AromaDb: A Database of Plant's Aroma Molecules

Dibutyl Phthalate Details

: IUPAC Name
dibutyl benzene-1,2-dicarboxylate
:Chemical Class
:CAS Registry Number

:Fragrance Type

Physical and Chemical properties

Molecular Weight (g/mol) 278.343
Molecular Formula C16H22O4
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 0
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 4
Rotatable Bond Count 10
IUPAC Name dibutyl benzene-1,2-dicarboxylate
Canonical SMILES CCCCOC(=O)c1ccccc1C(=O)OCCCC
Solubility Level 2
Vapour Pressure -4.381

Absorption and Metabolism information

BBB Level 1
Absorption Level 0
EXT PPB#Prediction 1
AlogP98 4.198
EXT CYP2D6#Prediction 0

Toxicological Information

Mouse Female FDA Non-Carcinogen
Mouse Male FDA Multi-Carcinogen
Rat Female FDA Single-Carcinogen
Rat Male FDA Multi-Carcinogen
Ames Prediction Non-Mutagen
Developmental / Reproductive Toxicity Non-Toxic
Rat Oral LD50 10.8663 g/kg_body_weight
Ocular Irritancy None
Hepatotoxic#Prediction 0
Effected Human Genes

Ecological Information

Aerobic Biodegradability Prediction Degradable

Hazard(s) Identification

Physical hazards not classified
Health hazards Mild
Environmental hazards not classified
About Table Headings

