AromaDb: A Database of Plant's Aroma Molecules

Undecane Details

: IUPAC Name
:Chemical Class
:CAS Registry Number

:Fragrance Type

Physical and Chemical properties

Molecular Weight (g/mol) 156.30826
Molecular Formula C11H24
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 0
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 0
Rotatable Bond Count 8
IUPAC Name Undecane
Solubility Level
Vapour Pressure

Absorption and Metabolism information

BBB Level
Absorption Level
EXT PPB#Prediction
EXT CYP2D6#Prediction

Toxicological Information

Mouse Female FDA
Mouse Male FDA
Rat Female FDA
Rat Male FDA
Ames Prediction
Developmental / Reproductive Toxicity
Rat Oral LD50
Ocular Irritancy
Effected Human Genes

Ecological Information

Aerobic Biodegradability Prediction

Hazard(s) Identification

Physical hazards not classified
Health hazards
Environmental hazards not classified
About Table Headings

Compound Biological Activity

Serial No.Cas No Gene SymbolOrganismInteractionInteraction Actions PubMed Id
11120-21-4ABTB2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of ABTB2 protein decreases^expression 17337753
21120-21-4ACPPRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of ACPP protein decreases^expression 17337753
31120-21-4ADAMTS1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of ADAMTS1 protein increases^expression 17337753
41120-21-4ADCY3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of ADCY3 protein decreases^expression 17337753
51120-21-4ADCY4Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of ADCY4 protein increases^expression 17337753
61120-21-4AP3M2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of AP3M2 protein decreases^expression 17337753
71120-21-4AQP9Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of AQP9 protein decreases^expression 17337753
81120-21-4ARCRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of ARC protein increases^expression 17337753
91120-21-4AREGRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of AREG protein increases^expression 17337753
101120-21-4ASCL2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of ASCL2 protein decreases^expression 17337753
111120-21-4ATF3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of ATF3 protein increases^expression 17337753
121120-21-4ATP1A2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of ATP1A2 protein increases^expression 17337753
131120-21-4ATP6AP1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of ATP6AP1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
141120-21-4B3GALT4Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of B3GALT4 protein decreases^expression 17337753
151120-21-4BCL2A1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of BCL2A1 protein increases^expression 17337753
161120-21-4BDNFRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of BDNF protein decreases^expression 17337753
171120-21-4BHLHE40Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of BHLHE40 protein increases^expression 17337753
181120-21-4BHLHE41Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of BHLHE41 protein increases^expression 17337753
191120-21-4BTG2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of BTG2 protein increases^expression 17337753
201120-21-4C1SRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of C1S protein increases^expression 17337753
211120-21-4CAMKK1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of CAMKK1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
221120-21-4CAPN1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of CAPN1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
231120-21-4CASP2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of CASP2 protein decreases^expression 17337753
241120-21-4CBR1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CBR1 protein increases^expression 17337753
251120-21-4CCL17Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CCL17 protein increases^expression 17337753
261120-21-4CCL2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CCL2 protein increases^expression 17337753
271120-21-4CCL20Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CCL20 protein increases^expression 17337753
281120-21-4CD14Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CD14 protein increases^expression 17337753
291120-21-4CD53Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CD53 protein increases^expression 17337753
301120-21-4CD82Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of CD82 protein decreases^expression 17337753
311120-21-4CD93Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CD93 protein increases^expression 17337753
321120-21-4CDC25BRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of CDC25B protein decreases^expression 17337753
331120-21-4CDH1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of CDH1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
341120-21-4CDH22Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CDH22 protein increases^expression 17337753
351120-21-4CDKN1ARattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CDKN1A protein increases^expression 17337753
361120-21-4CEBPBRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CEBPB protein increases^expression 17337753
371120-21-4CEBPDRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CEBPD protein increases^expression 17337753
381120-21-4CLIC4Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CLIC4 protein increases^expression 17337753
391120-21-4CNN1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CNN1 protein increases^expression 17337753
401120-21-4COL5A3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of COL5A3 protein increases^expression 17337753
411120-21-4CPRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CP protein increases^expression 17337753
421120-21-4CPA3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CPA3 protein increases^expression 17337753
431120-21-4CSNK2A1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of CSNK2A1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
441120-21-4CTHRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of CTH protein decreases^expression 17337753
451120-21-4CXCL1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CXCL1 protein increases^expression 17337753
461120-21-4CXCL2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CXCL2 protein increases^expression 17337753
471120-21-4CYP11A1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of CYP11A1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
