabolism information

BBB Level 1
Absorption Level 0
EXT PPB#Prediction 0
AlogP98 2.016
EXT CYP2D6#Prediction 0

Toxicological Information

Mouse Female FDA Single-Carcinogen
Mouse Male FDA Single-Carcinogen
Rat Female FDA Non-Carcinogen
Rat Male FDA Single-Carcinogen
Ames Prediction Mutagen
Developmental / Reproductive Toxicity Non-Toxic
Rat Oral LD50 0.49738
Ocular Irritancy Severe
Hepatotoxic#Prediction 1
Effected Human Genes NA

Ecological Information

Aerobic Biodegradability Prediction Non-Degradable

Hazard(s) Identification

Physical hazards not classified
Health hazards Mild
Environmental hazards not classified
About Table Headings

Compound Biological Activity

Serial No.Cas No Gene SymbolOrganismInteractionInteraction Actions PubMed Id
191-22-5ACOT7Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of ACOT7 protein increases^expression 18645022
291-22-5AIF1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased activity of AIF1 protein increases^activity 18645022
391-22-5ANP32AHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of ANP32A protein decreases^expression 18645022
491-22-5ANXA1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of ANXA1 protein increases^expression 18645022
591-22-5ANXA2Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of ANXA2 protein increases^expression 18645022
691-22-5BTF3Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of BTF3 protein decreases^expression 18645022
791-22-5CASP3Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased cleavage of and results in increased activity of CASP3 protein increases^activity|increases^cleavage 18645022
891-22-5CBX3Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of CBX3 protein decreases^expression 18645022
991-22-5CCNB1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of CCNB1 protein increases^expression 18645022
1091-22-5CDKN1AHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of CDKN1A protein increases^expression 18645022
1191-22-5CDKN1AHomo sapiens[quinoline analog results in increased expression of TP53 protein] which results in increased expression of CDKN1A protein increases^expression 18645022
1291-22-5CDKN2AHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of CDKN2A mRNA increases^expression 19417133
1391-22-5CDKN2AHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of CDKN2A protein increases^expression 19417133
1491-22-5CNDP2Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of CNDP2 protein increases^expression 18645022
1591-22-5CSDE1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of CSDE1 protein increases^expression 18645022
1691-22-5CYP1A2Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased activity of CYP1A2 protein decreases^activity 15916432
1791-22-5DNMT1Mus musculusquinoline analog results in decreased activity of DNMT1 protein decreases^activity 19417133
1891-22-5DNMT3AMus musculusquinoline analog results in decreased activity of DNMT3A protein decreases^activity 19417133
1991-22-5DNMT3BMus musculusquinoline analog results in decreased activity of DNMT3B protein decreases^activity 19417133
2091-22-5E2F1Homo sapiensquinoline analog affects the expression of E2F1 protein affects^expression 15450938
2191-22-5EEF1GHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of EEF1G protein increases^expression 18645022
2291-22-5EEF2Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of EEF2 protein decreases^expression 18645022
2391-22-5F2RHomo sapiensquinoline analog binds to and results in decreased activity of F2R protein affects^binding|decreases^activity 16380251
2491-22-5FSCN1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of FSCN1 protein increases^expression 18645022
2591-22-5FUBP1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of FUBP1 protein decreases^expression 18645022
2691-22-5GRM1Mus musculusquinoline analog results in decreased activity of GRM1 protein decreases^activity 18005334
2791-22-5HNRNPDHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of HNRNPD protein decreases^expression 18645022
2891-22-5HNRNPLHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of HNRNPL protein decreases^expression 18645022
2991-22-5ITGA5Homo sapiensquinoline analog binds to and results in decreased activity of [ITGA5 protein binds to ITGB3 protein] affects^binding|decreases^activity 16984141
3091-22-5LGALS3Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of LGALS3 protein increases^expression 18645022
3191-22-5LMNAHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of LMNA protein decreases^expression 18645022
3291-22-5LMNAHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of LMNA protein increases^expression 18645022
3391-22-5LTA4HHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of LTA4H protein increases^expression 18645022
3491-22-5MAP2K1Homo sapiensquinoline results in decreased activity of MAP2K1 protein decreases^activity 18393446
3591-22-5MAP3K20Homo sapiensquinoline analog inhibits the reaction [MAP3K20 protein promotes the reaction [Anisomycin results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK8 protein]] decreases^reaction|increases^activity|increases^phosphorylation|increases^reaction 15737997
3691-22-5MAP3K20Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased activity of MAP3K20 protein decreases^activity 15737997
3791-22-5MAP3K8Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased activity of MAP3K8 protein decreases^activity 16973359
3891-22-5MAPK8Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased phosphorylation of and results in decreased activity of MAPK8 protein decreases^activity|decreases^phosphorylation 15737997
3991-22-5METquinoline analog results in decreased activity of MET protein decreases^activity 17964000
4091-22-5MLH1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of MLH1 mRNA increases^expression 19417133
4191-22-5MTHFD2Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of MTHFD2 protein decreases^expression 18645022
4291-22-5NACAHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of NACA protein decreases^expression 18645022
4391-22-5NAMPTHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of NAMPT protein increases^expression 18645022
4491-22-5NME2Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of NME2 protein increases^expression 18645022