Compound Biological Activity

Serial No.Cas No Gene SymbolOrganismInteractionInteraction Actions PubMed Id
184-74-2AAASMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AAAS mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
284-74-2AACSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AACS mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
384-74-2AACSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AACS mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
484-74-2AARDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AARD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
584-74-2AARSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AARS mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
684-74-2AATFRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AATF mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
784-74-2ABATMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ABAT mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
884-74-2ABCA6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ABCA6 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
984-74-2ABCB10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ABCB10 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
1084-74-2ABCC4Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ABCC4 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
1184-74-2ABCC5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ABCC5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
1284-74-2ABCC5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ABCC5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
1384-74-2ABCC6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ABCC6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
1484-74-2ABCC6Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ABCC6 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
1584-74-2ABCF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ABCF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
1684-74-2ABCG1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ABCG1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
1784-74-2ABCG2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ABCG2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
1884-74-2ABCG4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ABCG4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
1984-74-2ABHD11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ABHD11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
2084-74-2ABHD12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ABHD12 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
2184-74-2ABHD12Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ABHD12 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
2284-74-2ABHD14AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ABHD14A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
2384-74-2ABHD14BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ABHD14B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
2484-74-2ABHD17AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ABHD17A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
2584-74-2ABHD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ABHD3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
2684-74-2ABHD6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ABHD6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
2784-74-2ABHD8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ABHD8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
2884-74-2ABI3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ABI3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
2984-74-2ABI3BPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ABI3BP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
3084-74-2ABRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ABR mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
3184-74-2ABTB2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ABTB2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
3284-74-2ACAA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACAA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
3384-74-2ACAA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ACAA2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
3484-74-2ACAA2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACAA2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
3584-74-2ACAD9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ACAD9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
3684-74-2ACAD9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACAD9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
3784-74-2ACADLRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACADL mRNA increases^expression 21266533
3884-74-2ACADMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACADM mRNA increases^expression 21266533
3984-74-2ACADSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACADS mRNA increases^expression 17379624|21266533
4084-74-2ACADVLRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACADVL mRNA increases^expression 21266533
4184-74-2ACAP3Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ACAP3 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
4284-74-2ACAT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ACAT1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
4384-74-2ACAT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACAT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
4484-74-2ACAT2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACAT2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
4584-74-2ACBD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACBD3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
4684-74-2ACDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACD mRNA increases^expression 21266533
4784-74-2ACLYRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ACLY mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
4884-74-2ACO2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ACO2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
4984-74-2ACOT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACOT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
5084-74-2ACOT13Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ACOT13 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
5184-74-2ACOT2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ACOT2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
5284-74-2ACOT9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACOT9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
5384-74-2ACOX1Danio rerioDibutyl Phthalate results in increased activity of ACOX1 protein increases^activity 16002344
5484-74-2ACOXLRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ACOXL promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
5584-74-2ACP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ACP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
5684-74-2ACSBG1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ACSBG1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
5784-74-2ACSL4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACSL4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
5884-74-2ACSL4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ACSL4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
5984-74-2ACSL6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACSL6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
6084-74-2ACSM3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ACSM3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
6184-74-2ACSS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ACSS1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
6284-74-2ACSS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACSS2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
6384-74-2ACSS2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ACSS2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
6484-74-2ACTA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACTA2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
6584-74-2ACTBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACTB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
6684-74-2ACTG1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACTG1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
6784-74-2ACTG2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACTG2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
6884-74-2ACTG2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ACTG2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
6984-74-2ACTL6AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ACTL6A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
7084-74-2ACTL6ARattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ACTL6A promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
7184-74-2ACTN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACTN1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
7284-74-2ACTN1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of ACTN1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
7384-74-2ACTN3Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ACTN3 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
7484-74-2ACTN4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACTN4 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
7584-74-2ACTR2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACTR2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
7684-74-2ACTR3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACTR3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
7784-74-2ACVR2ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ACVR2A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
7884-74-2ACY1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ACY1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
7984-74-2ADAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
8084-74-2ADARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ADA mRNA increases^expression 24893172
8184-74-2ADAMRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADAM mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
8284-74-2ADAM19Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ADAM19 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
8384-74-2ADAM33Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADAM33 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
8484-74-2ADAM6AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ADAM6A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
8584-74-2ADAM9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ADAM9 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
8684-74-2ADAMTS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ADAMTS1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
8784-74-2ADARMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADAR mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
8884-74-2ADARB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ADARB1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
8984-74-2ADCK5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ADCK5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
9084-74-2ADCY3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADCY3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
9184-74-2ADCY4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ADCY4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
9284-74-2ADCY5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ADCY5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
9384-74-2ADCY6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADCY6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
9484-74-2ADCY9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADCY9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
9584-74-2ADCYAP1R1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADCYAP1R1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
9684-74-2ADD3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADD3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
9784-74-2ADGRA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADGRA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
9884-74-2ADGRB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ADGRB1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
9984-74-2ADGRD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ADGRD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
10084-74-2ADGRL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADGRL1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
10184-74-2ADGRL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ADGRL2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
10284-74-2ADH5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADH5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
10384-74-2ADH6ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ADH6A mRNA increases^expression 24893172
10484-74-2ADI1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADI1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
10584-74-2ADIPOR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ADIPOR1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
10684-74-2ADIPOR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADIPOR2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
10784-74-2ADKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADK mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
10884-74-2ADNPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADNP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
10984-74-2ADOMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADO mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
11084-74-2ADORA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADORA1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
11184-74-2ADORA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ADORA1 mRNA increases^expression 15620428
11284-74-2ADORA2ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADORA2A mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
11384-74-2ADRA1ARattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ADRA1A promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
11484-74-2ADRA1ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADRA1A mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
11584-74-2ADRA2BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADRA2B mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
11684-74-2ADRM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADRM1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
11784-74-2ADSLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ADSL mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
11884-74-2ADTRPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ADTRP mRNA increases^expression 24893172
11984-74-2AEBP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AEBP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
12084-74-2AENRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AEN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
12184-74-2AESMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AES mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
12284-74-2AFAP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AFAP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
12384-74-2AFF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AFF2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
12484-74-2AFF3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AFF3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
12584-74-2AFF4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AFF4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
12684-74-2AFF4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AFF4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
12784-74-2AFMIDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AFMID mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
12884-74-2AGAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AGA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
12984-74-2AGAP3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AGAP3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
13084-74-2AGFG1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AGFG1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
13184-74-2AGKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AGK mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
13284-74-2AGO2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AGO2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
13384-74-2AGTRAPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AGTRAP mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
13484-74-2AHCYL2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AHCYL2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
13584-74-2AHNAKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AHNAK mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
13684-74-2AHRHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate binds to and results in increased activity of AHR protein affects^binding|increases^activity 23220035
13784-74-2AHRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate affects the activity of AHR protein affects^activity 18294747
13884-74-2AHRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AHR mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
13984-74-2AHSPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AHSP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
14084-74-2AHSPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AHSP mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
14184-74-2AIFM2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AIFM2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
14284-74-2AIG1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AIG1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
14384-74-2AIPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AIP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
14484-74-2AJUBAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AJUBA mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
14584-74-2AK2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AK2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
14684-74-2AKAP12Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AKAP12 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
14784-74-2AKAP13Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AKAP13 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
14884-74-2AKAP17ARattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of AKAP17A promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
14984-74-2AKAP17BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AKAP17B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
15084-74-2AKAP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AKAP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
15184-74-2AKAP5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AKAP5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
15284-74-2AKAP7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AKAP7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
15384-74-2AKIP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AKIP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
15484-74-2AKIP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AKIP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
15584-74-2AKR1B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AKR1B1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
15684-74-2AKR1B7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AKR1B7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
15784-74-2AKR1B8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AKR1B8 mRNA increases^expression 19560483
15884-74-2AKR1C1Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AKR1C1 mRNA increases^expression 18214805
15984-74-2AKR1C18Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AKR1C18 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
16084-74-2AKR1C19Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AKR1C19 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
16184-74-2AKR7A2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AKR7A2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
16284-74-2AKR7A3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AKR7A3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
16384-74-2AKR7A5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AKR7A5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
16484-74-2ALADRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALAD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
16584-74-2ALAS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALAS1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491
16684-74-2ALAS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ALAS1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
16784-74-2ALAS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ALAS2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
16884-74-2ALCAMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ALCAM mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
16984-74-2ALCAMRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALCAM mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
17084-74-2ALDH16A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALDH16A1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
17184-74-2ALDH1A3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALDH1A3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
17284-74-2ALDH1B1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALDH1B1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
17384-74-2ALDH1L1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALDH1L1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|21745491
17484-74-2ALDH2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALDH2 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491
17584-74-2ALDH3A2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALDH3A2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
17684-74-2ALDH5A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALDH5A1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
17784-74-2ALDH6A1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ALDH6A1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
17884-74-2ALDH6A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALDH6A1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
17984-74-2ALDH7A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALDH7A1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
18084-74-2ALDH9A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALDH9A1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
18184-74-2ALDH9A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ALDH9A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
18284-74-2ALDOAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALDOA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
18384-74-2ALDOBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ALDOB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
18484-74-2ALDOCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALDOC mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
18584-74-2ALG1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALG1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
18684-74-2ALG11Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ALG11 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
18784-74-2ALG13Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ALG13 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
18884-74-2ALG2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALG2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
18984-74-2ALG8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALG8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
19084-74-2ALKBH2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALKBH2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
19184-74-2ALKBH3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALKBH3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
19284-74-2ALKBH3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ALKBH3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
19384-74-2ALKBH4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALKBH4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
19484-74-2ALKBH6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALKBH6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
19584-74-2ALKBH7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ALKBH7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
19684-74-2ALLCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ALLC mRNA increases^expression 24893172
19784-74-2AMACRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AMACR mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
19884-74-2AMD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AMD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
19984-74-2AMER3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AMER3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
20084-74-2AMHRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AMH mRNA increases^expression 21266533
20184-74-2AMHRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AMH protein increases^expression 17379624
20284-74-2AMHR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AMHR2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
20384-74-2AMHR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AMHR2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
20484-74-2AMIGO2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AMIGO2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
20584-74-2AMMECR1LRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AMMECR1L mRNA increases^expression 21266533
20684-74-2AMN1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of AMN1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
20784-74-2AMOTL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AMOTL2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
20884-74-2AMZ2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of AMZ2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
20984-74-2ANAPC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANAPC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
21084-74-2ANAPC11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANAPC11 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
21184-74-2ANAPC16Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANAPC16 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
21284-74-2ANAPC5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANAPC5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
21384-74-2ANGPTL4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANGPTL4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
21484-74-2ANKEF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ANKEF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
21584-74-2ANKRD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ANKRD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
21684-74-2ANKRD10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANKRD10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
21784-74-2ANKRD13AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANKRD13A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
21884-74-2ANKRD13CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ANKRD13C mRNA increases^expression 21266533
21984-74-2ANKRD24Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANKRD24 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
22084-74-2ANKRD28Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ANKRD28 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
22184-74-2ANKRD29Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANKRD29 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
22284-74-2ANKRD35Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANKRD35 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
22384-74-2ANKRD37Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANKRD37 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
22484-74-2ANKRD46Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANKRD46 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
22584-74-2ANKRD54Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANKRD54 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
22684-74-2ANKRD6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANKRD6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
22784-74-2ANO10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ANO10 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
22884-74-2ANO6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ANO6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
22984-74-2ANP32AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANP32A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
23084-74-2ANP32ARattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ANP32A promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
23184-74-2ANP32BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANP32B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
23284-74-2ANP32EMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANP32E mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
23384-74-2ANP32ERattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ANP32E promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
23484-74-2ANXA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ANXA1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
23584-74-2ANXA11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANXA11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
23684-74-2ANXA3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ANXA3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
23784-74-2ANXA5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ANXA5 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
23884-74-2ANXA5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ANXA5 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
23984-74-2ANXA7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ANXA7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
24084-74-2ANXA9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ANXA9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
24184-74-2AOC3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AOC3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
24284-74-2AP1S2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AP1S2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
24384-74-2AP2A1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of AP2A1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
24484-74-2AP3M1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AP3M1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
24584-74-2AP3M1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AP3M1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
24684-74-2AP5M1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AP5M1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
24784-74-2APBA2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of APBA2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
24884-74-2APC2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of APC2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
24984-74-2APEG3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of APEG3 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
25084-74-2APEHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of APEH mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
25184-74-2APEX1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of APEX1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
25284-74-2APH1ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of APH1A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
25384-74-2APIPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of APIP mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
25484-74-2APLFRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of APLF mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
25584-74-2APLNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of APLN mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
25684-74-2APLP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of APLP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
25784-74-2APOBEC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of APOBEC3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
25884-74-2APODRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of APOD mRNA increases^expression 21266533
25984-74-2AQP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AQP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
26084-74-2AQP12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AQP12 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
26184-74-2AQP5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AQP5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
26284-74-2AQP9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AQP9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
26384-74-2ARHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate inhibits the reaction [Dihydrotestosterone binds to and results in increased activity of AR protein] affects^binding|decreases^reaction|increases^activity 15840436|20943248
26484-74-2ARHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate inhibits the reaction [Dihydrotestosterone results in increased activity of AR protein] decreases^reaction|increases^activity 19643168
26584-74-2ARHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased activity of AR protein decreases^activity 26867867
26684-74-2ARHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased activity of AR protein increases^activity 19643168
26784-74-2ARHomo sapiensFlutamide inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in increased activity of AR protein] decreases^reaction|increases^activity 19643168
26884-74-2ARMus musculusAR protein results in increased susceptibility to Dibutyl Phthalate increases^response to substance 25434310
26984-74-2ARRattus norvegicusbisphenol A promotes the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AR mRNA] increases^expression|increases^reaction 23294617
27084-74-2ARRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate binds to AR protein affects^binding 14565775
27184-74-2ARRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate promotes the reaction [bisphenol A results in increased expression of AR mRNA] increases^expression|increases^reaction 23294617
27284-74-2ARRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AR mRNA decreases^expression 22027561|22273727|24067674|25213187|26514922|26948521|27079746
27384-74-2ARRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AR protein decreases^expression 24067674|26514922|28341571
27484-74-2ARRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AR mRNA increases^expression 15829613|23294617
27584-74-2ARRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AR protein increases^expression 19549552
27684-74-2ARAP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARAP2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
27784-74-2ARCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARC mRNA increases^expression 21266533
27884-74-2ARCN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARCN1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
27984-74-2AREGRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AREG mRNA increases^expression 21266533
28084-74-2ARF3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARF3 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
28184-74-2ARF4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARF4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
28284-74-2ARF5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARF5 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
28384-74-2ARF6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARF6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
28484-74-2ARF6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARF6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
28584-74-2ARFGAP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARFGAP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
28684-74-2ARG1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARG1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
28784-74-2ARG2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARG2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
28884-74-2ARHGAP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARHGAP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
28984-74-2ARHGAP10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARHGAP10 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
29084-74-2ARHGAP18Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARHGAP18 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
29184-74-2ARHGAP21Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARHGAP21 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
29284-74-2ARHGAP22Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARHGAP22 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
29384-74-2ARHGAP45Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARHGAP45 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
29484-74-2ARHGAP6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARHGAP6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
29584-74-2ARHGDIARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARHGDIA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
29684-74-2ARHGDIBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARHGDIB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
29784-74-2ARHGEF10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARHGEF10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
29884-74-2ARHGEF12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARHGEF12 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
29984-74-2ARHGEF17Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARHGEF17 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
30084-74-2ARHGEF18Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARHGEF18 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
30184-74-2ARHGEF25Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARHGEF25 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
30284-74-2ARHGEF28Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARHGEF28 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
30384-74-2ARHGEF3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARHGEF3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
30484-74-2ARHGEF4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARHGEF4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
30584-74-2ARHGEF4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARHGEF4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
30684-74-2ARID3BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARID3B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
30784-74-2ARID5BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARID5B mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
30884-74-2ARIH1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARIH1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
30984-74-2ARIH2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARIH2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
31084-74-2ARL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARL2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
31184-74-2ARL2BPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARL2BP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
31284-74-2ARL4CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARL4C mRNA increases^expression 21266533
31384-74-2ARL4DMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARL4D mRNA increases^expression 17361019
31484-74-2ARL5ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARL5A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
31584-74-2ARL5BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARL5B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
31684-74-2ARL6IP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARL6IP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
31784-74-2ARL6IP4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARL6IP4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
31884-74-2ARL6IP5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARL6IP5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
31984-74-2ARMC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARMC2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
32084-74-2ARMC6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARMC6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
32184-74-2ARMC8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARMC8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
32284-74-2ARMCX2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARMCX2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
32384-74-2ARMCX2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ARMCX2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
32484-74-2ARMCX3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARMCX3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
32584-74-2ARMCX6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARMCX6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
32684-74-2ARNTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARNT mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
32784-74-2ARPC1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARPC1A mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
32884-74-2ARPC1BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARPC1B mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
32984-74-2ARPC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARPC2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
33084-74-2ARPC4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARPC4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
33184-74-2ARPC5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ARPC5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
33284-74-2ARPINRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARPIN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
33384-74-2ARPP19Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARPP19 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
33484-74-2ARRB2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARRB2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
33584-74-2ARRDC4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARRDC4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
33684-74-2ARSBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARSB mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
33784-74-2ART1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ART1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
33884-74-2ART4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ART4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
33984-74-2ARXRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARX mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
34084-74-2ARXES1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ARXES1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
34184-74-2AS3MTRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AS3MT mRNA increases^expression 21266533
34284-74-2ASCC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ASCC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
34384-74-2ASF1BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ASF1B mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
34484-74-2ASLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ASL mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
34584-74-2ASMTRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ASMT promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
34684-74-2ASMTLRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ASMTL promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
34784-74-2ASNA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ASNA1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
34884-74-2ASNSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ASNS mRNA increases^expression 24893172
34984-74-2ASPSCR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ASPSCR1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
35084-74-2ASS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ASS1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
35184-74-2ASS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ASS1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
35284-74-2ASXL3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ASXL3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
35384-74-2ATAD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATAD2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
35484-74-2ATAD2BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATAD2B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
35584-74-2ATAD5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATAD5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
35684-74-2ATAT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATAT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
35784-74-2ATF3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATF3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
35884-74-2ATF3Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ATF3 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
35984-74-2ATF4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATF4 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
36084-74-2ATF4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATF4 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
36184-74-2ATF5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATF5 mRNA increases^expression 24893172
36284-74-2ATF6Mus musculus4-phenylbutyric acid inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATF6 protein] decreases^reaction|increases^expression 26804720
36384-74-2ATF6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATF6 protein increases^expression 26804720
36484-74-2ATG10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATG10 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
36584-74-2ATG16L2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATG16L2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
36684-74-2ATG3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATG3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
36784-74-2ATG9ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATG9A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
36884-74-2ATL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATL2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
36984-74-2ATL3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATL3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
37084-74-2ATMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATM mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
37184-74-2ATOH8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATOH8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
37284-74-2ATP13A3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATP13A3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
37384-74-2ATP1A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATP1A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
37484-74-2ATP1A2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP1A2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
37584-74-2ATP1A2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATP1A2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
37684-74-2ATP1A3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP1A3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
37784-74-2ATP1B1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATP1B1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
37884-74-2ATP1B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP1B1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
37984-74-2ATP1B3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP1B3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
38084-74-2ATP2A2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP2A2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
38184-74-2ATP2B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATP2B1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
38284-74-2ATP2B3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP2B3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
38384-74-2ATP4BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP4B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
38484-74-2ATP5A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP5A1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
38584-74-2ATP5C1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP5C1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
38684-74-2ATP5DMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP5D mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
38784-74-2ATP5EMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP5E mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
38884-74-2ATP5F1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATP5F1 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
38984-74-2ATP5G1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP5G1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
39084-74-2ATP5IRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATP5I mRNA increases^expression 21266533
39184-74-2ATP5JMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP5J mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
39284-74-2ATP5J2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP5J2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
39384-74-2ATP5KMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP5K mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
39484-74-2ATP5LRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP5L mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
39584-74-2ATP5ORattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP5O mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
39684-74-2ATP6AP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP6AP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
39784-74-2ATP6V0A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATP6V0A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
39884-74-2ATP6V0BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATP6V0B mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
39984-74-2ATP6V0E2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP6V0E2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
40084-74-2ATP6V1FMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP6V1F mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
40184-74-2ATP7AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATP7A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
40284-74-2ATP8A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATP8A1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
40384-74-2ATP8B1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATP8B1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
40484-74-2ATP8B2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATP8B2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
40584-74-2ATPAF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATPAF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
40684-74-2ATPAF2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATPAF2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
40784-74-2ATPIF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATPIF1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
40884-74-2ATRAIDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATRAID mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
40984-74-2ATRNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATRN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
41084-74-2ATXN10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATXN10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
41184-74-2ATXN10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATXN10 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
41284-74-2ATXN1LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATXN1L mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
41384-74-2ATXN1LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ATXN1L mRNA increases^expression 21266533
41484-74-2ATXN7L1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ATXN7L1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
41584-74-2AUP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AUP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
41684-74-2AURKAIP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AURKAIP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
41784-74-2AURKBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AURKB mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
41884-74-2AVPR1ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AVPR1A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
41984-74-2AVPR1ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AVPR1A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
42084-74-2AVPR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AVPR2 mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
42184-74-2AXIN1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AXIN1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
42284-74-2AXIN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AXIN2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
42384-74-2AXLRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AXL mRNA increases^expression 21266533
42484-74-2AXUD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AXUD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
42584-74-2AZI2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AZI2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
42684-74-2AZIN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of AZIN1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
42784-74-2AZIN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of AZIN2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