481120-21-4CYP1B1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CYP1B1 protein increases^expression 17337753
491120-21-4CYP3A13Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of CYP3A13 protein decreases^expression 17337753
501120-21-4CYR61Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of CYR61 protein increases^expression 17337753
511120-21-4DAB2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of DAB2 protein increases^expression 17337753
521120-21-4DDB1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of DDB1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
531120-21-4DDIT3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of DDIT3 protein increases^expression 17337753
541120-21-4DEAF1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of DEAF1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
551120-21-4DESRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of DES protein increases^expression 17337753
561120-21-4DIO2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of DIO2 protein increases^expression 17337753
571120-21-4DLG2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of DLG2 protein decreases^expression 17337753
581120-21-4DNASE1L3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of DNASE1L3 protein decreases^expression 17337753
591120-21-4DNASE2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of DNASE2 protein decreases^expression 17337753
601120-21-4DUSP1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of DUSP1 protein increases^expression 17337753
611120-21-4EEF2KRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of EEF2K protein decreases^expression 17337753
621120-21-4EGR4Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of EGR4 protein increases^expression 17337753
631120-21-4ENPEPRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of ENPEP protein increases^expression 17337753
641120-21-4ENPP2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of ENPP2 protein increases^expression 17337753
651120-21-4ENPP3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of ENPP3 protein increases^expression 17337753
661120-21-4ERBB2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of ERBB2 protein decreases^expression 17337753
671120-21-4ERGRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of ERG protein increases^expression 17337753
681120-21-4FBN1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of FBN1 protein increases^expression 17337753
691120-21-4FCGR2BRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of FCGR2B protein increases^expression 17337753
701120-21-4FCGR3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of FCGR3 protein increases^expression 17337753
711120-21-4FDFT1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of FDFT1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
721120-21-4FGF13Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of FGF13 protein decreases^expression 17337753
731120-21-4FGL2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of FGL2 protein increases^expression 17337753
741120-21-4FOSL1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of FOSL1 protein increases^expression 17337753
751120-21-4FXYD1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of FXYD1 protein increases^expression 17337753
761120-21-4GAP43Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of GAP43 protein increases^expression 17337753
771120-21-4GCH1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of GCH1 protein increases^expression 17337753
781120-21-4GJA4Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of GJA4 protein increases^expression 17337753
791120-21-4GJB5Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of GJB5 protein decreases^expression 17337753
801120-21-4GLSRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of GLS protein decreases^expression 17337753
811120-21-4GNAI1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of GNAI1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
821120-21-4GNB2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of GNB2 protein decreases^expression 17337753
831120-21-4GNG11Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of GNG11 protein increases^expression 17337753
841120-21-4GPX3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of GPX3 protein increases^expression 17337753
851120-21-4GREM1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of GREM1 protein increases^expression 17337753
861120-21-4HBBRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of HBB protein increases^expression 17337753
871120-21-4HBEGFRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of HBEGF protein increases^expression 17337753
881120-21-4HDGFRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of HDGF protein decreases^expression 17337753
891120-21-4HMGCRRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of HMGCR protein decreases^expression 17337753
901120-21-4HOMER1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of HOMER1 protein increases^expression 17337753
911120-21-4HOMER2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of HOMER2 protein decreases^expression 17337753
921120-21-4HSPB6Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of HSPB6 protein increases^expression 17337753
931120-21-4IGF1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of IGF1 protein increases^expression 17337753
941120-21-4IL6Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of IL6 protein increases^expression 17337753
951120-21-4INSMus musculus[1-Methyl-3-isobutylxanthine co-treated with butylbenzyl phthalate co-treated with INS protein] results in increased abundance of undecane analog affects^cotreatment|increases^abundance 26820058
961120-21-4IP6K1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of IP6K1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
971120-21-4IPO13Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of IPO13 protein decreases^expression 17337753
981120-21-4ITPR3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of ITPR3 protein decreases^expression 17337753
991120-21-4IVLRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of IVL protein decreases^expression 17337753
1001120-21-4JUNRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of JUN protein increases^expression 17337753
1011120-21-4JUNBRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of JUNB protein increases^expression 17337753
