AromaDb: A Database of Plant's Aroma Molecules

Diethyltoluamide Details

: IUPAC Name
:Chemical Class
:CAS Registry Number

:Fragrance Type

Physical and Chemical properties

Molecular Weight (g/mol) 191.269
Molecular Formula C12H17NO
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 0
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 1
Rotatable Bond Count 3
IUPAC Name N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide
Canonical SMILES CCN(CC)C(=O)c1cccc(C)c1
Solubility Level 3
Vapour Pressure -2.704

Absorption and Metabolism information

BBB Level 1
Absorption Level 0
EXT PPB#Prediction 1
AlogP98 2.427
EXT CYP2D6#Prediction 0

Toxicological Information

Mouse Female FDA Non-Carcinogen
Mouse Male FDA Multi-Carcinogen
Rat Female FDA Multi-Carcinogen
Rat Male FDA Non-Carcinogen
Ames Prediction Non-Mutagen
Developmental / Reproductive Toxicity Non-Toxic
Rat Oral LD50 2.69793 g/kg_body_weight
Ocular Irritancy Mild
Hepatotoxic#Prediction 0
Effected Human Genes

Ecological Information

Aerobic Biodegradability Prediction Non-Degradable

Hazard(s) Identification

Physical hazards not classified
Health hazards None
Environmental hazards not classified
About Table Headings