42884-74-2B2MRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of B2M mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
42984-74-2B2MRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of B2M mRNA increases^expression 21266533
43084-74-2B3GALT5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of B3GALT5 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
43184-74-2B3GALT5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of B3GALT5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
43284-74-2B3GNT2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of B3GNT2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
43384-74-2B3GNT2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of B3GNT2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
43484-74-2B3GNT7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of B3GNT7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
43584-74-2B3GNT8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of B3GNT8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
43684-74-2B4GALT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of B4GALT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
43784-74-2B4GALT2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of B4GALT2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
43884-74-2B4GALT6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of B4GALT6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
43984-74-2B4GAT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of B4GAT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
44084-74-2BACE1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of BACE1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
44184-74-2BACE2Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of BACE2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
44284-74-2BACH2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BACH2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
44384-74-2BADMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BAD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|25765776
44484-74-2BAG1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BAG1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
44584-74-2BAG2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BAG2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
44684-74-2BAG4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BAG4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
44784-74-2BAIAP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BAIAP2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
44884-74-2BAIAP2L1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BAIAP2L1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
44984-74-2BAMBIMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BAMBI mRNA increases^expression 21266533
45084-74-2BANF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BANF1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
45184-74-2BASP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BASP1 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
45284-74-2BATFRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of BATF promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
45384-74-2BAXMus musculusDDIT3 protein promotes the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BAX protein] increases^expression|increases^reaction 26804720
45484-74-2BAXMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BAX mRNA decreases^expression 25765776
45584-74-2BAXMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BAX protein increases^expression 26804720
45684-74-2BAXMus musculus[diethyl phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with diisononyl phthalate co-treated with diisobutyl phthalate co-treated with butylbenzyl phthalate] results in decreased expression of BAX mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 28013214
45784-74-2BAZ1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BAZ1A mRNA increases^expression 17361019
45884-74-2BAZ1BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BAZ1B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
45984-74-2BAZ2BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BAZ2B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
46084-74-2BBC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BBC3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
46184-74-2BBS5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BBS5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
46284-74-2BBXMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BBX mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
46384-74-2BCAP29Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BCAP29 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
46484-74-2BCAT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BCAT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
46584-74-2BCAT2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of BCAT2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
46684-74-2BCKDHBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BCKDHB mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
46784-74-2BCKDKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BCKDK mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
46884-74-2BCL10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BCL10 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
46984-74-2BCL11BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BCL11B mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
47084-74-2BCL2Mus musculusDDIT3 protein promotes the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein] decreases^expression|increases^reaction 26804720
47184-74-2BCL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BCL2 mRNA decreases^expression 23242528
47284-74-2BCL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BCL2 protein decreases^expression 26804720
47384-74-2BCL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BCL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
47484-74-2BCL2Mus musculus[diethyl phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with diisononyl phthalate co-treated with diisobutyl phthalate co-treated with butylbenzyl phthalate] results in increased expression of BCL2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 28013214
47584-74-2BCL2L11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BCL2L11 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
47684-74-2BCL2L2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BCL2L2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
47784-74-2BCL7CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BCL7C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
47884-74-2BCL9LRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of BCL9L promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
47984-74-2BCLAF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BCLAF1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
48084-74-2BCRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BCR mRNA increases^expression 21266533
48184-74-2BDH1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BDH1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
48284-74-2BDKRB2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BDKRB2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
48384-74-2BDNFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BDNF mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
48484-74-2BDNFRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of BDNF mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
48584-74-2BDNFRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BDNF protein increases^expression 21787579
48684-74-2BDP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BDP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
48784-74-2BEST2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of BEST2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
48884-74-2BET1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BET1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
48984-74-2BEX3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BEX3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
49084-74-2BEX4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BEX4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
49184-74-2BFARRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BFAR mRNA increases^expression 21266533
49284-74-2BHLHE40Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BHLHE40 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
49384-74-2BICC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BICC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
49484-74-2BICD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BICD2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
49584-74-2BIDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BID mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|25765776
49684-74-2BIDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BID mRNA increases^expression 23242528
49784-74-2BIKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BIK mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
49884-74-2BIN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BIN1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
49984-74-2BIN2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BIN2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
50084-74-2BIRC5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BIRC5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
50184-74-2BIRC5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BIRC5 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
50284-74-2BIRC6Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of BIRC6 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
50384-74-2BLES03Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BLES03 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
50484-74-2BLOC1S5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BLOC1S5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
50584-74-2BLVRAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BLVRA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
50684-74-2BLVRBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BLVRB mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
50784-74-2BLVRBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BLVRB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
50884-74-2BMP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BMP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
50984-74-2BMP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BMP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
51084-74-2BMP3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BMP3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
51184-74-2BMP4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BMP4 mRNA decreases^expression 19464577|22027561|25213187|26948521|27079746
51284-74-2BMP4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BMP4 protein decreases^expression 28341571
51384-74-2BMP4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BMP4 mRNA increases^expression 15829613
51484-74-2BMP6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BMP6 mRNA decreases^expression 19560483
51584-74-2BMP7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BMP7 mRNA decreases^expression 19464577
51684-74-2BMPR1BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BMPR1B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
51784-74-2BMS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BMS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
51884-74-2BMYCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BMYC mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
51984-74-2BNIP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BNIP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
52084-74-2BNIP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BNIP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
52184-74-2BNIP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BNIP3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
52284-74-2BNIP3LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BNIP3L mRNA increases^expression 21266533
52384-74-2BOKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BOK mRNA increases^expression 21266533
52484-74-2BOLA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BOLA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
52584-74-2BOLA3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BOLA3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
52684-74-2BOLA3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BOLA3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
52784-74-2BOP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BOP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
52884-74-2BPGMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BPGM mRNA increases^expression 21266533
52984-74-2BPHLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BPHL mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
53084-74-2BPIFB3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BPIFB3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
53184-74-2BPTFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BPTF mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
53284-74-2BRAT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BRAT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
53384-74-2BRAT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BRAT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
53484-74-2BRCA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BRCA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
53584-74-2BRCA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BRCA2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
53684-74-2BRCC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BRCC3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
53784-74-2BRD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BRD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
53884-74-2BRD7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BRD7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
53984-74-2BRD8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BRD8 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
54084-74-2BRMS1LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BRMS1L mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
54184-74-2BROXRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of BROX promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
54284-74-2BRSK2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BRSK2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
54384-74-2BSCL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BSCL2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
54484-74-2BSDC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BSDC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
54584-74-2BSGRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BSG mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
54684-74-2BSNRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of BSN mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
54784-74-2BSNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BSN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
54884-74-2BST2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BST2 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
54984-74-2BTAF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BTAF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
55084-74-2BTCHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BTC mRNA decreases^expression 28104404
55184-74-2BTF3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BTF3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
55284-74-2BTG1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BTG1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
55384-74-2BTG2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BTG2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
55484-74-2BTG3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BTG3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
55584-74-2BTRCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BTRC mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
55684-74-2BUB1BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BUB1B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
55784-74-2BUB3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of BUB3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
55884-74-2BUD31Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BUD31 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
55984-74-2BZW1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of BZW1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
56084-74-2C1GALT1C1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of C1GALT1C1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
56184-74-2C1QBPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of C1QBP mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
56284-74-2C1QTNF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of C1QTNF1 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
56384-74-2C1QTNF2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of C1QTNF2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|24893172
56484-74-2C1QTNF3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of C1QTNF3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
56584-74-2C1QTNF4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of C1QTNF4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
56684-74-2C1QTNF5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of C1QTNF5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
56784-74-2C1QTNF7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of C1QTNF7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
56884-74-2C1QTNF9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of C1QTNF9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
56984-74-2C1RMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of C1R mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
57084-74-2C4ARattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of C4A promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
57184-74-2C5AR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of C5AR1 mRNA increases^expression 15620428|21266533
57284-74-2CAB39Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CAB39 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
57384-74-2CABIN1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CABIN1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
57484-74-2CABLES1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of CABLES1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
57584-74-2CABLES1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CABLES1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
57684-74-2CABP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CABP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
57784-74-2CACNA1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CACNA1A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
57884-74-2CACNA1ARattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of CACNA1A mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
57984-74-2CACNA1BRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of CACNA1B mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
58084-74-2CACNA1CRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of CACNA1C mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
58184-74-2CACNA1DRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of CACNA1D mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
58284-74-2CACNA1GRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of CACNA1G mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
58384-74-2CACNA1IRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of CACNA1I mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
58484-74-2CACNA2D3Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] affects the expression of CACNA2D3 mRNA affects^cotreatment|affects^expression 25607892
58584-74-2CACNB1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of CACNB1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
58684-74-2CACNB3Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of CACNB3 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
58784-74-2CACNG2Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of CACNG2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
58884-74-2CACNG3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CACNG3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
58984-74-2CACNG6Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of CACNG6 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
59084-74-2CACNG7Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of CACNG7 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
59184-74-2CADMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CAD mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
59284-74-2CADM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CADM1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
59384-74-2CADM1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of CADM1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
59484-74-2CADPSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CADPS mRNA increases^expression 21266533
59584-74-2CALCARattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of CALCA promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
59684-74-2CALCOCO1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CALCOCO1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
59784-74-2CALCOCO1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of CALCOCO1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
59884-74-2CALD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CALD1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
59984-74-2CALM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CALM1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
60084-74-2CALM3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CALM3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
60184-74-2CALML4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CALML4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
60284-74-2CALRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CALR mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
60384-74-2CAMK1DMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CAMK1D mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
60484-74-2CAMK2BRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of CAMK2B mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
60584-74-2CAMK2BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CAMK2B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
60684-74-2CAMK2GRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] affects the expression of CAMK2G mRNA affects^cotreatment|affects^expression 25607892
60784-74-2CAMSAP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CAMSAP3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
60884-74-2CAND2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CAND2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
60984-74-2CAP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CAP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
61084-74-2CAP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CAP2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
61184-74-2CAPN10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CAPN10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
61284-74-2CAPN5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CAPN5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
61384-74-2CAPN8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CAPN8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
61484-74-2CAR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CAR1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
61584-74-2CAR11Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CAR11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
61684-74-2CAR11Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CAR11 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
61784-74-2CAR12Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CAR12 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
61884-74-2CAR2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CAR2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
61984-74-2CARHSP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CARHSP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
62084-74-2CARSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CARS mRNA increases^expression 21266533
62184-74-2CASD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CASD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
62284-74-2CASP14Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CASP14 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
62384-74-2CASP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CASP3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
62484-74-2CASP6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CASP6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
62584-74-2CASP7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CASP7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
62684-74-2CASP7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CASP7 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
62784-74-2CASP8Mus musculus[diethyl phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with diisononyl phthalate co-treated with diisobutyl phthalate co-treated with butylbenzyl phthalate] results in decreased expression of CASP8 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 28013214
62884-74-2CASQ2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CASQ2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
62984-74-2CASRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CASR mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
63084-74-2CASTOR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CASTOR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
63184-74-2CATMus musculus[diethyl phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with diisononyl phthalate co-treated with diisobutyl phthalate co-treated with butylbenzyl phthalate] results in decreased expression of CAT mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 28013214
63284-74-2CATPimephales promelasDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CAT mRNA increases^expression 23220035
63384-74-2CATRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CAT mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
63484-74-2CATRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CAT protein increases^expression 25172463
63584-74-2CAV1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CAV1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
63684-74-2CBFA2T3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CBFA2T3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
63784-74-2CBFBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CBFB mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
63884-74-2CBLCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CBLC mRNA increases^expression 17361019
63984-74-2CBLN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CBLN1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
64084-74-2CBLN2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CBLN2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
64184-74-2CBLN4Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of CBLN4 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
64284-74-2CBR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CBR1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
64384-74-2CBR4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CBR4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
64484-74-2CBX5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CBX5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
64584-74-2CBY1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CBY1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
64684-74-2CC2D2ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CC2D2A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
64784-74-2CCAR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CCAR1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
64884-74-2CCAR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCAR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
64984-74-2CCDC112Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CCDC112 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
65084-74-2CCDC115Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCDC115 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
65184-74-2CCDC12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCDC12 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
65284-74-2CCDC17Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of CCDC17 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
65384-74-2CCDC25Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CCDC25 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
65484-74-2CCDC28BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCDC28B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
65584-74-2CCDC28BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CCDC28B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
65684-74-2CCDC3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCDC3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
65784-74-2CCDC69Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCDC69 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
65884-74-2CCDC77Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCDC77 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
65984-74-2CCDC84Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CCDC84 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
66084-74-2CCDC85BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CCDC85B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
66184-74-2CCKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCK mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
66284-74-2CCKARRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCKAR mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
66384-74-2CCKBRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCKBR mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
66484-74-2CCL17Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CCL17 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
66584-74-2CCL2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CCL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
66684-74-2CCL20Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CCL20 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
66784-74-2CCL6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CCL6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
66884-74-2CCM2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCM2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
66984-74-2CCM2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CCM2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
67084-74-2CCNA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCNA2 mRNA decreases^expression 23242528
67184-74-2CCNB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCNB1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|23242528
67284-74-2CCNB2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCNB2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
67384-74-2CCNCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCNC mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
67484-74-2CCND1Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CCND1 mRNA increases^expression 22179484
67584-74-2CCND2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCND2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533|23242528
67684-74-2CCND2Mus musculus[diethyl phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with diisononyl phthalate co-treated with diisobutyl phthalate co-treated with butylbenzyl phthalate] results in decreased expression of CCND2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 28013214
67784-74-2CCND3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCND3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
67884-74-2CCNE1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCNE1 mRNA decreases^expression 23242528
67984-74-2CCNE2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCNE2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
68084-74-2CCNFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCNF mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
68184-74-2CCNG1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCNG1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
68284-74-2CCNHRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CCNH mRNA increases^expression 21266533
68384-74-2CCNL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CCNL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
68484-74-2CCNL2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCNL2 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
68584-74-2CCNT2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCNT2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
68684-74-2CCNYL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CCNYL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
68784-74-2CCT3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCT3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
68884-74-2CCT7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCT7 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
68984-74-2CCZ1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CCZ1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
69084-74-2CD151Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CD151 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
69184-74-2CD1D1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CD1D1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
69284-74-2CD209BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CD209B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
69384-74-2CD244Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CD244 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
69484-74-2CD248Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CD248 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
69584-74-2CD24AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CD24A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
69684-74-2CD276Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of CD276 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
69784-74-2CD2BP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CD2BP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
69884-74-2CD320Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CD320 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
69984-74-2CD36Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CD36 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
70084-74-2CD3GRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CD3G mRNA increases^expression 21266533
70184-74-2CD40Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CD40 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
70284-74-2CD44Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of CD44 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
70384-74-2CD44Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CD44 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
70484-74-2CD47Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CD47 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
70584-74-2CD55Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CD55 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
70684-74-2CD59Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CD59 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
70784-74-2CD59AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CD59A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
70884-74-2CD63Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CD63 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
70984-74-2CD63Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CD63 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
71084-74-2CD81Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of CD81 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
71184-74-2CD82Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CD82 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
71284-74-2CD9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CD9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
71384-74-2CD99Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CD99 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
71484-74-2CD99L2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CD99L2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
71584-74-2CDC123Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDC123 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
71684-74-2CDC14AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDC14A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
71784-74-2CDC14ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDC14A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
71884-74-2CDC16Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDC16 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
71984-74-2CDC20Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDC20 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
72084-74-2CDC23Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDC23 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
72184-74-2CDC25AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDC25A mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
72284-74-2CDC25BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDC25B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
72384-74-2CDC25CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDC25C mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
72484-74-2CDC42BPAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDC42BPA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
72584-74-2CDC42EP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDC42EP1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
72684-74-2CDC42EP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDC42EP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
72784-74-2CDC42EP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDC42EP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
72884-74-2CDC42EP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDC42EP3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
72984-74-2CDC42EP5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDC42EP5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
73084-74-2CDC42SE1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDC42SE1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
73184-74-2CDC6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDC6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
73284-74-2CDC7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDC7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
73384-74-2CDCA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDCA2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
73484-74-2CDCA3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDCA3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
73584-74-2CDCA4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDCA4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
73684-74-2CDCA5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDCA5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
73784-74-2CDCA7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDCA7 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
73884-74-2CDCA7LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDCA7L mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
73984-74-2CDCA8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDCA8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
74084-74-2CDH1Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDH1 protein decreases^expression 22552774
74184-74-2CDH11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDH11 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
74284-74-2CDH11Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of CDH11 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
74384-74-2CDH17Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDH17 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
74484-74-2CDH2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDH2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
74584-74-2CDH2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDH2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
74684-74-2CDH23Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDH23 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
74784-74-2CDH3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDH3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
74884-74-2CDH8Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of CDH8 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
74984-74-2CDK1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDK1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
75084-74-2CDK17Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDK17 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
75184-74-2CDK20Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDK20 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
75284-74-2CDK2AP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDK2AP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
75384-74-2CDK2AP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDK2AP2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
75484-74-2CDK4Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDK4 mRNA increases^expression 22179484
75584-74-2CDK4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDK4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
75684-74-2CDK5RAP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDK5RAP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
75784-74-2CDK5RAP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDK5RAP3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
75884-74-2CDK7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDK7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
75984-74-2CDKN1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDKN1A mRNA increases^expression 23242528
76084-74-2CDKN1CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDKN1C mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
76184-74-2CDKN1CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDKN1C mRNA increases^expression 21745491
76284-74-2CDKN2AMus musculus[diethyl phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with diisononyl phthalate co-treated with diisobutyl phthalate co-treated with butylbenzyl phthalate] results in increased expression of CDKN2A mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 28013214
76384-74-2CDKN2AIPNLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDKN2AIPNL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
76484-74-2CDKN2CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDKN2C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
76584-74-2CDKN2DMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDKN2D mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
76684-74-2CDKN3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDKN3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
76784-74-2CDPF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDPF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
76884-74-2CDR2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDR2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
76984-74-2CDR2LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDR2L mRNA increases^expression 21266533
77084-74-2CDT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CDT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
77184-74-2CDV3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CDV3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
77284-74-2CEBPAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CEBPA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
77384-74-2CEBPBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate inhibits the reaction [CEBPB binds to CYP11A1 promoter] affects^binding|decreases^reaction 17884934
77484-74-2CEBPBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate inhibits the reaction [CEBPB binds to CYP17A1 promoter] affects^binding|decreases^reaction 17884934
77584-74-2CEBPBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate inhibits the reaction [CEBPB binds to STAR promoter] affects^binding|decreases^reaction 17884934
77684-74-2CEBPBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CEBPB mRNA decreases^expression 15728792|21266533|21745491
77784-74-2CEBPBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CEBPB protein decreases^expression 15728792|21745491
77884-74-2CEBPDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CEBPD mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
77984-74-2CECR6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CECR6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
78084-74-2CELA2ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CELA2A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
78184-74-2CELF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CELF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
78284-74-2CELF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CELF2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
78384-74-2CELSR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CELSR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
78484-74-2CENPBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CENPB mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
78584-74-2CENPHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CENPH mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
78684-74-2CENPJMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CENPJ mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
78784-74-2CENPKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CENPK mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
78884-74-2CENPMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CENPM mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
78984-74-2CENPNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CENPN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
79084-74-2CENPOMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CENPO mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
79184-74-2CENPPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CENPP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
79284-74-2CENPQMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CENPQ mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
79384-74-2CENPUMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CENPU mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
79484-74-2CENPVMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CENPV mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
79584-74-2CEP164Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CEP164 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
79684-74-2CEP250Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CEP250 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
79784-74-2CEP295Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CEP295 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
79884-74-2CEP44Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CEP44 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
79984-74-2CEP55Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of CEP55 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
80084-74-2CEP57Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CEP57 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
80184-74-2CEP57L1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CEP57L1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
80284-74-2CEP78Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CEP78 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
80384-74-2CEP85Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of CEP85 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
80484-74-2CEP89Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CEP89 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
80584-74-2CERCAMRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CERCAM mRNA increases^expression 21266533
80684-74-2CERKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CERK mRNA increases^expression 21266533
80784-74-2CERS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CERS2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
80884-74-2CERS4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CERS4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
80984-74-2CERS6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CERS6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
81084-74-2CES5AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CES5A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
81184-74-2CETN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CETN2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
81284-74-2CETN3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CETN3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
81384-74-2CFAP77Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CFAP77 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
81484-74-2CFL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CFL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
81584-74-2CFL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CFL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
81684-74-2CGA.SXenopus laevisDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CGA.S mRNA increases^expression 21544203
81784-74-2CGGBP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CGGBP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
81884-74-2CGNL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CGNL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
81984-74-2CH25HRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CH25H mRNA increases^expression 21266533
82084-74-2CHAC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CHAC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
82184-74-2CHAC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CHAC2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
82284-74-2CHAF1BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CHAF1B mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
82384-74-2CHCHD10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CHCHD10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
82484-74-2CHCHD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CHCHD3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
82584-74-2CHCHD5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CHCHD5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
82684-74-2CHCHD6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CHCHD6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
82784-74-2CHD8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CHD8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
82884-74-2CHEK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CHEK1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
82984-74-2CHEK2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CHEK2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
83084-74-2CHGARattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of CHGA mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
83184-74-2CHIC2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CHIC2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
83284-74-2CHID1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CHID1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
83384-74-2CHMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CHM mRNA increases^expression 21266533
83484-74-2CHMP1BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CHMP1B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
83584-74-2CHMP4CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CHMP4C mRNA increases^expression 21266533
83684-74-2CHN2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CHN2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
83784-74-2CHP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CHP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
83884-74-2CHRM3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CHRM3 mRNA increases^expression 15620428
83984-74-2CHRNA6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CHRNA6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
84084-74-2CHRNB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CHRNB1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
84184-74-2CHST2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CHST2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
84284-74-2CHTF18Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CHTF18 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
84384-74-2CIDEAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CIDEA mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
84484-74-2CINPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CINP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
84584-74-2CISD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CISD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
84684-74-2CISD2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CISD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
84784-74-2CISD2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CISD2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
84884-74-2CISD3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CISD3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