1021120-21-4KCNJ8Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of KCNJ8 protein increases^expression 17337753
1031120-21-4KDRRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of KDR protein increases^expression 17337753
1041120-21-4KLF5Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of KLF5 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1051120-21-4LIMK2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of LIMK2 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1061120-21-4LPAR1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of LPAR1 protein increases^expression 17337753
1071120-21-4LPLRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of LPL protein increases^expression 17337753
1081120-21-4LSRRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of LSR protein decreases^expression 17337753
1091120-21-4LTB4DHRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of LTB4DH protein decreases^expression 17337753
1101120-21-4LYPLA1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of LYPLA1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1111120-21-4MADDRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of MADD protein decreases^expression 17337753
1121120-21-4MAGT1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of MAGT1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1131120-21-4MAOBRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of MAOB protein increases^expression 17337753
1141120-21-4MAP2K5Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of MAP2K5 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1151120-21-4MAP3K1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of MAP3K1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1161120-21-4Mar-02Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of MARC2 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1171120-21-4MCPT1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of MCPT1 protein increases^expression 17337753
1181120-21-4MGAT1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of MGAT1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1191120-21-4MGPRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of MGP protein increases^expression 17337753
1201120-21-4MT1ARattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of MT1A protein increases^expression 17337753
1211120-21-4MVKRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of MVK protein decreases^expression 17337753
1221120-21-4MYCRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of MYC protein increases^expression 17337753
1231120-21-4MYH11Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of MYH11 protein increases^expression 17337753
1241120-21-4NEFMRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of NEFM protein increases^expression 17337753
1251120-21-4NFIL3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of NFIL3 protein increases^expression 17337753
1261120-21-4NME1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of NME1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1271120-21-4NPTX1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of NPTX1 protein increases^expression 17337753
1281120-21-4NPYRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of NPY protein increases^expression 17337753
1291120-21-4NR1D1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of NR1D1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1301120-21-4NR4A1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of NR4A1 protein increases^expression 17337753
1311120-21-4NR4A2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of NR4A2 protein increases^expression 17337753
1321120-21-4NR4A3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of NR4A3 protein increases^expression 17337753
1331120-21-4NRD1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of NRD1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1341120-21-4NRN1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of NRN1 protein increases^expression 17337753
1351120-21-4NTRK2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of NTRK2 protein increases^expression 17337753
1361120-21-4OATRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of OAT protein decreases^expression 17337753
1371120-21-4OCMRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of OCM protein decreases^expression 17337753
1381120-21-4OLFM1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of OLFM1 protein increases^expression 17337753
1391120-21-4PANK4Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of PANK4 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1401120-21-4PCP4Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of PCP4 protein increases^expression 17337753
1411120-21-4PDK1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of PDK1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1421120-21-4PDZK1IP1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of PDZK1IP1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1431120-21-4PENK-RSRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of PENK-RS protein increases^expression 17337753
1441120-21-4PGK1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of PGK1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1451120-21-4PKMRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of PKM protein decreases^expression 17337753
1461120-21-4PLAURRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of PLAUR protein increases^expression 17337753
1471120-21-4PLP1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of PLP1 protein increases^expression 17337753
1481120-21-4PLPP1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of PLPP1 protein increases^expression 17337753
1491120-21-4PLSCR1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of PLSCR1 protein increases^expression 17337753
1501120-21-4PLVAPRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of PLVAP protein increases^expression 17337753
1511120-21-4PODXLRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of PODXL protein increases^expression 17337753
1521120-21-4PRKAR2BRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of PRKAR2B protein increases^expression 17337753
1531120-21-4PROM2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of PROM2 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1541120-21-4PSAPRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of PSAP protein decreases^expression 17337753