4591-22-5OLA1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of OLA1 protein decreases^expression 18645022
4691-22-5PAICSHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of PAICS protein increases^expression 18645022
4791-22-5PDAP1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of PDAP1 protein decreases^expression 18645022
4891-22-5PDHA1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of PDHA1 protein increases^expression 18645022
4991-22-5PLPBPHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of PLPBP protein increases^expression 18645022
5091-22-5PPARAHomo sapiensquinoline analog binds to and affects the activity of PPARA protein affects^activity|affects^binding 17610302
5191-22-5PPARGHomo sapiensquinoline analog binds to and affects the activity of PPARG protein affects^activity|affects^binding 17610302
5291-22-5PRKAR1AHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of PRKAR1A protein increases^expression 18645022
5391-22-5PSMA3Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of PSMA3 protein decreases^expression 18645022
5491-22-5PSMC1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of PSMC1 protein increases^expression 18645022
5591-22-5PSMC5Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of PSMC5 protein increases^expression 18645022
5691-22-5PSMD4Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of PSMD4 protein decreases^expression 18645022
5791-22-5PSMD7Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of PSMD7 protein increases^expression 18645022
5891-22-5RANBP1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of RANBP1 protein decreases^expression 18645022
5991-22-5RCN2Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of RCN2 protein decreases^expression 18645022
6091-22-5RRM1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of RRM1 protein decreases^expression 18645022
6191-22-5SERPINB1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of SERPINB1 protein increases^expression 18645022
6291-22-5SERPINB5Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of SERPINB5 protein increases^expression 18645022
6391-22-5TIMP3Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of TIMP3 mRNA increases^expression 19417133
6491-22-5TIMP3Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of TIMP3 protein increases^expression 19417133
6591-22-5TLR8Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of TLR8 protein increases^activity|increases^phosphorylation 17868034
6691-22-5TNFHomo sapiensquinoline analog inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF protein] decreases^reaction|increases^expression 16973359
6791-22-5TP53Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased activity of TP53 protein increases^activity 12082016
6891-22-5TP53Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of TP53 protein increases^expression 18645022
6991-22-5TP53Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of TP53 protein mutant form increases^expression 18645022
7091-22-5TXNDC5Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of TXNDC5 protein decreases^expression 18645022
7191-22-5WDR1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of WDR1 protein increases^expression 18645022
7291-22-5YBX1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of YBX1 protein decreases^expression 18645022
7391-22-5ACOT7Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of ACOT7 protein increases^expression 18645022
7491-22-5AIF1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased activity of AIF1 protein increases^activity 18645022
7591-22-5ANP32AHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of ANP32A protein decreases^expression 18645022
7691-22-5ANXA1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of ANXA1 protein increases^expression 18645022
7791-22-5ANXA2Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of ANXA2 protein increases^expression 18645022
7891-22-5BTF3Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of BTF3 protein decreases^expression 18645022
7991-22-5CASP3Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased cleavage of and results in increased activity of CASP3 protein increases^activity|increases^cleavage 18645022
8091-22-5CBX3Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of CBX3 protein decreases^expression 18645022
8191-22-5CCNB1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of CCNB1 protein increases^expression 18645022
8291-22-5CDKN1AHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of CDKN1A protein increases^expression 18645022
8391-22-5CDKN1AHomo sapiens[quinoline analog results in increased expression of TP53 protein] which results in increased expression of CDKN1A protein increases^expression 18645022
8491-22-5CDKN2AHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of CDKN2A mRNA increases^expression 19417133
8591-22-5CDKN2AHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of CDKN2A protein increases^expression 19417133
8691-22-5CNDP2Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of CNDP2 protein increases^expression 18645022
8791-22-5CSDE1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of CSDE1 protein increases^expression 18645022
8891-22-5CYP1A2Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased activity of CYP1A2 protein decreases^activity 15916432
8991-22-5DNMT1Mus musculusquinoline analog results in decreased activity of DNMT1 protein decreases^activity 19417133
9091-22-5DNMT3AMus musculusquinoline analog results in decreased activity of DNMT3A protein decreases^activity 19417133
9191-22-5DNMT3BMus musculusquinoline analog results in decreased activity of DNMT3B protein decreases^activity 19417133
9291-22-5E2F1Homo sapiensquinoline analog affects the expression of E2F1 protein affects^expression 15450938
9391-22-5EEF1GHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of EEF1G protein increases^expression 18645022
9491-22-5EEF2Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of EEF2 protein decreases^expression 18645022
9591-22-5F2RHomo sapiensquinoline analog binds to and results in decreased activity of F2R protein affects^binding|decreases^activity 16380251
9691-22-5FSCN1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of FSCN1 protein increases^expression 18645022