84984-74-2CITED1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CITED1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
85084-74-2CITED1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CITED1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
85184-74-2CITED2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CITED2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
85284-74-2CKAP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CKAP2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
85384-74-2CKBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CKB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
85484-74-2CKS1BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CKS1B mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
85584-74-2CKS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CKS2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
85684-74-2CLASP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLASP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
85784-74-2CLCA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLCA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
85884-74-2CLCN2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLCN2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
85984-74-2CLCN3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLCN3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
86084-74-2CLCN6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CLCN6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
86184-74-2CLDN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLDN1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
86284-74-2CLDN11Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CLDN11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
86384-74-2CLDN12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLDN12 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
86484-74-2CLDN23Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLDN23 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
86584-74-2CLDN4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLDN4 mRNA increases^expression 24893172
86684-74-2CLDND1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLDND1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
86784-74-2CLEC11ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CLEC11A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
86884-74-2CLEC2DRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLEC2D mRNA increases^expression 21266533
86984-74-2CLEC2LRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CLEC2L mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
87084-74-2CLIC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLIC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
87184-74-2CLIC4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLIC4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
87284-74-2CLIC5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLIC5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
87384-74-2CLIP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLIP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
87484-74-2CLIP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CLIP3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
87584-74-2CLIP4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CLIP4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
87684-74-2CLN3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLN3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
87784-74-2CLN8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLN8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
87884-74-2CLNS1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CLNS1A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
87984-74-2CLNS1ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLNS1A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
88084-74-2CLPPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CLPP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
88184-74-2CLPSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CLPS mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
88284-74-2CLPXRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CLPX mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
88384-74-2CLSPNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CLSPN mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
88484-74-2CLSTN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CLSTN1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
88584-74-2CLTCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLTC mRNA increases^expression 21266533
88684-74-2CLURattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLU mRNA increases^expression 21266533|21745491
88784-74-2CLURattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLU protein increases^expression 21745491
88884-74-2CLUAP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CLUAP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
88984-74-2CLUAP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CLUAP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
89084-74-2CLVS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CLVS2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
89184-74-2CLYBLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CLYBL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
89284-74-2CMASRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CMAS mRNA increases^expression 21266533
89384-74-2CMKLR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CMKLR1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
89484-74-2CMKLR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CMKLR1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
89584-74-2CMSS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CMSS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
89684-74-2CMTM3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CMTM3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
89784-74-2CMTM6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CMTM6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
89884-74-2CMTM8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CMTM8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
89984-74-2CMTR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CMTR1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
90084-74-2CNBPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CNBP mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
90184-74-2CNGA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CNGA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
90284-74-2CNIH1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CNIH1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
90384-74-2CNIH2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CNIH2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
90484-74-2CNKSR3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CNKSR3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
90584-74-2CNKSR3Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of CNKSR3 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
90684-74-2CNN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CNN1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
90784-74-2CNN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CNN2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
90884-74-2CNN3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CNN3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
90984-74-2CNN3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CNN3 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
91084-74-2CNOT2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CNOT2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
91184-74-2CNOT6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CNOT6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
91284-74-2CNOT8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CNOT8 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
91384-74-2CNOT9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CNOT9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
91484-74-2CNPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CNP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
91584-74-2CNPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CNP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
91684-74-2CNPY2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CNPY2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
91784-74-2CNPY4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CNPY4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
91884-74-2CNR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CNR1 mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
91984-74-2CNR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CNR1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
92084-74-2CNSTRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CNST mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
92184-74-2CNTLNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CNTLN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
92284-74-2CNTRLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CNTRL mRNA increases^expression 17361019
92384-74-2CNTROBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CNTROB mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
92484-74-2COA3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COA3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
92584-74-2COA4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COA4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
92684-74-2COA7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COA7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
92784-74-2COASYMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COASY mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
92884-74-2COG8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COG8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
92984-74-2COL12A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COL12A1 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
93084-74-2COL15A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of COL15A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
93184-74-2COL22A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COL22A1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
93284-74-2COL23A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COL23A1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
93384-74-2COL27A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of COL27A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
93484-74-2COL4A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of COL4A1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
93584-74-2COMMD9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COMMD9 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
93684-74-2COMTHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COMT mRNA decreases^expression 24040167
93784-74-2COMTHomo sapiensfulvestrant inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COMT mRNA] decreases^expression|decreases^reaction 24040167
93884-74-2COMTD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COMTD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
93984-74-2COPG1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COPG1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
94084-74-2COPG2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COPG2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
94184-74-2COPS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of COPS2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
94284-74-2COPS4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COPS4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
94384-74-2COPS4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of COPS4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
94484-74-2COPZ1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COPZ1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
94584-74-2COPZ2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COPZ2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
94684-74-2COQ10ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COQ10A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
94784-74-2COQ10BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of COQ10B mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
94884-74-2COQ3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COQ3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
94984-74-2COQ6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COQ6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
95084-74-2COQ7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COQ7 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
95184-74-2COQ8ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of COQ8A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
95284-74-2COQ9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COQ9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
95384-74-2CORO1CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CORO1C mRNA increases^expression 21266533
95484-74-2CORO6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CORO6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
95584-74-2CORO7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CORO7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
95684-74-2COX15Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COX15 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
95784-74-2COX16Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COX16 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
95884-74-2COX17Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of COX17 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
95984-74-2COX18Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COX18 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
96084-74-2COX20Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COX20 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
96184-74-2COX5ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COX5A mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
96284-74-2COX6A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COX6A1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
96384-74-2COX6A2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of COX6A2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
96484-74-2COX7A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COX7A1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
96584-74-2COX7A2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COX7A2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
96684-74-2COX7A3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COX7A3 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
96784-74-2COX7CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of COX7C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
96884-74-2COX8ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of COX8A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
96984-74-2CPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
97084-74-2CPA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CPA1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
97184-74-2CPA2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CPA2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
97284-74-2CPDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CPD mRNA increases^expression 21266533
97384-74-2CPEMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CPE mRNA increases^expression 21266533
97484-74-2CPEB2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CPEB2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
97584-74-2CPEB3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CPEB3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
97684-74-2CPG1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CPG1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
97784-74-2CPNE8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CPNE8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
97884-74-2CPSF3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CPSF3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
97984-74-2CPSF4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CPSF4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
98084-74-2CPT1ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CPT1A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
98184-74-2CPT1BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CPT1B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
98284-74-2CPT2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CPT2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
98384-74-2CPTPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CPTP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
98484-74-2CPXM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CPXM1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
98584-74-2CRABP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CRABP2 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491
98684-74-2CRABP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CRABP2 protein decreases^expression 17379624|21745491
98784-74-2CRCT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CRCT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
98884-74-2CREB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CREB1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
98984-74-2CREB1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CREB1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
99084-74-2CREB3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CREB3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
99184-74-2CREB3L2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CREB3L2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
99284-74-2CREB5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CREB5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
99384-74-2CREBBPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CREBBP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
99484-74-2CREBZFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CREBZF mRNA increases^expression 21266533
99584-74-2CREG1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CREG1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
99684-74-2CREG1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CREG1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
99784-74-2CREMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CREM mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
99884-74-2CRHR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CRHR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
99984-74-2CRHR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CRHR2 mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
100084-74-2CRIM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CRIM1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
100184-74-2CRIPTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CRIPT mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
100284-74-2CRISPLD2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CRISPLD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|24893172
100384-74-2CRLF3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CRLF3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
100484-74-2CRLS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CRLS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
100584-74-2CROCCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CROCC mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
100684-74-2CRTC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CRTC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
100784-74-2CRTC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CRTC3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
100884-74-2CRYABRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CRYAB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
100984-74-2CRYL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CRYL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
101084-74-2CRYMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CRYM mRNA increases^expression 21266533
101184-74-2CSF2RARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CSF2RA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
101284-74-2CSNK1A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CSNK1A1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
101384-74-2CSNK1EMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CSNK1E mRNA increases^expression 21266533
101484-74-2CSNK1G2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CSNK1G2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
101584-74-2CSNK2BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CSNK2B mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
101684-74-2CSPG4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CSPG4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
101784-74-2CSPG5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CSPG5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
101884-74-2CSRNP3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CSRNP3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
101984-74-2CSRP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CSRP1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
102084-74-2CSRP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CSRP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
102184-74-2CST8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CST8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
102284-74-2CSTF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CSTF2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
102384-74-2CSTF3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CSTF3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
102484-74-2CSTF3Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of CSTF3 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
102584-74-2CTBP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CTBP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
102684-74-2CTCFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CTCF mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
102784-74-2CTDNEP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CTDNEP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
102884-74-2CTGFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CTGF mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
102984-74-2CTLA2ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CTLA2A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
103084-74-2CTLA4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CTLA4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
103184-74-2CTNNA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CTNNA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
103284-74-2CTNNA2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CTNNA2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
103384-74-2CTNNAL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CTNNAL1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
103484-74-2CTNNB1Danio rerioDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CTNNB1 protein increases^expression 22975441
103584-74-2CTNND1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CTNND1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
103684-74-2CTPS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CTPS2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
103784-74-2CTR9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CTR9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
103884-74-2CTSBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CTSB mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
103984-74-2CTSBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CTSB mRNA increases^expression 17379624
104084-74-2CTSDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CTSD mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
104184-74-2CTSLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CTSL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
104284-74-2CTSLRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CTSL mRNA increases^expression 21266533
104384-74-2CTSLL3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CTSLL3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
104484-74-2CTTNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CTTN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
104584-74-2CTTNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CTTN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
104684-74-2CUEDC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CUEDC2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
104784-74-2CUTAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CUTA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
104884-74-2CUTCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CUTC mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
104984-74-2CUX2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CUX2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
105084-74-2CWC27Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CWC27 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
105184-74-2CX3CL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CX3CL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
105284-74-2CXADRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CXADR mRNA increases^expression 21266533
105384-74-2CXCL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CXCL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533|21745491
105484-74-2CXCL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CXCL1 protein increases^expression 27511800
105584-74-2CXCL10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CXCL10 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
105684-74-2CXCL12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CXCL12 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
105784-74-2CXCL16Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CXCL16 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
105884-74-2CXCL8Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of and results in increased secretion of CXCL8 increases^expression|increases^secretion 22723514
105984-74-2CXCL8Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CXCL8 mRNA increases^expression 23724284
106084-74-2CXXC5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CXXC5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
106184-74-2CXXC5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CXXC5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
106284-74-2CYB561A3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYB561A3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
106384-74-2CYB5ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CYB5A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
106484-74-2CYB5BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CYB5B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
106584-74-2CYB5R3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CYB5R3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
106684-74-2CYBRD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYBRD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
106784-74-2CYC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CYC1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
106884-74-2CYCSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CYCS mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
106984-74-2CYCSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYCS mRNA increases^expression 21266533
107084-74-2CYHR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CYHR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
107184-74-2CYP11ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CYP11A mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
107284-74-2CYP11ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CYP11A protein decreases^expression 17379624
107384-74-2CYP11A1Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CYP11A1 mRNA decreases^expression 28104404
107484-74-2CYP11A1Mus musculus[diethyl phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with diisononyl phthalate co-treated with diisobutyl phthalate co-treated with butylbenzyl phthalate] results in decreased expression of CYP11A1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 28013214
107584-74-2CYP11A1Rattus norvegicus[Dexamethasone co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] results in decreased expression of CYP11A1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 22615892
107684-74-2CYP11A1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate] results in decreased expression of CYP11A1 affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 17400582
107784-74-2CYP11A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate inhibits the reaction [NR5A1 binds to CYP11A1 promoter] affects^binding|decreases^reaction 17884934
107884-74-2CYP11A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate inhibits the reaction [NR5A1 protein binds to CYP11A1 promoter] affects^binding|decreases^reaction 23358192
107984-74-2CYP11A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CYP11A1 protein decreases^expression 14617579|15141095|16037377|21745491|26706031|26961603
108084-74-2CYP11A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYP11A1 mRNA increases^expression 26472102
108184-74-2CYP11B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CYP11B1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
108284-74-2CYP17A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CYP17A1 mRNA decreases^expression 22511013
108384-74-2CYP17A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYP17A1 mRNA increases^expression 25765776
108484-74-2CYP17A1Rattus norvegicus[Dexamethasone co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] results in decreased expression of CYP17A1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 22615892
108584-74-2CYP17A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate inhibits the reaction [NR5A1 binds to CYP17A1 promoter] affects^binding|decreases^reaction 17884934
108684-74-2CYP17A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate inhibits the reaction [NR5A1 protein binds to CYP17A1 promoter] affects^binding|decreases^reaction 23358192
108784-74-2CYP17A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CYP17A1 protein decreases^expression 14617579|15141095|21745491|26706031
108884-74-2CYP19A1Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased activity of CYP19A1 protein decreases^activity 27825933
108984-74-2CYP19A1Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA decreases^expression 28104404
109084-74-2CYP19A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA increases^expression 25765776
109184-74-2CYP19A1Mus musculus[diethyl phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with diisononyl phthalate co-treated with diisobutyl phthalate co-treated with butylbenzyl phthalate] results in decreased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 28013214
109284-74-2CYP19A1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
109384-74-2CYP1A1Danio rerioDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYP1A1 increases^expression 16986795
109484-74-2CYP1A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased activity of CYP1A1 protein decreases^activity 27432241
109584-74-2CYP1A2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased activity of CYP1A2 protein decreases^activity 27432241
109684-74-2CYP1B1Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of CYP1B1 protein increases^activity|increases^expression 16040568
109784-74-2CYP1B1Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYP1B1 mRNA increases^expression 16040568
109884-74-2CYP26A1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of CYP26A1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
109984-74-2CYP27A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CYP27A1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
110084-74-2CYP27A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYP27A1 mRNA increases^expression 26472102
110184-74-2CYP2B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased activity of CYP2B1 protein decreases^activity 27432241
110284-74-2CYP2B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYP2B1 mRNA increases^expression 15901914
110384-74-2CYP2B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYP2B1 protein increases^expression 15901914
110484-74-2CYP2C11Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased activity of CYP2C11 protein decreases^activity 27432241
110584-74-2CYP2E1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased activity of CYP2E1 protein decreases^activity 27432241
110684-74-2CYP2K19Pimephales promelasDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYP2K19 mRNA increases^expression 23220035
110784-74-2CYP3A23/3A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYP3A23/3A1 mRNA increases^expression 15901914
110884-74-2CYP3A23/3A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYP3A23/3A1 protein increases^expression 15901914
110984-74-2CYP3A4Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate promotes the reaction [NR1I2 protein results in increased expression of CYP3A4 mRNA] increases^expression|increases^reaction 21742782
111084-74-2CYP3A44Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYP3A44 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
111184-74-2CYP3A62Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased activity of CYP3A62 protein decreases^activity 27432241
111284-74-2CYP4A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYP4A1 mRNA increases^expression 15901914
111384-74-2CYP4A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYP4A1 protein increases^expression 15901914
111484-74-2CYP4F6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYP4F6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
111584-74-2CYP51Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYP51 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
111684-74-2CYP51Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CYP51 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491|26472102
111784-74-2CYR61Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYR61 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
111884-74-2CYSLTR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYSLTR1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
111984-74-2CYTH2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYTH2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
112084-74-2CYTH3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of CYTH3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
112184-74-2CYYR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of CYYR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
112284-74-2DAAM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DAAM1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
112384-74-2DAAM2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DAAM2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
112484-74-2DAB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DAB1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
112584-74-2DACH2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DACH2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
112684-74-2DACT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DACT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
112784-74-2DAPK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DAPK1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
112884-74-2DAPP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DAPP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
112984-74-2DARS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DARS2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
113084-74-2DARS2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DARS2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
113184-74-2DBHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DBH mRNA increases^expression 21266533
113284-74-2DBIRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DBI mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491
113384-74-2DBIL5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DBIL5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
113484-74-2DBNLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DBNL mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
113584-74-2DBPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DBP mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
113684-74-2DBR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DBR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
113784-74-2DBTRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DBT mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
113884-74-2DBTRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DBT mRNA increases^expression 21266533
113984-74-2DCAF12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DCAF12 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
114084-74-2DCAF12L1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DCAF12L1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
114184-74-2DCAF7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DCAF7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
114284-74-2DCAKDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DCAKD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
114384-74-2DCBLD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DCBLD2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
114484-74-2DCCRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of DCC mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
114584-74-2DCCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DCC mRNA increases^expression 21266533
114684-74-2DCLK1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DCLK1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
114784-74-2DCNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DCN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
114884-74-2DCPSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DCPS mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
114984-74-2DCTN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DCTN1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
115084-74-2DCTPP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DCTPP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
115184-74-2DCXRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DCXR mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
115284-74-2DDAH1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DDAH1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
115384-74-2DDAH2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDAH2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
115484-74-2DDCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDC mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491
115584-74-2DDCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDC protein decreases^expression 15728792|21745491
115684-74-2DDIT3Mus musculus4-phenylbutyric acid inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DDIT3 protein] decreases^reaction|increases^expression 26804720
115784-74-2DDIT3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DDIT3 protein increases^expression 26804720
115884-74-2DDIT3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DDIT3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
115984-74-2DDIT4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDIT4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|21745491
116084-74-2DDIT4LRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DDIT4L mRNA increases^expression 21266533
116184-74-2DDR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DDR1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
116284-74-2DDTRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDT mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
116384-74-2DDX17Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DDX17 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
116484-74-2DDX17Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDX17 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
116584-74-2DDX18Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDX18 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
116684-74-2DDX19ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DDX19A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
116784-74-2DDX21Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DDX21 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
116884-74-2DDX23Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDX23 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
116984-74-2DDX24Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDX24 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
117084-74-2DDX27Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDX27 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
117184-74-2DDX28Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDX28 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
117284-74-2DDX39Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDX39 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
117384-74-2DDX39BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDX39B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
117484-74-2DDX3XRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DDX3X mRNA increases^expression 21266533
117584-74-2DDX46Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDX46 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
117684-74-2DDX49Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDX49 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
117784-74-2DDX5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DDX5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
117884-74-2DDX54Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDX54 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
117984-74-2DDX54Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DDX54 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
118084-74-2DDX55Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDX55 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
118184-74-2DDX56Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDX56 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
118284-74-2DDX59Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DDX59 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
118384-74-2DEARRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DEAR mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
118484-74-2DECR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DECR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
118584-74-2DEFB19Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DEFB19 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
118684-74-2DEKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DEK mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
118784-74-2DENRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DENR mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
118884-74-2DEPDC6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DEPDC6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
118984-74-2DERARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DERA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
119084-74-2DERL3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DERL3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
119184-74-2DESRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DES mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
119284-74-2DET1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DET1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
119384-74-2DEUP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DEUP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
119484-74-2DEXIRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DEXI mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
119584-74-2DFFBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DFFB mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
119684-74-2DFNA5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DFNA5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
119784-74-2DGAT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DGAT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
119884-74-2DGCR14Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DGCR14 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
119984-74-2DGCR6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DGCR6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
120084-74-2DGCR8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DGCR8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
120184-74-2DGKARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DGKA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
120284-74-2DGKEMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DGKE mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
120384-74-2DGKZMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DGKZ mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
120484-74-2DGKZRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DGKZ mRNA increases^expression 21266533
120584-74-2DGUOKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DGUOK mRNA increases^expression 21266533
120684-74-2DHCR24Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DHCR24 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
120784-74-2DHCR7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DHCR7 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
120884-74-2DHCR7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DHCR7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|21745491
120984-74-2DHFRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DHFR mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
121084-74-2DHHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DHH mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
121184-74-2DHODHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DHODH mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
121284-74-2DHPSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DHPS mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
121384-74-2DHRS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DHRS1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
121484-74-2DHRS11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DHRS11 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
121584-74-2DHRS13Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DHRS13 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
121684-74-2DHRS3Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of DHRS3 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
121784-74-2DHRS3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DHRS3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
121884-74-2DHRS4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DHRS4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
121984-74-2DHRS4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DHRS4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
122084-74-2DHRS7BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DHRS7B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
122184-74-2DHRS7CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DHRS7C mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
122284-74-2DHTKD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DHTKD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
122384-74-2DHX15Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DHX15 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
122484-74-2DHX32Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DHX32 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
122584-74-2DHX57Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DHX57 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
122684-74-2DHX57Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DHX57 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
122784-74-2DICER1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DICER1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
122884-74-2DIP2AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DIP2A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
122984-74-2DIRAS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DIRAS2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
123084-74-2DIS3L2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DIS3L2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
123184-74-2DIXDC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DIXDC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
123284-74-2DKK2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of DKK2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
123384-74-2DLG1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of DLG1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
123484-74-2DLG4Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] affects the expression of DLG4 mRNA affects^cotreatment|affects^expression 25607892
123584-74-2DLG4Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of DLG4 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
123684-74-2DLG5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DLG5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
123784-74-2DLGAP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DLGAP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
123884-74-2DLGAP3Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of DLGAP3 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
123984-74-2DLGAP4Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of DLGAP4 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
124084-74-2DLGAP5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DLGAP5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
124184-74-2DLX6OS3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DLX6OS3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
124284-74-2DMAP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DMAP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
124384-74-2DMBT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DMBT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
124484-74-2DMDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DMD mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
124584-74-2DMGDHRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DMGDH mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
124684-74-2DMP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DMP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
124784-74-2DMPKRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of DMPK promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
124884-74-2DMPKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DMPK mRNA increases^expression 21266533
124984-74-2DMRT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DMRT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
125084-74-2DMRTA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DMRTA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
125184-74-2DMRTA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DMRTA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
125284-74-2DMTF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DMTF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
125384-74-2DNA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNA2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
125484-74-2DNAAF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNAAF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
125584-74-2DNAJA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DNAJA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
125684-74-2DNAJA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNAJA2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
125784-74-2DNAJB1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNAJB1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
125884-74-2DNAJB4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DNAJB4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
125984-74-2DNAJB9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DNAJB9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
126084-74-2DNAJC11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNAJC11 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
126184-74-2DNAJC16Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNAJC16 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
126284-74-2DNAJC19Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNAJC19 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
126384-74-2DNAJC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNAJC2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
126484-74-2DNAJC27Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNAJC27 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
126584-74-2DNAJC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DNAJC3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
126684-74-2DNAJC8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNAJC8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
126784-74-2DNAJC9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNAJC9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
126884-74-2DNLZMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNLZ mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
126984-74-2DNM3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNM3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
127084-74-2DNMBPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNMBP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
127184-74-2DNMT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNMT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
127284-74-2DNMT3ARattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of DNMT3A promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