Compound Biological Activity

Serial No.Cas No Gene SymbolOrganismInteractionInteraction Actions PubMed Id
1134-62-3ABCB11Homo sapiensDEET results in decreased expression of ABCB11 mRNA decreases^expression 27091632
2134-62-3ACHEHomo sapiensDEET results in decreased activity of ACHE protein decreases^activity 21354413
3134-62-3ACHERattus norvegicus[DEET co-treated with Permethrin] results in decreased activity of ACHE protein affects^cotreatment|decreases^activity 11248143|14713564
4134-62-3ACHERattus norvegicus[DEET co-treated with Permethrin] results in increased activity of ACHE protein affects^cotreatment|increases^activity 14713564
5134-62-3ACHERattus norvegicusDEET results in increased activity of ACHE protein increases^activity 14713564
6134-62-3ACHERattus norvegicus[Pyridostigmine Bromide co-treated with DEET] results in decreased activity of ACHE protein affects^cotreatment|decreases^activity 11248143
7134-62-3ACHERattus norvegicus[Pyridostigmine Bromide co-treated with DEET] results in increased activity of ACHE protein affects^cotreatment|increases^activity 14751452
8134-62-3ACHERattus norvegicus[Pyridostigmine Bromide co-treated with Permethrin co-treated with DEET] results in decreased activity of ACHE protein affects^cotreatment|decreases^activity 11248143|14751452
9134-62-3ACHERattus norvegicus[Pyridostigmine Bromide co-treated with Permethrin co-treated with DEET] results in increased activity of ACHE protein affects^cotreatment|increases^activity 14751452
10134-62-3ADRA1AHomo sapiensDEET results in decreased expression of ADRA1A mRNA decreases^expression 27091632
11134-62-3ADRA1AHomo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of ADRA1A mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
12134-62-3ADRA1BHomo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of ADRA1B mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
13134-62-3ADRA2CHomo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of ADRA2C mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
14134-62-3ADRB1Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of ADRB1 mRNA increases^expression 27091632
15134-62-3ADRB1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of ADRB1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
16134-62-3ADRB2Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of ADRB2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
17134-62-3ALDH3A1Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of ALDH3A1 mRNA increases^expression 27091632
18134-62-3ALPIHomo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of ALPI mRNA increases^expression 27091632
19134-62-3ALPIHomo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of ALPI mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
20134-62-3ARHomo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of AR mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
21134-62-3BAXRattus norvegicus[Pyridostigmine Bromide co-treated with DEET co-treated with Permethrin] results in increased expression of BAX protein affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 12587291
22134-62-3BCHEHomo sapiensDEET results in decreased activity of BCHE protein decreases^activity 21354413
23134-62-3BCHERattus norvegicus[Pyridostigmine Bromide co-treated with DEET] results in increased activity of BCHE protein affects^cotreatment|increases^activity 14751452
24134-62-3BRINP2Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of BRINP2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
25134-62-3BTNL9Homo sapiensDEET results in decreased expression of BTNL9 mRNA decreases^expression 27091632
26134-62-3C1ORF226Homo sapiensDEET results in decreased expression of C1ORF226 mRNA decreases^expression 27091632
27134-62-3C21ORF62Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of C21ORF62 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
28134-62-3CA12Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CA12 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
29134-62-3CABP4Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of CABP4 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
30134-62-3CALCBHomo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CALCB mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
31134-62-3CALHM4Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CALHM4 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
32134-62-3CHATRattus norvegicus[Pyridostigmine Bromide co-treated with Permethrin co-treated with DEET] results in increased activity of CHAT protein affects^cotreatment|increases^activity 11248143
33134-62-3CHRM2Rattus norvegicusDEET affects the activity of CHRM2 protein affects^activity 14713564
34134-62-3CHRM2Rattus norvegicusDEET promotes the reaction [AFDX 384 binds to CHRM2 protein] affects^binding|increases^reaction 11248143
35134-62-3CHRM2Rattus norvegicus[Pyridostigmine Bromide co-treated with Permethrin co-treated with DEET] promotes the reaction [AFDX 384 binds to CHRM2 protein] affects^binding|affects^cotreatment|increases^reaction 14751452
36134-62-3CXCL13Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of CXCL13 mRNA increases^expression 27091632
37134-62-3CYB5AHomo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of CYB5A mRNA increases^expression 27091632
38134-62-3CYB5AHomo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CYB5A mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
39134-62-3CYP1A1Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of CYP1A1 mRNA increases^expression 27091632
40134-62-3CYP1A1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CYP1A1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
41134-62-3CYP1A2Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of CYP1A2 mRNA increases^expression 19326769|27091632
42134-62-3CYP1A2Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CYP1A2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
43134-62-3CYP20A1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of CYP20A1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
44134-62-3CYP21A2Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CYP21A2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
45134-62-3CYP26A1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CYP26A1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
46134-62-3CYP26B1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CYP26B1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
47134-62-3CYP27C1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of CYP27C1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
48134-62-3CYP2A13Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of CYP2A13 mRNA increases^expression 27091632
49134-62-3CYP2A6Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of CYP2A6 mRNA increases^expression 19326769|27091632
50134-62-3CYP2A6Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CYP2A6 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
51134-62-3CYP2A7Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of CYP2A7 mRNA increases^expression 27091632
52134-62-3CYP2A7Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CYP2A7 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
53134-62-3CYP2B6Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of CYP2B6 mRNA increases^expression 19326769|27091632
54134-62-3CYP2B6Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CYP2B6 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
55134-62-3CYP2B7PHomo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of CYP2B7P mRNA increases^expression 27091632
56134-62-3CYP2B7PHomo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CYP2B7P mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
57134-62-3CYP2C19Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of CYP2C19 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
58134-62-3CYP2C8Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of CYP2C8 mRNA increases^expression 27091632
59134-62-3CYP2C8Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CYP2C8 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
60134-62-3CYP2C9Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of CYP2C9 mRNA increases^expression 27091632
61134-62-3CYP2C9Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CYP2C9 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
62134-62-3CYP2E1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of CYP2E1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
63134-62-3CYP3A4Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of CYP3A4 mRNA increases^expression 19326769|27091632
64134-62-3CYP3A4Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CYP3A4 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
65134-62-3CYP3A43Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of CYP3A43 mRNA increases^expression 27091632
66134-62-3CYP3A43Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CYP3A43 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
67134-62-3CYP3A5Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of CYP3A5 mRNA increases^expression 27091632
68134-62-3CYP3A5Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CYP3A5 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
69134-62-3CYP3A7Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of CYP3A7 mRNA increases^expression 27091632
70134-62-3CYP3A7Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CYP3A7 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
71134-62-3CYP46A1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of CYP46A1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
72134-62-3CYP4A11Homo sapiensDEET results in decreased expression of CYP4A11 mRNA decreases^expression 27091632
73134-62-3CYP4A11Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of CYP4A11 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
74134-62-3CYP4A22Homo sapiensDEET results in decreased expression of CYP4A22 mRNA decreases^expression 27091632
75134-62-3CYP4A22Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of CYP4A22 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
76134-62-3CYP4F12Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of CYP4F12 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