1551120-21-4PTGS2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein increases^expression 17337753
1561120-21-4PTHLHRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of PTHLH protein increases^expression 17337753
1571120-21-4PTPN21Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of PTPN21 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1581120-21-4RASD1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of RASD1 protein increases^expression 17337753
1591120-21-4RBP2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of RBP2 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1601120-21-4RETSATRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of RETSAT protein decreases^expression 17337753
1611120-21-4RGS2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of RGS2 protein increases^expression 17337753
1621120-21-4RGS5Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of RGS5 protein increases^expression 17337753
1631120-21-4RHOBRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of RHOB protein increases^expression 17337753
1641120-21-4RUNX1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of RUNX1 protein increases^expression 17337753
1651120-21-4RYKRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of RYK protein decreases^expression 17337753
1661120-21-4SCARB1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of SCARB1 protein increases^expression 17337753
1671120-21-4SCN3ARattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of SCN3A protein increases^expression 17337753
1681120-21-4SERPINE1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of SERPINE1 protein increases^expression 17337753
1691120-21-4SERPINI1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of SERPINI1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1701120-21-4SHOX2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of SHOX2 protein increases^expression 17337753
1711120-21-4SLC11A2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of SLC11A2 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1721120-21-4SLC16A3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of SLC16A3 protein increases^expression 17337753
1731120-21-4SLC1A1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of SLC1A1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1741120-21-4SLC25A27Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of SLC25A27 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1751120-21-4SLC35E4Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of SLC35E4 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1761120-21-4SLC37A4Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of SLC37A4 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1771120-21-4SLCO3A1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of SLCO3A1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1781120-21-4SLFN3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of SLFN3 protein increases^expression 17337753
1791120-21-4SLPIRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of SLPI protein decreases^expression 17337753
1801120-21-4SMPD3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of SMPD3 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1811120-21-4SNCGRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of SNCG protein increases^expression 17337753
1821120-21-4SORBS2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of SORBS2 protein increases^expression 17337753
1831120-21-4SPARCL1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of SPARCL1 protein increases^expression 17337753
1841120-21-4SPTBN2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of SPTBN2 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1851120-21-4ST3GAL2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of ST3GAL2 protein increases^expression 17337753
1861120-21-4STSRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of STS protein decreases^expression 17337753
1871120-21-4TAGLNRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of TAGLN protein increases^expression 17337753
1881120-21-4TCF4Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of TCF4 protein increases^expression 17337753
1891120-21-4TDGRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of TDG protein decreases^expression 17337753
1901120-21-4TFAMRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of TFAM protein decreases^expression 17337753
1911120-21-4TGM1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of TGM1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1921120-21-4TGM2Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of TGM2 protein increases^expression 17337753
1931120-21-4TIMP1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of TIMP1 protein increases^expression 17337753
1941120-21-4TNMDRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of TNMD protein increases^expression 17337753
1951120-21-4TPI1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of TPI1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1961120-21-4TSNRattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of TSN protein decreases^expression 17337753
1971120-21-4TWIST1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of TWIST1 protein increases^expression 17337753
1981120-21-4TXNRD1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of TXNRD1 protein decreases^expression 17337753
1991120-21-4TYRO3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of TYRO3 protein decreases^expression 17337753
2001120-21-4UBE2D3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of UBE2D3 protein decreases^expression 17337753
2011120-21-4UCHL3Rattus norvegicusundecane results in decreased expression of UCHL3 protein decreases^expression 17337753
2021120-21-4VEGFCRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of VEGFC protein increases^expression 17337753
2031120-21-4VIMRattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of VIM protein increases^expression 17337753
2041120-21-4XCL1Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of XCL1 protein increases^expression 17337753
2051120-21-4ZFP36Rattus norvegicusundecane results in increased expression of ZFP36 protein increases^expression 17337753
Serial No. Activity Name DetailsReferences (PubMed)Other details EPA (U.S) Clinical Trials (U.S. NIH)

Plant Variety and Essential oils

Serial No. Plant NameVariety NameEssential OilCompound Percentage
1 Chervil Anthriscus cerefolium essential oil

Compound Image

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