127384-74-2DNMT3ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNMT3A protein decreases^expression 26745512
127484-74-2DNMT3BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNMT3B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
127584-74-2DNMT3BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DNMT3B protein decreases^expression 26745512
127684-74-2DNTTIP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DNTTIP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
127784-74-2DOC2ARattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of DOC2A mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
127884-74-2DOC2BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DOC2B mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
127984-74-2DOCK1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DOCK1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
128084-74-2DOCK10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DOCK10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
128184-74-2DOCK6Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of DOCK6 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
128284-74-2DOCK8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DOCK8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
128384-74-2DOK5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DOK5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
128484-74-2DOLKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DOLK mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
128584-74-2DOLPP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DOLPP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
128684-74-2DONSONMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DONSON mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
128784-74-2DOPEY2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DOPEY2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
128884-74-2DOT1LRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DOT1L mRNA increases^expression 21266533
128984-74-2DPCDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DPCD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
129084-74-2DPEP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DPEP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
129184-74-2DPH2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DPH2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
129284-74-2DPH3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DPH3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
129384-74-2DPH5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DPH5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
129484-74-2DPH6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DPH6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
129584-74-2DPH7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DPH7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
129684-74-2DPM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DPM1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
129784-74-2DPP10Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of DPP10 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
129884-74-2DPP3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DPP3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
129984-74-2DPP6Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of DPP6 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
130084-74-2DPP7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DPP7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
130184-74-2DPY30Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DPY30 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
130284-74-2DPYDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DPYD mRNA increases^expression 21266533
130384-74-2DPYDRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of DPYD mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
130484-74-2DPYDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DPYD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
130584-74-2DPYSL2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of DPYSL2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
130684-74-2DPYSL2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DPYSL2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
130784-74-2DPYSL4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DPYSL4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
130884-74-2DRAM2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DRAM2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
130984-74-2DRAP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DRAP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
131084-74-2DRC3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DRC3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
131184-74-2DRD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DRD1 mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
131284-74-2DRD2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DRD2 mRNA increases^expression 15620428
131384-74-2DRG2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DRG2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
131484-74-2DSC2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DSC2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
131584-74-2DSCC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DSCC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
131684-74-2DSELRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DSEL mRNA increases^expression 21266533
131784-74-2DSG2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DSG2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
131884-74-2DSPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DSP mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
131984-74-2DSPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DSP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
132084-74-2DSTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DST mRNA increases^expression 17361019
132184-74-2DSTNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DSTN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
132284-74-2DTLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DTL mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
132384-74-2DTNAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DTNA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
132484-74-2DTNBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DTNB mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
132584-74-2DTNBP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DTNBP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
132684-74-2DTWD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DTWD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
132784-74-2DTX1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DTX1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
132884-74-2DTYMKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DTYMK mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
132984-74-2DUS4LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DUS4L mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
133084-74-2DUSP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DUSP1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
133184-74-2DUSP10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DUSP10 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
133284-74-2DUSP11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DUSP11 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
133384-74-2DUSP14Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DUSP14 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
133484-74-2DUSP15Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of DUSP15 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
133584-74-2DUSP15Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DUSP15 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
133684-74-2DUSP16Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DUSP16 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
133784-74-2DUSP27Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DUSP27 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
133884-74-2DUSP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DUSP3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
133984-74-2DUSP3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DUSP3 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
134084-74-2DUSP4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DUSP4 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
134184-74-2DUSP5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DUSP5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
134284-74-2DUSP6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DUSP6 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
134384-74-2DUSP8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DUSP8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
134484-74-2DUTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DUT mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
134584-74-2DVL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DVL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
134684-74-2DYNC1I1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DYNC1I1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
134784-74-2DYNLL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DYNLL2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
134884-74-2DYRK1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DYRK1A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
134984-74-2DYRK2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DYRK2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
135084-74-2DYSFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DYSF mRNA increases^expression 17361019
135184-74-2DZIP1LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of DZIP1L mRNA increases^expression 21266533
135284-74-2DZIP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of DZIP3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
135384-74-2E2F2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of E2F2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
135484-74-2E2F3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of E2F3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
135584-74-2E2F7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of E2F7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
135684-74-2E2F8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of E2F8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
135784-74-2EAPPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EAPP mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
135884-74-2EARS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EARS2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
135984-74-2EBAG9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EBAG9 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
136084-74-2EBF3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EBF3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
136184-74-2EBPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EBP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|26472102
136284-74-2ECH1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ECH1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
136384-74-2ECHDC2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ECHDC2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
136484-74-2ECHDC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ECHDC3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
136584-74-2ECHS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ECHS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
136684-74-2ECSCRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ECSCR mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
136784-74-2ECSCRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ECSCR mRNA increases^expression 21266533
136884-74-2EDF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EDF1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
136984-74-2EDN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EDN1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
137084-74-2EDNRAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EDNRA mRNA increases^expression 17361019
137184-74-2EDNRBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EDNRB mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
137284-74-2EEA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EEA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
137384-74-2EEF1A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EEF1A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
137484-74-2EEF1DMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EEF1D mRNA increases^expression 21266533
137584-74-2EEF2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of EEF2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
137684-74-2EFCAB14Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EFCAB14 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
137784-74-2EFEMP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EFEMP2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
137884-74-2EFHD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EFHD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
137984-74-2EFHD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EFHD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
138084-74-2EFNA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EFNA2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
138184-74-2EFNB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EFNB1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
138284-74-2EFSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EFS mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
138384-74-2EFTUD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EFTUD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
138484-74-2EGFRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of EGF mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
138584-74-2EGFLAMRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of EGFLAM promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
138684-74-2EGFRRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of EGFR mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
138784-74-2EGLN1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EGLN1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
138884-74-2EGR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EGR1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
138984-74-2EGR2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EGR2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
139084-74-2EGR3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EGR3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
139184-74-2EHBP1L1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EHBP1L1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
139284-74-2EHD2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EHD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
139384-74-2EHD3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EHD3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
139484-74-2EHD4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EHD4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
139584-74-2EIF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EIF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
139684-74-2EIF1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EIF1A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
139784-74-2EIF2AK2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EIF2AK2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
139884-74-2EIF2AK3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EIF2AK3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
139984-74-2EIF2AK4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EIF2AK4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
140084-74-2EIF2B1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EIF2B1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
140184-74-2EIF2B4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EIF2B4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
140284-74-2EIF2S1Mus musculus4-phenylbutyric acid inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EIF2S1 protein modified form] decreases^reaction|increases^expression 26804720
140384-74-2EIF2S1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EIF2S1 protein modified form increases^expression 26804720
140484-74-2EIF2S1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EIF2S1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
140584-74-2EIF2S1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EIF2S1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
140684-74-2EIF2S2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EIF2S2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
140784-74-2EIF3CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EIF3C mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
140884-74-2EIF3DMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EIF3D mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
140984-74-2EIF3GMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EIF3G mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
141084-74-2EIF3HRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EIF3H mRNA increases^expression 21266533
141184-74-2EIF3IMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EIF3I mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
141284-74-2EIF4A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EIF4A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
141384-74-2EIF4A3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EIF4A3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
141484-74-2EIF4EMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EIF4E mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
141584-74-2EIF4E2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EIF4E2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
141684-74-2EIF4G1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of EIF4G1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
141784-74-2EIF6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EIF6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
141884-74-2EIF6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EIF6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
141984-74-2ELA3BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ELA3B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
142084-74-2ELAVL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ELAVL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
142184-74-2ELAVL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ELAVL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
142284-74-2ELAVL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ELAVL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
142384-74-2ELF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ELF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
142484-74-2ELK4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ELK4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
142584-74-2ELLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ELL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
142684-74-2ELL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ELL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
142784-74-2ELMOD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ELMOD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
142884-74-2ELOBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ELOB mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
142984-74-2ELOCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ELOC mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
143084-74-2ELOCRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ELOC promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
143184-74-2ELOCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ELOC mRNA increases^expression 21266533
143284-74-2ELOVL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ELOVL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
143384-74-2ELOVL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ELOVL2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
143484-74-2ELOVL3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ELOVL3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
143584-74-2ELOVL6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ELOVL6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
143684-74-2ELP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ELP3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
143784-74-2ELP5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ELP5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
143884-74-2EMC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EMC2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
143984-74-2EMC7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EMC7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
144084-74-2EMCNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EMCN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
144184-74-2EMDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EMD mRNA increases^expression 21266533
144284-74-2EME1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EME1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
144384-74-2EMILIN1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EMILIN1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
144484-74-2EMILIN3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EMILIN3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
144584-74-2EML2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EML2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
144684-74-2EMP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EMP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
144784-74-2EMP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EMP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
144884-74-2EMP3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EMP3 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
144984-74-2ENAHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ENAH mRNA increases^expression 21266533
145084-74-2ENC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ENC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
145184-74-2ENDOD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ENDOD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
145284-74-2ENDOGRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ENDOG mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
145384-74-2ENGMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ENG mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
145484-74-2ENGMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ENG mRNA increases^expression 21266533
145584-74-2ENKD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ENKD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
145684-74-2ENO1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ENO1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
145784-74-2ENO1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ENO1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
145884-74-2ENOPH1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ENOPH1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
145984-74-2ENPP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ENPP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
146084-74-2ENPP3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ENPP3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
146184-74-2ENSARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ENSA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
146284-74-2ENTPD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ENTPD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
146384-74-2ENTPD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ENTPD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
146484-74-2ENTPD5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ENTPD5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
146584-74-2ENY2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ENY2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
146684-74-2EPB41Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EPB41 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
146784-74-2EPB41L2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EPB41L2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
146884-74-2EPB41L3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EPB41L3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
146984-74-2EPB42Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EPB42 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
147084-74-2EPHA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EPHA2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
147184-74-2EPHA3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EPHA3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
147284-74-2EPHX1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EPHX1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
147384-74-2EPM2AIP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EPM2AIP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
147484-74-2EPS15Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EPS15 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
147584-74-2EPS8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EPS8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
147684-74-2EPS8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EPS8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
147784-74-2EPS8L3Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of EPS8L3 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
147884-74-2ERAL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ERAL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
147984-74-2ERAP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ERAP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
148084-74-2ERBB2Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of ERBB2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
148184-74-2ERBB2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ERBB2 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
148284-74-2ERBB3Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of ERBB3 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
148384-74-2ERBB3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ERBB3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
148484-74-2ERBB4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ERBB4 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
148584-74-2ERBB4Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of ERBB4 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
148684-74-2ERBB4Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of ERBB4 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
148784-74-2ERC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ERC2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
148884-74-2ERCC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ERCC3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
148984-74-2ERCC5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ERCC5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
149084-74-2EREGHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EREG mRNA decreases^expression 28104404
149184-74-2ERFRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ERF mRNA increases^expression 21266533
149284-74-2ERHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ERH mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
149384-74-2ERI1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ERI1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
149484-74-2ERICH6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ERICH6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
149584-74-2ERO1ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ERO1A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
149684-74-2ERRFI1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ERRFI1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
149784-74-2ESDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ESD mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
149884-74-2ESPL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ESPL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
149984-74-2ESR1Carassius auratusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased activity of ESR1 protein increases^activity 18980245
150084-74-2ESR1Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate analog binds to ESR1 protein affects^binding 15464722
150184-74-2ESR1Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate binds to and results in increased activity of ESR1 protein affects^binding|increases^activity 15840436|27633901
150284-74-2ESR1Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate binds to ESR1 protein affects^binding 19913605|20822795
150384-74-2ESR1Homo sapiensTamoxifen inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate binds to and results in increased activity of ESR1 protein] affects^binding|decreases^reaction|increases^activity 15840436
150484-74-2ESR1Mus musculus[diethyl phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with diisononyl phthalate co-treated with diisobutyl phthalate co-treated with butylbenzyl phthalate] results in decreased expression of ESR1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 28013214
150584-74-2ESR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ESR1 mRNA increases^expression 24067674
150684-74-2ESR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ESR1 protein increases^expression 24067674
150784-74-2ESR2Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate analog binds to ESR2 protein affects^binding 15464722
150884-74-2ESR2OryziinaeDibutyl Phthalate binds to ESR2 protein affects^binding 19913605
150984-74-2ESR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ESR2 mRNA decreases^expression 24067674
151084-74-2ESR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ESR2 protein decreases^expression 24067674
151184-74-2ESRRARattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ESRRA promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
151284-74-2ESYT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ESYT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
151384-74-2ESYT2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ESYT2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
151484-74-2ESYT3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ESYT3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
151584-74-2ETF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ETF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
151684-74-2ETFAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ETFA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
151784-74-2ETFBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ETFB mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
151884-74-2ETFDHRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ETFDH mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
151984-74-2ETL4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ETL4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
152084-74-2ETS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ETS1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
152184-74-2ETS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ETS2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
152284-74-2ETV4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ETV4 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
152384-74-2ETV5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ETV5 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
152484-74-2ETV6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ETV6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
152584-74-2EVA1ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EVA1A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
152684-74-2EVA1BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EVA1B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
152784-74-2EVI2ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EVI2A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
152884-74-2EWSR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EWSR1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
152984-74-2EXD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EXD2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
153084-74-2EXO1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EXO1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
153184-74-2EXOC2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EXOC2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
153284-74-2EXOC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EXOC3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
153384-74-2EXOC3L2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EXOC3L2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
153484-74-2EXOC3L4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EXOC3L4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
153584-74-2EXOC4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EXOC4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
153684-74-2EXOC5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EXOC5 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
153784-74-2EXOC6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EXOC6 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
153884-74-2EXOC8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EXOC8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
153984-74-2EXOC8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EXOC8 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
154084-74-2EXOGMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EXOG mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
154184-74-2EXOGMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EXOG mRNA increases^expression 21266533
154284-74-2EXOSC10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EXOSC10 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
154384-74-2EXOSC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EXOSC2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
154484-74-2EXOSC4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EXOSC4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
154584-74-2EXOSC5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EXOSC5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
154684-74-2EXOSC6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EXOSC6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
154784-74-2EXOSC7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EXOSC7 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
154884-74-2EXOSC8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EXOSC8 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
154984-74-2EXT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EXT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
155084-74-2EXT2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EXT2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
155184-74-2EZH1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of EZH1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
155284-74-2EZH2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of EZH2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
155384-74-2EZRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate affects the expression of EZR mRNA affects^expression 21745491
155484-74-2F10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of F10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
155584-74-2F11RMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of F11R mRNA increases^expression 21266533
155684-74-2F2RMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of F2R mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
155784-74-2F2RRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of F2R mRNA decreases^expression 15620428|21266533
155884-74-2F2RL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of F2RL1 mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
155984-74-2F3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of F3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
156084-74-2FAAP20Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAAP20 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
156184-74-2FABP3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FABP3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|21745491
156284-74-2FABP5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FABP5 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
156384-74-2FADDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FADD mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
156484-74-2FADS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate affects the expression of FADS1 mRNA affects^expression 21745491
156584-74-2FADS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FADS1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
156684-74-2FADS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FADS1 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
156784-74-2FADS2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FADS2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
156884-74-2FADS3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FADS3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
156984-74-2FAHRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of FAH promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
157084-74-2FAHRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAH mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
157184-74-2FAHD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAHD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
157284-74-2FAIMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAIM mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
157384-74-2FAM107AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM107A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
157484-74-2FAM110AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM110A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
157584-74-2FAM110BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FAM110B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
157684-74-2FAM110CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FAM110C mRNA increases^expression 21266533
157784-74-2FAM114A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FAM114A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
157884-74-2FAM115CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM115C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
157984-74-2FAM117ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FAM117A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
158084-74-2FAM126AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FAM126A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
158184-74-2FAM129BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FAM129B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
158284-74-2FAM131BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FAM131B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
158384-74-2FAM136AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM136A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
158484-74-2FAM149B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM149B1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
158584-74-2FAM151BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM151B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
158684-74-2FAM160A2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM160A2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
158784-74-2FAM162AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM162A mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
158884-74-2FAM167BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FAM167B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
158984-74-2FAM168AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM168A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
159084-74-2FAM173ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM173A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
159184-74-2FAM173BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM173B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
159284-74-2FAM181BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM181B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
159384-74-2FAM184BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM184B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
159484-74-2FAM189BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM189B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
159584-74-2FAM193ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FAM193A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
159684-74-2FAM193BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM193B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
159784-74-2FAM198BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FAM198B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
159884-74-2FAM19A5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM19A5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
159984-74-2FAM20CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FAM20C mRNA increases^expression 21266533
160084-74-2FAM210BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM210B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
160184-74-2FAM212ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FAM212A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
160284-74-2FAM214BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM214B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
160384-74-2FAM234AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FAM234A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
160484-74-2FAM234ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM234A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
160584-74-2FAM35AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM35A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
160684-74-2FAM3CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM3C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
160784-74-2FAM46ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM46A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
160884-74-2FAM46CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM46C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
160984-74-2FAM49BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM49B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
161084-74-2FAM50AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM50A mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
161184-74-2FAM53BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM53B mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
161284-74-2FAM57AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM57A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
161384-74-2FAM69BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM69B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
161484-74-2FAM72AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM72A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
161584-74-2FAM78BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FAM78B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
161684-74-2FAM83FMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM83F mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
161784-74-2FAM83HMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FAM83H mRNA increases^expression 21266533
161884-74-2FAM84ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM84A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
161984-74-2FAM96AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM96A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
162084-74-2FAM98BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAM98B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
162184-74-2FANCAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FANCA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
162284-74-2FANCCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FANCC mRNA increases^expression 21266533
162384-74-2FANCERattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FANCE mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
162484-74-2FANCLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FANCL mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
162584-74-2FARS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FARS2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
162684-74-2FARSAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FARSA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
162784-74-2FASNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FASN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
162884-74-2FASTKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FASTK mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
162984-74-2FASTKD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FASTKD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
163084-74-2FAT1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of FAT1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
163184-74-2FAT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAT1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
163284-74-2FAT4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FAT4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
163384-74-2FBLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FBL mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
163484-74-2FBLIM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FBLIM1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
163584-74-2FBN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FBN2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
163684-74-2FBP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FBP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
163784-74-2FBXL20Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FBXL20 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
163884-74-2FBXL3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FBXL3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
163984-74-2FBXL6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FBXL6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
164084-74-2FBXL8Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of FBXL8 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
164184-74-2FBXO16Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FBXO16 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
164284-74-2FBXO2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of FBXO2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
164384-74-2FBXO21Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FBXO21 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
164484-74-2FBXO31Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FBXO31 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
164584-74-2FBXO32Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FBXO32 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
164684-74-2FBXO32Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FBXO32 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
164784-74-2FBXO33Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FBXO33 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
164884-74-2FBXO34Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FBXO34 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
164984-74-2FBXO5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FBXO5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
165084-74-2FBXO9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FBXO9 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
165184-74-2FBXW2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FBXW2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
165284-74-2FBXW5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FBXW5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
165384-74-2FCGR2ARattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of FCGR2A promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
165484-74-2FCGR2ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FCGR2A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
165584-74-2FCHSD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FCHSD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
165684-74-2FCHSD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FCHSD2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
165784-74-2FCN1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FCN1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
165884-74-2FDFT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FDFT1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491
165984-74-2FDPSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FDPS mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491
166084-74-2FDX1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FDX1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491
166184-74-2FDXRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FDXR mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
166284-74-2FECHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FECH mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
166384-74-2FEN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FEN1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
166484-74-2FER1L4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FER1L4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
166584-74-2FERMT2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FERMT2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
166684-74-2FERMT3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FERMT3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
166784-74-2FEZ1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FEZ1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
166884-74-2FGF10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FGF10 mRNA decreases^expression 19464577|25213187|26514922|26948521|27079746
166984-74-2FGF10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FGF10 protein decreases^expression 26514922
167084-74-2FGF10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FGF10 mRNA increases^expression 15829613
167184-74-2FGF11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FGF11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
167284-74-2FGF13Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FGF13 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
167384-74-2FGF15Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of FGF15 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
167484-74-2FGF21Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FGF21 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
167584-74-2FGF8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FGF8 mRNA decreases^expression 19464577|22273727|26948521
167684-74-2FGFR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FGFR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
167784-74-2FGFR1OPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FGFR1OP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
167884-74-2FGFR1OP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FGFR1OP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
167984-74-2FGFR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FGFR2 mRNA decreases^expression 19464577|21266533|25213187|26472102|26514922|26948521|27079746
168084-74-2FGFR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FGFR2 protein decreases^expression 26514922
168184-74-2FGFR3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FGFR3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
168284-74-2FGFR4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FGFR4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
168384-74-2FGL2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FGL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
168484-74-2FH1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FH1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
168584-74-2FHL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FHL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
168684-74-2FHL3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FHL3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
168784-74-2FHOD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FHOD1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
168884-74-2FHOD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FHOD3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
168984-74-2FIG4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FIG4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
169084-74-2FIGNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FIGN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
169184-74-2FILIP1LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FILIP1L mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
169284-74-2FIP1L1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FIP1L1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
169384-74-2FIS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FIS1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
169484-74-2FJX1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FJX1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
169584-74-2FKBP15Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FKBP15 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
169684-74-2FKBP1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FKBP1A mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
169784-74-2FKBP1ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FKBP1A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
169884-74-2FKBP4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FKBP4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