9791-22-5FUBP1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of FUBP1 protein decreases^expression 18645022
9891-22-5GRM1Mus musculusquinoline analog results in decreased activity of GRM1 protein decreases^activity 18005334
9991-22-5HNRNPDHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of HNRNPD protein decreases^expression 18645022
10091-22-5HNRNPLHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of HNRNPL protein decreases^expression 18645022
10191-22-5ITGA5Homo sapiensquinoline analog binds to and results in decreased activity of [ITGA5 protein binds to ITGB3 protein] affects^binding|decreases^activity 16984141
10291-22-5LGALS3Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of LGALS3 protein increases^expression 18645022
10391-22-5LMNAHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of LMNA protein decreases^expression 18645022
10491-22-5LMNAHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of LMNA protein increases^expression 18645022
10591-22-5LTA4HHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of LTA4H protein increases^expression 18645022
10691-22-5MAP2K1Homo sapiensquinoline results in decreased activity of MAP2K1 protein decreases^activity 18393446
10791-22-5MAP3K20Homo sapiensquinoline analog inhibits the reaction [MAP3K20 protein promotes the reaction [Anisomycin results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK8 protein]] decreases^reaction|increases^activity|increases^phosphorylation|increases^reaction 15737997
10891-22-5MAP3K20Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased activity of MAP3K20 protein decreases^activity 15737997
10991-22-5MAP3K8Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased activity of MAP3K8 protein decreases^activity 16973359
11091-22-5MAPK8Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased phosphorylation of and results in decreased activity of MAPK8 protein decreases^activity|decreases^phosphorylation 15737997
11191-22-5METquinoline analog results in decreased activity of MET protein decreases^activity 17964000
11291-22-5MLH1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of MLH1 mRNA increases^expression 19417133
11391-22-5MTHFD2Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of MTHFD2 protein decreases^expression 18645022
11491-22-5NACAHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of NACA protein decreases^expression 18645022
11591-22-5NAMPTHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of NAMPT protein increases^expression 18645022
11691-22-5NME2Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of NME2 protein increases^expression 18645022
11791-22-5OLA1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of OLA1 protein decreases^expression 18645022
11891-22-5PAICSHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of PAICS protein increases^expression 18645022
11991-22-5PDAP1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of PDAP1 protein decreases^expression 18645022
12091-22-5PDHA1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of PDHA1 protein increases^expression 18645022
12191-22-5PLPBPHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of PLPBP protein increases^expression 18645022
12291-22-5PPARAHomo sapiensquinoline analog binds to and affects the activity of PPARA protein affects^activity|affects^binding 17610302
12391-22-5PPARGHomo sapiensquinoline analog binds to and affects the activity of PPARG protein affects^activity|affects^binding 17610302
12491-22-5PRKAR1AHomo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of PRKAR1A protein increases^expression 18645022
12591-22-5PSMA3Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of PSMA3 protein decreases^expression 18645022
12691-22-5PSMC1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of PSMC1 protein increases^expression 18645022
12791-22-5PSMC5Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of PSMC5 protein increases^expression 18645022
12891-22-5PSMD4Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of PSMD4 protein decreases^expression 18645022
12991-22-5PSMD7Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of PSMD7 protein increases^expression 18645022
13091-22-5RANBP1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of RANBP1 protein decreases^expression 18645022
13191-22-5RCN2Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of RCN2 protein decreases^expression 18645022
13291-22-5RRM1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of RRM1 protein decreases^expression 18645022
13391-22-5SERPINB1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of SERPINB1 protein increases^expression 18645022
13491-22-5SERPINB5Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of SERPINB5 protein increases^expression 18645022
13591-22-5TIMP3Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of TIMP3 mRNA increases^expression 19417133
13691-22-5TIMP3Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of TIMP3 protein increases^expression 19417133
13791-22-5TLR8Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of TLR8 protein increases^activity|increases^phosphorylation 17868034
13891-22-5TNFHomo sapiensquinoline analog inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF protein] decreases^reaction|increases^expression 16973359
13991-22-5TP53Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased activity of TP53 protein increases^activity 12082016
14091-22-5TP53Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of TP53 protein increases^expression 18645022
14191-22-5TP53Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of TP53 protein mutant form increases^expression 18645022
14291-22-5TXNDC5Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of TXNDC5 protein decreases^expression 18645022
14391-22-5WDR1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in increased expression of WDR1 protein increases^expression 18645022
14491-22-5YBX1Homo sapiensquinoline analog results in decreased expression of YBX1 protein decreases^expression 18645022
Serial No. Activity Name DetailsReferences (PubMed)Other details EPA (U.S) Clinical Trials (U.S. NIH)
1 91-22-5 Benzopyridine

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