77134-62-3CYP4F2Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of CYP4F2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
78134-62-3CYP4F22Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of CYP4F22 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
79134-62-3CYP4V2Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of CYP4V2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
80134-62-3CYP8B1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of CYP8B1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
81134-62-3DIO1Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of DIO1 mRNA increases^expression 27091632
82134-62-3DIO1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of DIO1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
83134-62-3DNAH5Homo sapiensDEET results in decreased expression of DNAH5 mRNA decreases^expression 27091632
84134-62-3EPHX1Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of EPHX1 mRNA increases^expression 27091632
85134-62-3ESR1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of ESR1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
86134-62-3ESR2Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of ESR2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
87134-62-3FOXN4Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of FOXN4 mRNA increases^expression 27091632
88134-62-3GFAPRattus norvegicus[DEET co-treated with Permethrin] results in increased expression of GFAP protein affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 11681848
89134-62-3GFAPRattus norvegicusDEET results in increased expression of GFAP protein increases^expression 11681848
90134-62-3GHRHomo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of GHR mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
91134-62-3GPR153Homo sapiensDEET results in decreased expression of GPR153 mRNA decreases^expression 27091632
92134-62-3GREB1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of GREB1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
93134-62-3GSG1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of GSG1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
94134-62-3GSTA2Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of GSTA2 mRNA increases^expression 27091632
95134-62-3GSTA2Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of GSTA2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
96134-62-3HAPLN3Homo sapiensDEET results in decreased expression of HAPLN3 mRNA decreases^expression 27091632
97134-62-3HMGCS2Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of HMGCS2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
98134-62-3HSD11B1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of HSD11B1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
99134-62-3HSD17B11Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of HSD17B11 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
100134-62-3HSD17B13Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of HSD17B13 mRNA increases^expression 27091632
101134-62-3HSD17B13Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of HSD17B13 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
102134-62-3HSD17B14Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of HSD17B14 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
103134-62-3HSD17B3Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of HSD17B3 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
104134-62-3HSD17B6Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of HSD17B6 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
105134-62-3HSD3B1Homo sapiensDEET results in decreased expression of HSD3B1 mRNA decreases^expression 27091632
106134-62-3HSD3B1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of HSD3B1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
107134-62-3HSDL1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of HSDL1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
108134-62-3HTR3AHomo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of HTR3A mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
109134-62-3HTRA3Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of HTRA3 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
110134-62-3HTRA4Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of HTRA4 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
111134-62-3IGF1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of IGF1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
112134-62-3INSHomo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of INS mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
113134-62-3KLK14Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of KLK14 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
114134-62-3LINC01587Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of LINC01587 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
115134-62-3MAP2Rattus norvegicus[DEET co-treated with Permethrin] results in decreased expression of MAP2 protein affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 11681848
116134-62-3MAP2Rattus norvegicusDEET results in decreased expression of MAP2 protein decreases^expression 11681848
117134-62-3MLANAHomo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of MLANA mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
118134-62-3MT1BHomo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of MT1B mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
119134-62-3MT3Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of MT3 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
120134-62-3MTRNR2L1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of MTRNR2L1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
121134-62-3NOS1APHomo sapiensDEET results in decreased expression of NOS1AP mRNA decreases^expression 27091632
122134-62-3NR0B2Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of NR0B2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
123134-62-3NR3C2Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of NR3C2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
124134-62-3ORCOAedes aegyptiORCO affects the susceptibility to DEET affects^response to substance 23719379
125134-62-3PCDH11XHomo sapiensDEET results in decreased expression of PCDH11X mRNA decreases^expression 27091632
126134-62-3PEPDMus musculus8-bromoguanosino-3',5'-cyclic monophosphorothioate analog inhibits the reaction [DEET results in increased activity of PEPD protein] decreases^reaction|increases^activity 16167338
127134-62-3PEPDMus musculusDEET results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of PEPD protein increases^activity|increases^phosphorylation 16167338
128134-62-3PLCH2Homo sapiensDEET results in decreased expression of PLCH2 mRNA decreases^expression 27091632
129134-62-3PORHomo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of POR mRNA increases^expression 27091632
130134-62-3PORHomo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of POR mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
131134-62-3PRAMEF8Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of PRAMEF8 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
132134-62-3PSG9Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of PSG9 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
133134-62-3RUBCNHomo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of RUBCN mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
134134-62-3SLC16A2Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of SLC16A2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
135134-62-3SLC51BHomo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of SLC51B mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
136134-62-3SPATA46Homo sapiensDEET results in decreased expression of SPATA46 mRNA decreases^expression 27091632
137134-62-3SULT1A1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of SULT1A1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
138134-62-3SULT1A2Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of SULT1A2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
139134-62-3SULT1B1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of SULT1B1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
140134-62-3SULT1C2Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of SULT1C2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
141134-62-3SULT1E1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of SULT1E1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
142134-62-3SULT2A1Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of SULT2A1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
143134-62-3TATHomo sapiensDEET results in decreased expression of TAT mRNA decreases^expression 27091632
144134-62-3THRSPHomo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in increased expression of THRSP mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 27091632
145134-62-3TMEM212Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of TMEM212 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
146134-62-3TNFRSF19Homo sapiensDEET results in increased expression of TNFRSF19 mRNA increases^expression 27091632
147134-62-3TP53Rattus norvegicus[Pyridostigmine Bromide co-treated with DEET co-treated with Permethrin] results in increased expression of TP53 protein affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 12587291
148134-62-3TRABD2BHomo sapiensDEET results in decreased expression of TRABD2B mRNA decreases^expression 27091632
149134-62-3UROC1Homo sapiensDEET results in decreased expression of UROC1 mRNA decreases^expression 27091632
150134-62-3VN1R2Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of VN1R2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
151134-62-3ZNF793Homo sapiens[fipronil co-treated with DEET] results in decreased expression of ZNF793 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 27091632
Serial No. Activity Name DetailsReferences (PubMed)Other details EPA (U.S) Clinical Trials (U.S. NIH)
1 134-62-3 Diethyltoluamide

Plant Variety and Essential oils

Serial No. Plant NameVariety NameEssential OilCompound Percentage
1 Mulethi Mishri Glucyrrhiza glabra mulethi essential oil

Compound Image

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