169984-74-2FKBP5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FKBP5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
170084-74-2FKBP5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FKBP5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
170184-74-2FKBP9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FKBP9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
170284-74-2FLAD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FLAD1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
170384-74-2FLGHomo sapiens[FLG gene polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Dibutyl Phthalate] which affects the abundance of monobutyl phthalate affects^abundance|affects^response to substance 24380925
170484-74-2FLNAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FLNA mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
170584-74-2FLOT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FLOT1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
170684-74-2FLRT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FLRT1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
170784-74-2FLRT3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FLRT3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
170884-74-2FLVCR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FLVCR2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
170984-74-2FLYWCH1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FLYWCH1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
171084-74-2FMC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FMC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
171184-74-2FMNL3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FMNL3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
171284-74-2FMO1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FMO1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
171384-74-2FMR1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of FMR1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
171484-74-2FNBP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FNBP1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
171584-74-2FNBP1LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FNBP1L mRNA increases^expression 21266533
171684-74-2FNDC5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FNDC5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
171784-74-2FOLR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FOLR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
171884-74-2FOPNLRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FOPNL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
171984-74-2FOSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FOS mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
172084-74-2FOSL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FOSL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
172184-74-2FOSL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FOSL2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
172284-74-2FOXD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FOXD3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
172384-74-2FOXN3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FOXN3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
172484-74-2FOXO4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FOXO4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
172584-74-2FOXP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FOXP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
172684-74-2FOXP4Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of FOXP4 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
172784-74-2FOXQ1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FOXQ1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
172884-74-2FOXRED1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FOXRED1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
172984-74-2FOXS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FOXS1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
173084-74-2FRA10AC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FRA10AC1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
173184-74-2FRA10AC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FRA10AC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
173284-74-2FRMD4AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FRMD4A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
173384-74-2FRMD4BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FRMD4B mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
173484-74-2FRMD6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FRMD6 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
173584-74-2FRMD8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FRMD8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
173684-74-2FRMD8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FRMD8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
173784-74-2FRYLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FRYL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
173884-74-2FSCN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FSCN1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
173984-74-2FSD2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FSD2 mRNA decreases^expression 26472102
174084-74-2FSHBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FSHB increases^expression 25765776
174184-74-2FSHBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FSHB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
174284-74-2FSHBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FSHB protein increases^expression 22489061
174384-74-2FSHRMus musculus[diethyl phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with diisononyl phthalate co-treated with diisobutyl phthalate co-treated with butylbenzyl phthalate] results in decreased expression of FSHR mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 28013214
174484-74-2FTCDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FTCD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
174584-74-2FTSJ1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FTSJ1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
174684-74-2FUCA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FUCA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
174784-74-2FUKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FUK mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
174884-74-2FURINMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FURIN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
174984-74-2FUSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FUS mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
175084-74-2FUT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FUT1 mRNA increases^expression 24893172
175184-74-2FUT9Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of FUT9 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
175284-74-2FXNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FXN mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
175384-74-2FXYD4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FXYD4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
175484-74-2FXYD5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FXYD5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
175584-74-2FXYD6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FXYD6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
175684-74-2FYNRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of FYN mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
175784-74-2FZD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FZD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
175884-74-2FZD2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FZD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
175984-74-2FZD7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FZD7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
176084-74-2FZD8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FZD8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
176184-74-2FZD9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of FZD9 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
176284-74-2FZR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of FZR1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
176384-74-2G3BP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of G3BP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
176484-74-2G3BP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of G3BP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
176584-74-2G6PD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of G6PD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
176684-74-2GABARAPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GABARAP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
176784-74-2GABARAPL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GABARAPL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
176884-74-2GABARAPL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GABARAPL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
176984-74-2GABBR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GABBR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
177084-74-2GABBR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GABBR1 mRNA increases^expression 15620428
177184-74-2GABPB2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GABPB2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
177284-74-2GABRA4Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of GABRA4 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
177384-74-2GABRB1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of GABRB1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
177484-74-2GABRB2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GABRB2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
177584-74-2GAD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GAD1 mRNA increases^expression 15620428
177684-74-2GADD45ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GADD45A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
177784-74-2GADD45BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GADD45B mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
177884-74-2GADD45GMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GADD45G mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
177984-74-2GADD45GRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of GADD45G promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
178084-74-2GADD45GIP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GADD45GIP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
178184-74-2GALRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GAL mRNA increases^expression 21266533
178284-74-2GALK2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GALK2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
178384-74-2GALMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GALM mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
178484-74-2GALNT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GALNT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
178584-74-2GALNT11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GALNT11 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
178684-74-2GALNT2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GALNT2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
178784-74-2GALR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GALR1 mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
178884-74-2GALR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GALR2 mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
178984-74-2GALTRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GALT mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
179084-74-2GAMTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GAMT mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
179184-74-2GAPDHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GAPDH mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
179284-74-2GAPVD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GAPVD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
179384-74-2GAR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GAR1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
179484-74-2GARTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GART mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
179584-74-2GAS2L2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GAS2L2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
179684-74-2GAS6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GAS6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
179784-74-2GAS7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GAS7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
179884-74-2GATA6Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of GATA6 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
179984-74-2GATA6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GATA6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
180084-74-2GATAD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GATAD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
180184-74-2GATBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GATB mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
180284-74-2GATCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GATC mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
180384-74-2GATMRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GATM mRNA increases^expression 21266533
180484-74-2GBAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GBA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
180584-74-2GCATMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GCAT mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
180684-74-2GCDHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GCDH mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
180784-74-2GCGRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GCG mRNA increases^expression 21266533
180884-74-2GCGRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GCGR mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
180984-74-2GCHFRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GCHFR mRNA increases^expression 21266533
181084-74-2GCLCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GCLC mRNA increases^expression 21266533
181184-74-2GCLMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GCLM mRNA increases^expression 21266533
181284-74-2GCNT7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GCNT7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
181384-74-2GCOM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GCOM1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
181484-74-2GCS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GCS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
181584-74-2GCSAMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GCSAM mRNA increases^expression 21266533
181684-74-2GDAP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GDAP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
181784-74-2GDE1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GDE1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
181884-74-2GDF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GDF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
181984-74-2GDF10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GDF10 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
182084-74-2GDF15Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GDF15 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
182184-74-2GDF15Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GDF15 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
182284-74-2GDNFRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of GDNF promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
182384-74-2GDNFRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of GDNF mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
182484-74-2GDPD5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GDPD5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
182584-74-2GEMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GEM mRNA increases^expression 21266533
182684-74-2GEMIN2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GEMIN2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
182784-74-2GEMIN4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GEMIN4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
182884-74-2GEMIN7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GEMIN7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
182984-74-2GFERMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GFER mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
183084-74-2GFM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GFM1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
183184-74-2GFPT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GFPT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
183284-74-2GGCXRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GGCX mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
183384-74-2GGNBP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GGNBP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
183484-74-2GGT7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GGT7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
183584-74-2GHITMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GHITM mRNA increases^expression 21266533
183684-74-2GHITMRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GHITM mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
183784-74-2GIMAP9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GIMAP9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
183884-74-2GINM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GINM1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
183984-74-2GINS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GINS1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
184084-74-2GINS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GINS2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
184184-74-2GINS3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GINS3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
184284-74-2GINS4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GINS4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
184384-74-2GIPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GIP mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
184484-74-2GJA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GJA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
184584-74-2GJB2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GJB2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
184684-74-2GKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GK mRNA increases^expression 21266533
184784-74-2GLARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GLA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
184884-74-2GLB1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GLB1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
184984-74-2GLB1LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GLB1L mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
185084-74-2GLCEMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GLCE mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
185184-74-2GLI1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GLI1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
185284-74-2GLI2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GLI2 mRNA decreases^expression 25213187|27079746
185384-74-2GLI3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GLI3 mRNA decreases^expression 25213187|27079746
185484-74-2GLIPR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GLIPR1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
185584-74-2GLIPR2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GLIPR2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
185684-74-2GLIS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GLIS2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
185784-74-2GLMPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GLMP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
185884-74-2GLOD4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GLOD4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
185984-74-2GLRXRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GLRX mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
186084-74-2GLSRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of GLS mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
186184-74-2GLTPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GLTP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
186284-74-2GMEB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GMEB1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
186384-74-2GMFBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GMFB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
186484-74-2GMNNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GMNN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
186584-74-2GMPPAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GMPPA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
186684-74-2GMPRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GMPR mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
186784-74-2GMPSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GMPS mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
186884-74-2GNA14Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GNA14 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
186984-74-2GNAI1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GNAI1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
187084-74-2GNAI3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GNAI3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
187184-74-2GNALMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GNAL mRNA increases^expression 21266533
187284-74-2GNALRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GNAL mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
187384-74-2GNASRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GNAS mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
187484-74-2GNB1LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GNB1L mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
187584-74-2GNB5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GNB5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
187684-74-2GNEMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GNE mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
187784-74-2GNG10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GNG10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
187884-74-2GNG12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GNG12 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
187984-74-2GNG5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GNG5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
188084-74-2GNG5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GNG5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
188184-74-2GNG8Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of GNG8 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
188284-74-2GNGT2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GNGT2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
188384-74-2GNL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GNL2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
188484-74-2GNL3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GNL3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
188584-74-2GNPATRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GNPAT mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
188684-74-2GNPDA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GNPDA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
188784-74-2GNRHRRattus norvegicusbisphenol A promotes the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GNRHR mRNA] increases^expression|increases^reaction 23294617
188884-74-2GNRHRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate promotes the reaction [bisphenol A results in increased expression of GNRHR mRNA] increases^expression|increases^reaction 23294617
188984-74-2GNRHRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GNRHR mRNA increases^expression 21266533|23294617
189084-74-2GOLGA7BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GOLGA7B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
189184-74-2GOLPH3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GOLPH3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
189284-74-2GORASP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GORASP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
189384-74-2GOSR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GOSR2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
189484-74-2GOT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GOT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
189584-74-2GOT1L1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GOT1L1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
189684-74-2GOT2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GOT2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
189784-74-2GPATCH4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GPATCH4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
189884-74-2GPBP1L1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GPBP1L1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
189984-74-2GPC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GPC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
190084-74-2GPC4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GPC4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
190184-74-2GPD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GPD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
190284-74-2GPER1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GPER1 mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
190384-74-2GPHA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GPHA2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
190484-74-2GPIRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GPI mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
190584-74-2GPN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GPN1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
190684-74-2GPNMBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GPNMB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
190784-74-2GPR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GPR1 mRNA increases^expression 15620428
190884-74-2GPR107Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GPR107 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
190984-74-2GPR137BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GPR137B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
191084-74-2GPR137BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GPR137B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
191184-74-2GPR150Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GPR150 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
191284-74-2GPR182Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GPR182 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
191384-74-2GPR182Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GPR182 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
191484-74-2GPR19Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GPR19 mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
191584-74-2GPRASP1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of GPRASP1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
191684-74-2GPRASP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GPRASP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
191784-74-2GPRC5AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GPRC5A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
191884-74-2GPRC5BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GPRC5B mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
191984-74-2GPRC5DMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GPRC5D mRNA increases^expression 21266533
192084-74-2GPSN2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GPSN2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
192184-74-2GPX1Mesocricetus auratusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased activity of GPX1 protein increases^activity 11181109
192284-74-2GPX1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GPX1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
192384-74-2GPX1Mus musculus[diethyl phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with diisononyl phthalate co-treated with diisobutyl phthalate co-treated with butylbenzyl phthalate] results in decreased expression of GPX1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 28013214
192484-74-2GPX3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GPX3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
192584-74-2GPX4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GPX4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
192684-74-2GPX4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GPX4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
192784-74-2GPX7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GPX7 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
192884-74-2GRAMD1BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GRAMD1B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
192984-74-2GRAMD3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GRAMD3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
193084-74-2GRASPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GRASP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
193184-74-2GRASPRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of GRASP promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
193284-74-2GRB14Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GRB14 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
193384-74-2GRB14Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate affects the expression of GRB14 protein affects^expression 21745491
193484-74-2GRB14Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GRB14 protein increases^expression 15728792
193584-74-2GRCC10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GRCC10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
193684-74-2GREM2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GREM2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
193784-74-2GRHPRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GRHPR mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
193884-74-2GRIA2Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of GRIA2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
193984-74-2GRIA4Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of GRIA4 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
194084-74-2GRIK1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of GRIK1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
194184-74-2GRIK2Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of GRIK2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
194284-74-2GRIN1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of GRIN1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
194384-74-2GRIN2BRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of GRIN2B mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
194484-74-2GRINARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GRINA mRNA increases^expression 17379624
194584-74-2GRIP1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of GRIP1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
194684-74-2GRK6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GRK6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
194784-74-2GRK6Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of GRK6 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
194884-74-2GRM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GRM1 mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
194984-74-2GRM7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GRM7 mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
195084-74-2GRM8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GRM8 mRNA increases^expression 15620428
195184-74-2GRNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GRN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
195284-74-2GRNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GRN mRNA increases^expression 16493179
195384-74-2GRPEL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GRPEL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
195484-74-2GRSF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GRSF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
195584-74-2GRWD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GRWD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
195684-74-2GSE1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GSE1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
195784-74-2GSG1LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GSG1L mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
195884-74-2GSK3BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GSK3B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
195984-74-2GSNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GSN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
196084-74-2GSPT2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GSPT2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
196184-74-2GSPT2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GSPT2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
196284-74-2GSRMus musculus[diethyl phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with diisononyl phthalate co-treated with diisobutyl phthalate co-treated with butylbenzyl phthalate] results in decreased expression of GSR mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 28013214
196384-74-2GSRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GSR protein decreases^expression 25172463
196484-74-2GSSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GSS mRNA increases^expression 21266533
196584-74-2GSTA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GSTA1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
196684-74-2GSTA2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GSTA2 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
196784-74-2GSTA3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GSTA3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
196884-74-2GSTA4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GSTA4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
196984-74-2GSTM2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate affects the expression of GSTM2 mRNA affects^expression 21745491
197084-74-2GSTM2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GSTM2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
197184-74-2GSTM7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GSTM7 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
197284-74-2GSTM7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GSTM7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
197384-74-2GSTO1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GSTO1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
197484-74-2GSTP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GSTP1 mRNA increases^expression 17379624|21266533
197584-74-2GSTZ1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GSTZ1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
197684-74-2GTF2A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GTF2A1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
197784-74-2GTF2F1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GTF2F1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
197884-74-2GTF2F1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GTF2F1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
197984-74-2GTF2H3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GTF2H3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
198084-74-2GTF2IRD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GTF2IRD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
198184-74-2GTF3AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GTF3A mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
198284-74-2GTF3C1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GTF3C1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
198384-74-2GTPBP3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GTPBP3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
198484-74-2GTPBP4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GTPBP4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
198584-74-2GUCY1B3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GUCY1B3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
198684-74-2GUK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GUK1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
198784-74-2GUSBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of GUSB mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
198884-74-2GYGMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GYG mRNA increases^expression 21266533
198984-74-2GYPAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of GYPA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
199084-74-2H1F0Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of H1F0 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
199184-74-2H1F0Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of H1F0 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
199284-74-2H1FNTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of H1FNT mRNA increases^expression 21266533
199384-74-2H1FXMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of H1FX mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
199484-74-2H2AFJMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of H2AFJ mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
199584-74-2H2AFVMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of H2AFV mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
199684-74-2H2AFXMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of H2AFX mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
199784-74-2H2AFZMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of H2AFZ mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
199884-74-2H2-K1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of H2-K1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
199984-74-2H3F3AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of H3F3A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
200084-74-2H3F3BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of H3F3B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
200184-74-2HABP4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HABP4 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
200284-74-2HACD2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HACD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
200384-74-2HACD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HACD3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
200484-74-2HADHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HADH mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
200584-74-2HADHARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HADHA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
200684-74-2HADHBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HADHB mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
200784-74-2HAGHLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HAGHL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
200884-74-2HAO2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HAO2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
200984-74-2HAO2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HAO2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
201084-74-2HAS2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HAS2 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
201184-74-2HASPINMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HASPIN mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
201284-74-2HAT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HAT1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
201384-74-2HAUS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HAUS1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
201484-74-2HAUS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HAUS2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
201584-74-2HAUS4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HAUS4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
201684-74-2HAUS7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HAUS7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
201784-74-2HAUS8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HAUS8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
201884-74-2HAX1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HAX1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
201984-74-2HBB-BH1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HBB-BH1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
202084-74-2HBP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HBP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
202184-74-2HCFC1R1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HCFC1R1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
202284-74-2HCKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HCK mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
202384-74-2HCRTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HCRT mRNA increases^expression 17361019
202484-74-2HCRTR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HCRTR2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
202584-74-2HDAC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HDAC1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
202684-74-2HDAC11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HDAC11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
202784-74-2HDAC3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HDAC3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
202884-74-2HDAC5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HDAC5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
202984-74-2HDAC6Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate promotes the reaction [TFAP2A protein binds to HDAC6 promoter] affects^binding|increases^reaction 22552774
203084-74-2HDAC6Homo sapiens[Dibutyl Phthalate promotes the reaction [TFAP2A protein binds to HDAC6 promoter]] which results in increased expression of HDAC6 mRNA affects^binding|increases^expression|increases^reaction 22552774
203184-74-2HDAC6Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HDAC6 mRNA increases^expression 22552774
203284-74-2HDAC6Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HDAC6 protein increases^expression 22552774
203384-74-2HDAC6Homo sapiensHDAC6 mutant form inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate promotes the reaction [[TCF4 protein binds to LEF1 protein] which binds to VIM protein]] affects^binding|decreases^reaction|increases^reaction 22552774
203484-74-2HDAC6Homo sapiensHDAC6 mutant form inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KRT7 protein] decreases^expression|decreases^reaction 22552774
203584-74-2HDAC6Homo sapiensHDAC6 mutant form inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VIM protein] decreases^reaction|increases^expression 22552774
203684-74-2HDAC6Homo sapiensHDAC6 results in increased susceptibility to Dibutyl Phthalate increases^response to substance 22552774
203784-74-2HDAC6Homo sapiensTFAP2A mutant form inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HDAC6 protein] decreases^reaction|increases^expression 22552774
203884-74-2HDAC6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HDAC6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
203984-74-2HDAC7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HDAC7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
204084-74-2HDDC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HDDC2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
204184-74-2HDDC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HDDC3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
204284-74-2HDHD3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HDHD3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
204384-74-2HEATR5BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HEATR5B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
204484-74-2HEATR6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HEATR6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
204584-74-2HECAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HECA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
204684-74-2HECW2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HECW2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
204784-74-2HEG1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HEG1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
204884-74-2HELLSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HELLS mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
204984-74-2HEMK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HEMK1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
205084-74-2HEPACAMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HEPACAM mRNA increases^expression 21266533
205184-74-2HERC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HERC2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
205284-74-2HERPUD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HERPUD1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
205384-74-2HERPUD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HERPUD2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
205484-74-2HES1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HES1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
205584-74-2HES1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HES1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
205684-74-2HES6Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of HES6 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
205784-74-2HES6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HES6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
205884-74-2HES7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HES7 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
205984-74-2HEXIM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HEXIM1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
206084-74-2HEY1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HEY1 mRNA decreases^expression 26472102
206184-74-2HEYLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HEYL mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
206284-74-2HGSNATRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HGSNAT mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
206384-74-2HHIPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HHIP mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
206484-74-2HIBCHRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HIBCH mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
206584-74-2HIGD2AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HIGD2A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
206684-74-2HIGD2ARattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of HIGD2A promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
206784-74-2HIGD2AL1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of HIGD2AL1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
206884-74-2HIP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HIP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
206984-74-2HIPK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HIPK1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
207084-74-2HIPK2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HIPK2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
207184-74-2HIPK3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HIPK3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
207284-74-2HIRIP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HIRIP3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
207384-74-2HIST1H1CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HIST1H1C mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
207484-74-2HIST1H2ADMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HIST1H2AD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
207584-74-2HIST1H2BCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HIST1H2BC mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
207684-74-2HIST1H4BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HIST1H4B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
207784-74-2HIST2H2AA3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HIST2H2AA3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
207884-74-2HIST3H2AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HIST3H2A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
207984-74-2HIVEP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HIVEP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
208084-74-2HIVEP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HIVEP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
208184-74-2HIVEP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HIVEP3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
208284-74-2HK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HK1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
208384-74-2HK2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HK2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
208484-74-2HLTFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HLTF mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
208584-74-2HLTFRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HLTF mRNA increases^expression 21266533
208684-74-2HMBSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HMBS mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
208784-74-2HMGB1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HMGB1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
208884-74-2HMGB3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HMGB3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
208984-74-2HMGCRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HMGCR mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491
209084-74-2HMGCS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HMGCS1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
209184-74-2HMGCS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HMGCS1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491
209284-74-2HMGN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HMGN1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
209384-74-2HMGN3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HMGN3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|24893172
209484-74-2HMMRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HMMR mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
209584-74-2HMOX1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein increases^expression 28295950
209684-74-2HMOX1Mus musculus[sulforafan co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 28295950
209784-74-2HMOX1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HMOX1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
209884-74-2HNF1ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HNF1A mRNA decreases^expression 15728792|21745491
209984-74-2HNRNPA0Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HNRNPA0 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
210084-74-2HNRNPA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HNRNPA1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
210184-74-2HNRNPABMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HNRNPAB mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
210284-74-2HNRNPDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HNRNPD mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
210384-74-2HNRNPDLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HNRNPDL mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
210484-74-2HNRNPDLRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of HNRNPDL promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
210584-74-2HNRNPH3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HNRNPH3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
210684-74-2HNRNPRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HNRNPR mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
210784-74-2HNRNPURattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HNRNPU mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
210884-74-2HNRNPUL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HNRNPUL2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
210984-74-2HNRPMRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HNRPM mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
211084-74-2HOMER1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HOMER1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
211184-74-2HOMEZMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HOMEZ mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
211284-74-2HOOK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HOOK1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
211384-74-2HOOK3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HOOK3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
211484-74-2HOXA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate inhibits the reaction [Vitamin A results in increased expression of HOXA1 mRNA] decreases^reaction|increases^expression 23696197
211584-74-2HOXA13Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HOXA13 mRNA decreases^expression 25213187|27079746
211684-74-2HOXB3Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of HOXB3 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
211784-74-2HOXB6Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of HOXB6 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
211884-74-2HOXD13Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HOXD13 mRNA decreases^expression 25213187|27079746
211984-74-2HOXD3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HOXD3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
212084-74-2HOXD9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HOXD9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
212184-74-2HP1BP3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HP1BP3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
212284-74-2HPGDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HPGD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
212384-74-2HPGDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HPGD mRNA increases^expression 21266533
212484-74-2HPRT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate promotes the reaction [[Ozone co-treated with 4-(N-methyl-N-nitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone] results in increased mutagenesis of HPRT1 gene] affects^cotreatment|increases^mutagenesis|increases^reaction 15613823
212584-74-2HPRT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased mutagenesis of HPRT1 gene increases^mutagenesis 15613823
212684-74-2HPRT1Mus musculus[Ozone co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] results in increased mutagenesis of HPRT1 gene affects^cotreatment|increases^mutagenesis 15613823
212784-74-2HPS3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HPS3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
212884-74-2HPS6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HPS6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
212984-74-2HPSERattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HPSE mRNA increases^expression 21266533
213084-74-2HRKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HRK mRNA increases^expression 21266533
213184-74-2HS3ST1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HS3ST1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
213284-74-2HSD11B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HSD11B1 protein increases^expression 19815848
213384-74-2HSD11B2Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased activity of HSD11B2 protein decreases^activity 19786001
213484-74-2HSD11B2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSD11B2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
213584-74-2HSD17B1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSD17B1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
213684-74-2HSD17B1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HSD17B1 mRNA increases^expression 25765776
213784-74-2HSD17B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSD17B1 protein decreases^expression 26706031
213884-74-2HSD17B10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSD17B10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
213984-74-2HSD17B11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HSD17B11 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
214084-74-2HSD17B3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSD17B3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533|25434310
214184-74-2HSD17B3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSD17B3 protein decreases^expression 25434310
214284-74-2HSD17B4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HSD17B4 protein increases^expression 9209713
214384-74-2HSD17B7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HSD17B7 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
214484-74-2HSD17B8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HSD17B8 mRNA increases^expression 19560483|26472102
214584-74-2HSD3BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSD3B mRNA decreases^expression 21745491|27079746
214684-74-2HSD3B1Mus musculus[diethyl phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with diisononyl phthalate co-treated with diisobutyl phthalate co-treated with butylbenzyl phthalate] results in decreased expression of HSD3B1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 28013214
214784-74-2HSD3B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSD3B1 mRNA decreases^expression 15141095|21266533|26706031
214884-74-2HSD3B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSD3B1 protein decreases^expression 15141095
214984-74-2HSD3B6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSD3B6 mRNA decreases^expression 26948521
215084-74-2HSDL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSDL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
215184-74-2HSF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSF1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
215284-74-2HSP90AA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HSP90AA1 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
215384-74-2HSP90AB1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of HSP90AB1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
215484-74-2HSP90B1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSP90B1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
215584-74-2HSPA12ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSPA12A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
215684-74-2HSPA14Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSPA14 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
215784-74-2HSPA5Mus musculus4-phenylbutyric acid inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HSPA5 protein] decreases^reaction|increases^expression 26804720
215884-74-2HSPA5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HSPA5 protein increases^expression 26804720
215984-74-2HSPA8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HSPA8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
216084-74-2HSPA9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HSPA9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
216184-74-2HSPB1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HSPB1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
216284-74-2HSPB11Danio rerioDibutyl Phthalate affects the expression of HSPB11 mRNA affects^expression 27029555
216384-74-2HSPB6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSPB6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
216484-74-2HSPB7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HSPB7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
216584-74-2HSPD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSPD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
216684-74-2HSPE1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HSPE1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
216784-74-2HSPE1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HSPE1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
216884-74-2HTR2CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HTR2C mRNA increases^expression 21266533
216984-74-2HTR4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HTR4 mRNA increases^expression 15620428
217084-74-2HTR5BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HTR5B mRNA increases^expression 15620428
217184-74-2HTRA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HTRA1 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
217284-74-2HTRA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HTRA2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
217384-74-2HTRA3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HTRA3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
217484-74-2HUS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HUS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
217584-74-2HYAL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HYAL2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
217684-74-2HYOU1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of HYOU1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
217784-74-2HYPKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of HYPK mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
217884-74-2ICAM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ICAM1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
217984-74-2ICMTRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ICMT mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
218084-74-2ICOSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ICOS mRNA increases^expression 17361019
218184-74-2ID1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ID1 mRNA decreases^expression 26472102
218284-74-2ID2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ID2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
218384-74-2IDEMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IDE mRNA increases^expression 21266533
218484-74-2IDH1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IDH1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|21745491
218584-74-2IDH3GMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IDH3G mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
218684-74-2IDI1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IDI1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
218784-74-2IDI1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IDI1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491
218884-74-2IDSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IDS mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
218984-74-2IER2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IER2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
219084-74-2IER3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IER3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
219184-74-2IER5LRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IER5L mRNA increases^expression 21266533
219284-74-2IFFO2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IFFO2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
219384-74-2IFI203Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IFI203 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
219484-74-2IFI27L2BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IFI27L2B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
219584-74-2IFI30Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IFI30 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
219684-74-2IFI35Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IFI35 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
219784-74-2IFI47Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IFI47 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
219884-74-2IFITM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IFITM1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
219984-74-2IFITM3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IFITM3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
220084-74-2IFNGR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IFNGR2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
220184-74-2IFRD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IFRD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
220284-74-2IFRD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IFRD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
220384-74-2IFT46Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IFT46 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
220484-74-2IFT46Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IFT46 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
220584-74-2IFT52Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IFT52 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
220684-74-2IGDCC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IGDCC3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
220784-74-2IGDCC4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IGDCC4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
220884-74-2IGF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IGF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|26472102
220984-74-2IGF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IGF1 mRNA increases^expression 15829613
221084-74-2IGF1RMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IGF1R mRNA increases^expression 21266533
221184-74-2IGF1RRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IGF1R protein increases^expression 15829613
221284-74-2IGF2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IGF2 mRNA increases^expression 15829613|21266533
221384-74-2IGF2BP1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of IGF2BP1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
221484-74-2IGF2BP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IGF2BP3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
221584-74-2IGF2RRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of IGF2R mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
221684-74-2IGFBP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IGFBP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
221784-74-2IGFBP5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IGFBP5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
221884-74-2IGFBP5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IGFBP5 mRNA increases^expression 15829613
221984-74-2IGFBP7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IGFBP7 mRNA decreases^expression 19560483
222084-74-2IGFLR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IGFLR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
222184-74-2IGH-6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IGH-6 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
222284-74-2IGSF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IGSF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
222384-74-2IGSF8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IGSF8 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
222484-74-2IGSF9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IGSF9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
222584-74-2IGTPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IGTP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
222684-74-2IKBKGMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IKBKG mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
222784-74-2IL10RBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IL10RB mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
222884-74-2IL11RA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IL11RA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
222984-74-2IL11RA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IL11RA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
223084-74-2IL13RA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IL13RA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
223184-74-2IL13RA2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IL13RA2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
223284-74-2IL17RAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IL17RA mRNA increases^expression 17361019
223384-74-2IL17RCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IL17RC mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
223484-74-2IL17RERattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IL17RE mRNA increases^expression 21266533
223584-74-2IL1BHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of and results in increased secretion of IL1B increases^expression|increases^secretion 22723514
223684-74-2IL1BRattus norvegicus[Benzo(a)pyrene co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] results in increased secretion of IL1B protein affects^cotreatment|increases^secretion 20655936
223784-74-2IL1R1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IL1R1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
223884-74-2IL1R2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IL1R2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
223984-74-2IL1RAPL1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of IL1RAPL1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
224084-74-2IL1RAPL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IL1RAPL2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
224184-74-2IL4RAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IL4RA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
224284-74-2IL6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IL6 protein increases^expression 27511800
224384-74-2ILDR2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ILDR2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
224484-74-2ILKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ILK mRNA increases^expression 21266533
224584-74-2ILVBLRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ILVBL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
224684-74-2IMMTRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IMMT mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
224784-74-2IMP4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IMP4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
224884-74-2IMP4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IMP4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
224984-74-2IMPACTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IMPACT mRNA increases^expression 21266533
225084-74-2IMPDH2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IMPDH2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
225184-74-2INCENPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of INCENP mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
225284-74-2INF2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of INF2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
225384-74-2ING1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ING1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
225484-74-2ING2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ING2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
225584-74-2ING2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ING2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
225684-74-2ING3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ING3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
225784-74-2INHAHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of INHA mRNA increases^expression 18214805
225884-74-2INHARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of INHA mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491|26472102
225984-74-2INHARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of INHA protein decreases^expression 17379624|21745491
226084-74-2INHBARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of INHBA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
226184-74-2INHBBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of INHBB mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
226284-74-2INPP5AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of INPP5A mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
226384-74-2INPP5EMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of INPP5E mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
226484-74-2INPP5JMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of INPP5J mRNA increases^expression 21266533
226584-74-2INSCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of INSC mRNA increases^expression 21266533
226684-74-2INSIG1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of INSIG1 mRNA decreases^expression 15728792|21266533|21745491
226784-74-2INSIG2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of INSIG2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
226884-74-2INSL3Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate] results in decreased expression of INSL3 affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 17400582
226984-74-2INSL3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of INSL3 mRNA decreases^expression 14687758|16102138|17379624|18411233|18621746|21266533|21745491
227084-74-2INSL3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of INSL3 protein decreases^expression 16037377|21745491
227184-74-2INTS11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of INTS11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
227284-74-2INTS5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of INTS5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
227384-74-2INTS6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of INTS6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
227484-74-2IP6K2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IP6K2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
227584-74-2IPCEF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IPCEF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
227684-74-2IQGAP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IQGAP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
227784-74-2IRAK1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IRAK1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
227884-74-2IRAK2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IRAK2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
227984-74-2IRAK4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IRAK4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
228084-74-2IRF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IRF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
228184-74-2IRF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IRF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
228284-74-2IRF3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IRF3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
228384-74-2IRF6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IRF6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
228484-74-2IRF8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IRF8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
228584-74-2IRS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IRS2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
228684-74-2IRX5Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of IRX5 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
228784-74-2ISCA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ISCA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
228884-74-2ISCA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ISCA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
228984-74-2ISCA2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ISCA2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
229084-74-2ISG20Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ISG20 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
229184-74-2ISG20Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ISG20 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
229284-74-2ISOC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ISOC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
229384-74-2ISYNA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ISYNA1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
229484-74-2ITGA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ITGA1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
229584-74-2ITGA3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ITGA3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
229684-74-2ITGA5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ITGA5 mRNA increases^expression 15829613|21266533
229784-74-2ITGA6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ITGA6 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
229884-74-2ITGA7Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ITGA7 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
229984-74-2ITGAVMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ITGAV mRNA increases^expression 21266533
230084-74-2ITGB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ITGB1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
230184-74-2ITGB6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ITGB6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
230284-74-2ITGB8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ITGB8 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
230384-74-2ITM2CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ITM2C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
230484-74-2ITPAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ITPA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
230584-74-2ITPK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ITPK1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
230684-74-2ITPKAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ITPKA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
230784-74-2ITPR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ITPR1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
230884-74-2ITPR3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ITPR3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
230984-74-2ITPRIPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ITPRIP mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
231084-74-2ITSN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ITSN1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
231184-74-2ITSN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ITSN2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
231284-74-2ITSN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ITSN2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
231384-74-2IVDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of IVD mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
231484-74-2IVNS1ABPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of IVNS1ABP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
231584-74-2JAK2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of JAK2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
231684-74-2JAM2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of JAM2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
231784-74-2JAZF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of JAZF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
231884-74-2JDP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of JDP2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
231984-74-2JMJD6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of JMJD6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
232084-74-2JMJD7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of JMJD7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
232184-74-2JMYMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of JMY mRNA increases^expression 21266533
232284-74-2JOSD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of JOSD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
232384-74-2JPH2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of JPH2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
232484-74-2JPH3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of JPH3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
232584-74-2JPT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of JPT1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
232684-74-2JUNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of JUN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
232784-74-2JUNBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of JUNB mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
232884-74-2JUPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of JUP mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
232984-74-2KANK1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KANK1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
233084-74-2KANK3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KANK3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
233184-74-2KAT2AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KAT2A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
233284-74-2KAT2BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KAT2B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
233384-74-2KAT5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KAT5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
233484-74-2KAT6ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KAT6A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
233584-74-2KAZALD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KAZALD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
233684-74-2KAZNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KAZN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
233784-74-2KBTBD13Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KBTBD13 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
233884-74-2KBTBD4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KBTBD4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
233984-74-2KBTBD4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KBTBD4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
234084-74-2KCNA6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KCNA6 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
234184-74-2KCNE1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KCNE1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
234284-74-2KCNH1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KCNH1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
234384-74-2KCNH2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KCNH2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
234484-74-2KCNJ2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of KCNJ2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
234584-74-2KCNJ5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KCNJ5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
234684-74-2KCNK2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KCNK2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
234784-74-2KCNK5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KCNK5 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
234884-74-2KCNK6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KCNK6 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
234984-74-2KCNMA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KCNMA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
235084-74-2KCNMB1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KCNMB1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
235184-74-2KCNMB4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KCNMB4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
235284-74-2KCNN2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of KCNN2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
235384-74-2KCNN3Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of KCNN3 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
235484-74-2KCNS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KCNS2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
235584-74-2KCNT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KCNT1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
235684-74-2KCTD10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KCTD10 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
235784-74-2KCTD14Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KCTD14 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
235884-74-2KCTD14Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KCTD14 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
235984-74-2KCTD3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KCTD3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
236084-74-2KDELC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KDELC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
236184-74-2KDELR3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KDELR3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
236284-74-2KDM2BRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of KDM2B promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
236384-74-2KDM3BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KDM3B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
236484-74-2KDM4AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KDM4A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
236584-74-2KDM7AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KDM7A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
236684-74-2KEAP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KEAP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
236784-74-2KERAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KERA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
236884-74-2KHKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KHK mRNA increases^expression 17379624
236984-74-2KIF15Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KIF15 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
237084-74-2KIF17Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KIF17 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
237184-74-2KIF18BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KIF18B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
237284-74-2KIF1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KIF1A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
237384-74-2KIF1BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KIF1B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
237484-74-2KIF20ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KIF20A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
237584-74-2KIF21BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KIF21B mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
237684-74-2KIF22Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KIF22 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
237784-74-2KIF24Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KIF24 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
237884-74-2KIF26AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KIF26A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
237984-74-2KIF2ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KIF2A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
238084-74-2KIF2CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KIF2C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
238184-74-2KIF3CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KIF3C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
238284-74-2KIF6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KIF6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
238384-74-2KIFC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KIFC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
238484-74-2KIRRELMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KIRREL mRNA increases^expression 21266533
238584-74-2KISS1RRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KISS1R mRNA decreases^expression 24056307
238684-74-2KITRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KIT mRNA decreases^expression 21745491
238784-74-2KITRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KIT protein decreases^expression 21745491|24285609
238884-74-2KITRattus norvegicusresveratrol inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KIT protein] decreases^expression|decreases^reaction 24285609
238984-74-2KITLGRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KITLG mRNA decreases^expression 21745491
239084-74-2KITLGRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KITLG protein increases^expression 21745491
239184-74-2KLF10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KLF10 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
239284-74-2KLF3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KLF3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
239384-74-2KLF4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KLF4 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
239484-74-2KLF5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KLF5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
239584-74-2KLF6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KLF6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
239684-74-2KLF7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KLF7 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
239784-74-2KLF9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KLF9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
239884-74-2KLHDC10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KLHDC10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
239984-74-2KLHDC3Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of KLHDC3 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
240084-74-2KLHDC8ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KLHDC8A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
240184-74-2KLHL14Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of KLHL14 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
240284-74-2KLHL22Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KLHL22 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
240384-74-2KLHL23Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KLHL23 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
240484-74-2KLHL24Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KLHL24 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
240584-74-2KLHL24Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KLHL24 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
240684-74-2KLHL25Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KLHL25 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
240784-74-2KLHL38Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KLHL38 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
240884-74-2KLHL40Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KLHL40 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
240984-74-2KLK1B21Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KLK1B21 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
241084-74-2KLKB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KLKB1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
241184-74-2KMT2ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KMT2A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
241284-74-2KMT2CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KMT2C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
241384-74-2KMT2EMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KMT2E mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
241484-74-2KMT5AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KMT5A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
241584-74-2KNG2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KNG2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
241684-74-2KNL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KNL1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
241784-74-2KNSTRNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KNSTRN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
241884-74-2KPNA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KPNA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
241984-74-2KPNA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KPNA2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
242084-74-2KPNA6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KPNA6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
242184-74-2KPNA7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KPNA7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
242284-74-2KRBA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KRBA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
242384-74-2KRR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KRR1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
242484-74-2KRT13Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KRT13 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
242584-74-2KRT14Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KRT14 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
242684-74-2KRT18Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KRT18 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
242784-74-2KRT19Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KRT19 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
242884-74-2KRT42Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KRT42 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
242984-74-2KRT7Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KRT7 protein decreases^expression 22552774
243084-74-2KRT7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KRT7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533|24893172
243184-74-2KRT72Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KRT72 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
243284-74-2KRT8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KRT8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
243384-74-2KRTAP13Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KRTAP13 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
243484-74-2KRTAP1-5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KRTAP1-5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
243584-74-2KRTAP8-1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KRTAP8-1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
243684-74-2KRTCAP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KRTCAP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
243784-74-2KSR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KSR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
243884-74-2KYRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of KY mRNA increases^expression 21266533
243984-74-2KYAT3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of KYAT3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
244084-74-2L3HYPDHRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of L3HYPDH mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
244184-74-2LAGE3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LAGE3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
244284-74-2LAMA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LAMA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
244384-74-2LAMA2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LAMA2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
244484-74-2LAMA3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LAMA3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
244584-74-2LAMC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LAMC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
244684-74-2LAMP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LAMP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
244784-74-2LAMTOR2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LAMTOR2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
244884-74-2LAMTOR3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LAMTOR3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
244984-74-2LAMTOR3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LAMTOR3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
245084-74-2LAMTOR4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LAMTOR4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
245184-74-2LAMTOR5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LAMTOR5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
245284-74-2LARGE1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LARGE1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
245384-74-2LARP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LARP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
245484-74-2LARP7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LARP7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
245584-74-2LARSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LARS mRNA increases^expression 24893172
245684-74-2LASP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LASP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
245784-74-2LATS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LATS2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
245884-74-2LBHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LBH mRNA increases^expression 21266533
245984-74-2LCE1IMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LCE1I mRNA increases^expression 21266533
246084-74-2LCMT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LCMT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
246184-74-2LCN11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LCN11 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
246284-74-2LCN2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LCN2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
246384-74-2LCP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LCP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
246484-74-2LDB1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of LDB1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
246584-74-2LDB3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LDB3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
246684-74-2LDHARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LDHA mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
246784-74-2LDLRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LDLR mRNA increases^expression 21266533
246884-74-2LDLRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LDLR mRNA decreases^expression 15728792|21745491
246984-74-2LDLRAP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LDLRAP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
247084-74-2LEF1Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate promotes the reaction [[TCF4 protein binds to LEF1 protein] which binds to VIM protein] affects^binding|increases^reaction 22552774
247184-74-2LEF1Homo sapienstrichostatin A inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate promotes the reaction [[TCF4 protein binds to LEF1 protein] which binds to VIM protein]] affects^binding|decreases^reaction|increases^reaction 22552774
247284-74-2LEF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LEF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
247384-74-2LEO1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LEO1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
247484-74-2LEPRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LEPR mRNA increases^expression 21266533
247584-74-2LEPROTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LEPROT mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
247684-74-2LEPROTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LEPROT mRNA increases^expression 21266533
247784-74-2LEPROTL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LEPROTL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
247884-74-2LFNGMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LFNG mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
247984-74-2LGALS7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LGALS7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
248084-74-2LGMNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LGMN mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
248184-74-2LGR4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LGR4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
248284-74-2LGTNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LGTN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
248384-74-2LHBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LHB protein increases^expression 22489061
248484-74-2LHCGRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LHCGR mRNA decreases^expression 25434310
248584-74-2LHCGRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LHCGR protein decreases^expression 25434310
248684-74-2LHFPL2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LHFPL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
248784-74-2LHPPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LHPP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
248884-74-2LHX4Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of LHX4 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
248984-74-2LHX6Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of LHX6 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
249084-74-2LHX9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LHX9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
249184-74-2LIASRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LIAS mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
249284-74-2LIG1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LIG1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
249384-74-2LIMA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LIMA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
249484-74-2LIMCH1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LIMCH1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
249584-74-2LIMD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LIMD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
249684-74-2LIMS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LIMS1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
249784-74-2LIMS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LIMS1 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
249884-74-2LIN7BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LIN7B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
249984-74-2LIPARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LIPA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
250084-74-2LIPGMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LIPG mRNA increases^expression 21266533
250184-74-2LIPGRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LIPG mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
250284-74-2LIPT2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LIPT2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
250384-74-2LITAFRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LITAF mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
250484-74-2LLGL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LLGL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
250584-74-2LMLNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LMLN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
250684-74-2LMNAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LMNA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
250784-74-2LMO2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LMO2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
250884-74-2LMO3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LMO3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
250984-74-2LMO4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LMO4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
251084-74-2LMOD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LMOD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
251184-74-2LNPEPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LNPEP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
251284-74-2LONRF3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LONRF3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
251384-74-2LORMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LOR mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
251484-74-2LOXRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LOX mRNA increases^expression 21266533
251584-74-2LOXL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LOXL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
251684-74-2LPAR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LPAR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|24893172
251784-74-2LPCAT3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LPCAT3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
251884-74-2LPIN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LPIN2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
251984-74-2LPIN3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LPIN3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
252084-74-2LPPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LPP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
252184-74-2LRCH1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LRCH1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
252284-74-2LRG1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of LRG1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
252384-74-2LRP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LRP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
252484-74-2LRP6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LRP6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
252584-74-2LRRC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LRRC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
252684-74-2LRRC17Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LRRC17 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
252784-74-2LRRC20Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LRRC20 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
252884-74-2LRRC39Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LRRC39 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
252984-74-2LRRC4BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LRRC4B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
253084-74-2LRRC59Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LRRC59 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
253184-74-2LRRC7Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of LRRC7 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
253284-74-2LRRC71Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LRRC71 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
253384-74-2LRRC8CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LRRC8C mRNA increases^expression 21266533
253484-74-2LRRC8DMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LRRC8D mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
253584-74-2LRRCC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LRRCC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
253684-74-2LRRFIP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LRRFIP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
253784-74-2LRRK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LRRK1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
253884-74-2LRRN3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LRRN3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
253984-74-2LRSAM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LRSAM1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
254084-74-2LRWD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LRWD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
254184-74-2LSM2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LSM2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
254284-74-2LSM4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LSM4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
254384-74-2LSM6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LSM6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
254484-74-2LSM7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LSM7 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
254584-74-2LSRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LSR mRNA increases^expression 21266533
254684-74-2LSSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LSS mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
254784-74-2LSSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LSS mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
254884-74-2LTBP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LTBP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
254984-74-2LTBP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LTBP2 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
255084-74-2LTBRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LTBR mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
255184-74-2LUC7L2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LUC7L2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
255284-74-2LUZP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LUZP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
255384-74-2LY6AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LY6A mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
255484-74-2LY6EMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LY6E mRNA increases^expression 21266533
255584-74-2LY6ERattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LY6E mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
255684-74-2LYPD6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LYPD6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
255784-74-2LYPLAL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LYPLAL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
255884-74-2LYRM2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LYRM2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
255984-74-2LYSMD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of LYSMD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
256084-74-2LYSMD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LYSMD3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
256184-74-2LYZ1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LYZ1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
256284-74-2LYZ2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of LYZ2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
256384-74-2MACF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MACF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
256484-74-2MACROD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MACROD2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
256584-74-2MAD1L1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAD1L1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
256684-74-2MAFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAF mRNA increases^expression 21266533
256784-74-2MAFFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAFF mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
256884-74-2MAFFRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of MAFF promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
256984-74-2MAFGMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAFG mRNA increases^expression 21266533
257084-74-2MAFKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAFK mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
257184-74-2MAGEE1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAGEE1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
257284-74-2MAGI2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of MAGI2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
257384-74-2MAGI2Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of MAGI2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
257484-74-2MAGOHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAGOH mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
257584-74-2MAGOHBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAGOHB mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
257684-74-2MAN2A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAN2A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
257784-74-2MAOAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAOA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
257884-74-2MAOBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAOB mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
257984-74-2MAP1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAP1A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
258084-74-2MAP1BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAP1B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
258184-74-2MAP1LC3BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAP1LC3B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
258284-74-2MAP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
258384-74-2MAP2K1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAP2K1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
258484-74-2MAP2K2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAP2K2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
258584-74-2MAP2K3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAP2K3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
258684-74-2MAP2K6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAP2K6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
258784-74-2MAP3K1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAP3K1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
258884-74-2MAP3K11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAP3K11 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
258984-74-2MAP3K3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAP3K3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
259084-74-2MAP3K4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAP3K4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
259184-74-2MAP3K4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAP3K4 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
259284-74-2MAP3K6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAP3K6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
259384-74-2MAP3K7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAP3K7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
259484-74-2MAP3K8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAP3K8 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
259584-74-2MAP4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAP4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
259684-74-2MAP6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAP6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
259784-74-2MAP7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAP7 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
259884-74-2MAPK1Homo sapiens[bisphenol A co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein affects^cotreatment|decreases^phosphorylation 26133781
259984-74-2MAPK1Homo sapiensfulvestrant inhibits the reaction [[bisphenol A co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein] affects^cotreatment|decreases^phosphorylation|decreases^reaction 26133781
260084-74-2MAPK11Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of MAPK11 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
260184-74-2MAPK13Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAPK13 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
260284-74-2MAPK3Homo sapiens[bisphenol A co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein affects^cotreatment|decreases^phosphorylation 26133781
260384-74-2MAPK3Homo sapiensfulvestrant inhibits the reaction [[bisphenol A co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein] affects^cotreatment|decreases^phosphorylation|decreases^reaction 26133781
260484-74-2MAPK4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAPK4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
260584-74-2MAPK8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAPK8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
260684-74-2MAPK8IP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAPK8IP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
260784-74-2MAPKAPK2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAPKAPK2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
260884-74-2MAPKAPK3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAPKAPK3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
260984-74-2MAPKBP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAPKBP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
261084-74-2Mar-02Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MARCH2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
261184-74-2Mar-02Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MARCH2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
261284-74-2Mar-05Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MARCH5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
261384-74-2MARCKSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MARCKS mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
261484-74-2MARCKSL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MARCKSL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
261584-74-2MARF1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of MARF1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
261684-74-2MARK1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MARK1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
261784-74-2MARK3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MARK3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
261884-74-2MASP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MASP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
261984-74-2MAST2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAST2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
262084-74-2MAST4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MAST4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
262184-74-2MAT2ARattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of MAT2A promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
262284-74-2MATR3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MATR3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
262384-74-2MAZMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MAZ mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
262484-74-2MBD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MBD3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
262584-74-2MBD4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MBD4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
262684-74-2MBNL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MBNL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
262784-74-2MBNL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MBNL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
262884-74-2MBNL3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MBNL3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
262984-74-2MBOAT2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MBOAT2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
263084-74-2MBTPS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MBTPS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
263184-74-2MCAMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MCAM mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
263284-74-2MCATMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MCAT mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
263384-74-2MCCC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MCCC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
263484-74-2MCCC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MCCC2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
263584-74-2MCEEMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MCEE mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
263684-74-2MCFD2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MCFD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
263784-74-2MCL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MCL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
263884-74-2MCM10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MCM10 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
263984-74-2MCM2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MCM2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
264084-74-2MCM3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MCM3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
264184-74-2MCM3APMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MCM3AP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
264284-74-2MCM4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MCM4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
264384-74-2MCM5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MCM5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
264484-74-2MCM6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MCM6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
264584-74-2MCM7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MCM7 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
264684-74-2MCOLN1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of MCOLN1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
264784-74-2MCPT-PS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MCPT-PS1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
264884-74-2MCRIP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MCRIP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
264984-74-2MDC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MDC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
265084-74-2MDFICRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MDFIC mRNA increases^expression 21266533
265184-74-2MDGA2Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of MDGA2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
265284-74-2MDH1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MDH1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
265384-74-2MDH2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MDH2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
265484-74-2MDKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MDK mRNA increases^expression 21266533
265584-74-2MDM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MDM1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
265684-74-2MERattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ME mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
265784-74-2ME1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ME1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
265884-74-2ME1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ME1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|21745491
265984-74-2ME2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ME2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
266084-74-2MEAF6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MEAF6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
266184-74-2MED1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MED1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
266284-74-2MED14Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MED14 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
266384-74-2MED17Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MED17 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
266484-74-2MED20Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MED20 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
266584-74-2MED28Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MED28 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
266684-74-2MED30Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MED30 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
266784-74-2MED8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MED8 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
266884-74-2MED9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MED9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
266984-74-2MEF2ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MEF2A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
267084-74-2MEF2CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MEF2C mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
267184-74-2MEGF8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MEGF8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
267284-74-2MEGF9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MEGF9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
267384-74-2MEIS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MEIS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
267484-74-2MELKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MELK mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
267584-74-2MEN1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MEN1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
267684-74-2MEOX1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MEOX1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
267784-74-2MEOX2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MEOX2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
267884-74-2METAP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of METAP2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
267984-74-2METAP2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of METAP2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
268084-74-2METTL14Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of METTL14 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
268184-74-2METTL2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of METTL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
268284-74-2METTL21AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of METTL21A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
268384-74-2METTL22Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of METTL22 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
268484-74-2METTL3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of METTL3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
268584-74-2MEX3BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MEX3B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
268684-74-2MEX3CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MEX3C mRNA increases^expression 21266533
268784-74-2MFAP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MFAP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
268884-74-2MFAP3LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MFAP3L mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
268984-74-2MFAP4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MFAP4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
269084-74-2MFAP5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MFAP5 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
269184-74-2MFFRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MFF mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
269284-74-2MFGE8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MFGE8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
269384-74-2MFHAS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MFHAS1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
269484-74-2MFSD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MFSD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
269584-74-2MFSD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MFSD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
269684-74-2MFSD12Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MFSD12 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
269784-74-2MFSD13AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MFSD13A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
269884-74-2MFSD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MFSD2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
269984-74-2MFSD4AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MFSD4A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
270084-74-2MFSD6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MFSD6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
270184-74-2MGAMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MGAM mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
270284-74-2MGAT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MGAT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
270384-74-2MGAT4BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MGAT4B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
270484-74-2MGAT5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MGAT5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
270584-74-2MGLLRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MGLL mRNA increases^expression 21266533
270684-74-2MGPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MGP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
270784-74-2MGPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MGP mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
270884-74-2MGST1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MGST1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
270984-74-2MGST2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MGST2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
271084-74-2MGST2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MGST2 mRNA increases^expression 24893172
271184-74-2MGST3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MGST3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
271284-74-2MICAL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MICAL1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
271384-74-2MICAL2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MICAL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
271484-74-2MID1IP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MID1IP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
271584-74-2MIEF2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MIEF2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
271684-74-2MIER3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MIER3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
271784-74-2MIFRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MIF mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
271884-74-2MIF4GDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MIF4GD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
271984-74-2MIGA2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MIGA2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
272084-74-2MINDY1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MINDY1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
272184-74-2MINDY3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MINDY3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
272284-74-2MINOS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MINOS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
272384-74-2MIOXMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MIOX mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
272484-74-2MIPEPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MIPEP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
272584-74-2MIPOL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MIPOL1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
272684-74-2MIS18BP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MIS18BP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
272784-74-2MKI67Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MKI67 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
272884-74-2MKI67Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MKI67 protein increases^expression 16916955
272984-74-2MKRN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MKRN1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
273084-74-2MKRN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MKRN2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
273184-74-2MKS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MKS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
273284-74-2MLECRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MLEC mRNA increases^expression 21266533
273384-74-2MLF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MLF2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
273484-74-2MLH1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MLH1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
273584-74-2MLKLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MLKL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
273684-74-2MLLT11Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MLLT11 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
273784-74-2MLLT6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MLLT6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
273884-74-2MLST8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MLST8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
273984-74-2MLXMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MLX mRNA increases^expression 21266533
274084-74-2MMACHCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MMACHC mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
274184-74-2MMDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MMD mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
274284-74-2MMD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MMD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
274384-74-2MMP11Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MMP11 mRNA increases^expression 24893172
274484-74-2MMP14Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MMP14 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
274584-74-2MMP14Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MMP14 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
274684-74-2MMP17Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of MMP17 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
274784-74-2MMP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MMP2 mRNA increases^expression 15829613|21266533
274884-74-2MMP23Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MMP23 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
274984-74-2MMP9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MMP9 protein increases^expression 19549552
275084-74-2MMS22LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MMS22L mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
275184-74-2MNAT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MNAT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
275284-74-2MNS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MNS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
275384-74-2MOAP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MOAP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
275484-74-2MOB3AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MOB3A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
275584-74-2MOB3BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MOB3B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
275684-74-2MOBPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MOBP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
275784-74-2MOCS2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MOCS2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
275884-74-2MON1ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MON1A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
275984-74-2MORF4L2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MORF4L2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
276084-74-2MORG1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of MORG1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
276184-74-2MORN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MORN2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
276284-74-2MORN4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MORN4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
276384-74-2MOSPD3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MOSPD3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
276484-74-2MOSPD4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MOSPD4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
276584-74-2MOV10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MOV10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
276684-74-2MPGRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MPG mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
276784-74-2MPHOSPH9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MPHOSPH9 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
276884-74-2MPIMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MPI mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
276984-74-2MPP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MPP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
277084-74-2MPP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MPP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
277184-74-2MPPED2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MPPED2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
277284-74-2MPSTRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MPST mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
277384-74-2MPV17L2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MPV17L2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
277484-74-2MPZL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MPZL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
277584-74-2MR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
277684-74-2MRAPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRAP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
277784-74-2MRASMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MRAS mRNA increases^expression 21266533
277884-74-2MRI1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRI1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
277984-74-2MRNIPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRNIP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
278084-74-2MRPL11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL11 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
278184-74-2MRPL12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL12 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
278284-74-2MRPL15Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL15 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
278384-74-2MRPL16Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL16 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
278484-74-2MRPL19Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL19 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
278584-74-2MRPL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
278684-74-2MRPL21Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL21 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
278784-74-2MRPL21Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MRPL21 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
278884-74-2MRPL27Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL27 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
278984-74-2MRPL3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
279084-74-2MRPL34Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL34 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
279184-74-2MRPL36Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL36 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
279284-74-2MRPL37Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL37 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
279384-74-2MRPL38Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL38 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
279484-74-2MRPL40Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL40 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
279584-74-2MRPL40Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MRPL40 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
279684-74-2MRPL41Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL41 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
279784-74-2MRPL42Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL42 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
279884-74-2MRPL47Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MRPL47 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
279984-74-2MRPL48Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL48 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
280084-74-2MRPL49Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL49 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
280184-74-2MRPL51Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL51 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
280284-74-2MRPL58Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPL58 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
280384-74-2MRPS11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPS11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
280484-74-2MRPS15Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPS15 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
280584-74-2MRPS16Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPS16 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
280684-74-2MRPS18BRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of MRPS18B promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
280784-74-2MRPS18CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPS18C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
280884-74-2MRPS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPS2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
280984-74-2MRPS21Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPS21 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
281084-74-2MRPS24Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPS24 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
281184-74-2MRPS25Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPS25 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
281284-74-2MRPS26Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPS26 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
281384-74-2MRPS27Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPS27 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
281484-74-2MRPS30Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPS30 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
281584-74-2MRPS34Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPS34 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
281684-74-2MRPS35Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPS35 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
281784-74-2MRPS36Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPS36 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
281884-74-2MRPS6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRPS6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
281984-74-2MRTO4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MRTO4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
282084-74-2MRTO4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MRTO4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
282184-74-2MRVI1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MRVI1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
282284-74-2MS4A15Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MS4A15 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
282384-74-2MS4A4DMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MS4A4D mRNA increases^expression 21266533
282484-74-2MS4A6ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MS4A6A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
282584-74-2MSANTD3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MSANTD3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
282684-74-2MSH2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MSH2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|26472102
282784-74-2MSH6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MSH6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
282884-74-2MSI2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MSI2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
282984-74-2MSMO1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MSMO1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
283084-74-2MSMO1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MSMO1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491
283184-74-2MSNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MSN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
283284-74-2MSRB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MSRB1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
283384-74-2MSRB3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MSRB3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
283484-74-2MT3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MT3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
283584-74-2MTCH1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MTCH1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
283684-74-2MTCH2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MTCH2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
283784-74-2MTDHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MTDH mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
283884-74-2MTERF3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MTERF3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
283984-74-2MTF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MTF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
284084-74-2MTF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MTF2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
284184-74-2MTFMTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MTFMT mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
284284-74-2MTFP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MTFP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
284384-74-2MTG2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MTG2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
284484-74-2MTHFD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MTHFD1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
284584-74-2MTHFSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MTHFS mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
284684-74-2MTM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MTM1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
284784-74-2MTMR12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MTMR12 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
284884-74-2MTMR14Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MTMR14 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
284984-74-2MTMR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MTMR2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
285084-74-2MTMR3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MTMR3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
285184-74-2MTPNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MTPN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
285284-74-2MTTPCyprinus carpioDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MTTP mRNA decreases^expression 16835292
285384-74-2MTUS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MTUS1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
285484-74-2MTUS2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MTUS2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
285584-74-2MTX1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MTX1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
285684-74-2MUCL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MUCL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
285784-74-2MUG1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MUG1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
285884-74-2MVB12ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MVB12A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
285984-74-2MVB12BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MVB12B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
286084-74-2MVDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MVD mRNA increases^expression 21266533
286184-74-2MVKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MVK mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
286284-74-2MVPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MVP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
286384-74-2MXD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MXD3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
286484-74-2MXD4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MXD4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
286584-74-2MXI1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MXI1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
286684-74-2MXI1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MXI1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
286784-74-2MXRA7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MXRA7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
286884-74-2MXRA8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MXRA8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
286984-74-2MYADMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYADM mRNA increases^expression 21266533
287084-74-2MYADML2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYADML2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
287184-74-2MYBL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MYBL2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
287284-74-2MYBPC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYBPC3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
287384-74-2MYBPHLRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYBPHL mRNA increases^expression 21266533
287484-74-2MYCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYC mRNA increases^expression 21266533
287584-74-2MYCBPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MYCBP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
287684-74-2MYCBP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MYCBP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
287784-74-2MYEF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYEF2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
287884-74-2MYG1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MYG1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
287984-74-2MYH10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYH10 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
288084-74-2MYH11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYH11 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
288184-74-2MYH4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MYH4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
288284-74-2MYH6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MYH6 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
288384-74-2MYH7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MYH7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
288484-74-2MYH9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYH9 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
288584-74-2MYL12AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYL12A mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
288684-74-2MYL6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYL6 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
288784-74-2MYL6BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYL6B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
288884-74-2MYL9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYL9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
288984-74-2MYLPFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MYLPF mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
289084-74-2MYO10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MYO10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
289184-74-2MYO1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MYO1A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
289284-74-2MYO1BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYO1B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
289384-74-2MYO1CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYO1C mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
289484-74-2MYO1EMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYO1E mRNA increases^expression 21266533
289584-74-2MYO5BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MYO5B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
289684-74-2MYO7AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MYO7A mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
289784-74-2MYO9BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYO9B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
289884-74-2MYOCDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MYOCD mRNA decreases^expression 26472102
289984-74-2MYOFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYOF mRNA increases^expression 21266533
290084-74-2MYOM2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYOM2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
290184-74-2MYOTRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MYOT mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
290284-74-2MYOZ2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of MYOZ2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
290384-74-2MZT2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of MZT2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
290484-74-2N4BP2L2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of N4BP2L2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
290584-74-2NAA10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NAA10 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
290684-74-2NAA20Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NAA20 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
290784-74-2NAA35Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NAA35 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
290884-74-2NAA38Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NAA38 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
290984-74-2NAA50Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NAA50 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
291084-74-2NAAAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NAAA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
291184-74-2NAB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NAB1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
291284-74-2NAB2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NAB2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
291384-74-2NABP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NABP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
291484-74-2NADKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NADK mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
291584-74-2NAGARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NAGA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
291684-74-2NAGKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NAGK mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
291784-74-2NAGLURattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NAGLU mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
291884-74-2NAIF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NAIF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
291984-74-2NALCNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NALCN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
292084-74-2NAMPTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NAMPT mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
292184-74-2NANPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NANP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
292284-74-2NAP1L1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NAP1L1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
292384-74-2NAP1L4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NAP1L4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
292484-74-2NAPRTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NAPRT mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
292584-74-2NARSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NARS mRNA increases^expression 21266533
292684-74-2NASPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NASP mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
292784-74-2NAT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NAT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
292884-74-2NAT10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NAT10 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
292984-74-2NAT8F5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NAT8F5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
293084-74-2NAXEMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NAXE mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
293184-74-2NBL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NBL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
293284-74-2NCALDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NCALD mRNA increases^expression 21266533
293384-74-2NCAM2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of NCAM2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
293484-74-2NCAPD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NCAPD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
293584-74-2NCBP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NCBP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
293684-74-2NCKAP5LRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NCKAP5L mRNA increases^expression 21266533
293784-74-2NCKIPSDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NCKIPSD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
293884-74-2NCOA4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NCOA4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
293984-74-2NCOA7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NCOA7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
294084-74-2NCOR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NCOR2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
294184-74-2NCOR2Xenopus laevisDibutyl Phthalate promotes the reaction [THRB protein binds to NCOR2 protein] affects^binding|increases^reaction 21544203
294284-74-2NCOR2Xenopus laevisTriiodothyronine inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate promotes the reaction [THRB protein binds to NCOR2 protein]] affects^binding|decreases^reaction|increases^reaction 21544203
294384-74-2NDEL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NDEL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
294484-74-2NDNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDN mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
294584-74-2NDRG1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDRG1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
294684-74-2NDRG1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NDRG1 mRNA increases^expression 24893172
294784-74-2NDRG2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of NDRG2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
294884-74-2NDRG2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDRG2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
294984-74-2NDST1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDST1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
295084-74-2NDST2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDST2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
295184-74-2NDUFA12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFA12 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
295284-74-2NDUFA3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFA3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
295384-74-2NDUFA5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFA5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
295484-74-2NDUFA6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFA6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
295584-74-2NDUFA7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFA7 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
295684-74-2NDUFA9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFA9 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
295784-74-2NDUFAB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFAB1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
295884-74-2NDUFAF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFAF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
295984-74-2NDUFAF3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFAF3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
296084-74-2NDUFAF4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFAF4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
296184-74-2NDUFB10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFB10 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
296284-74-2NDUFB11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFB11 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
296384-74-2NDUFB2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFB2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
296484-74-2NDUFB4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFB4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
296584-74-2NDUFB5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFB5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
296684-74-2NDUFB7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFB7 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
296784-74-2NDUFB9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFB9 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
296884-74-2NDUFC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFC1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
296984-74-2NDUFS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFS1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
297084-74-2NDUFS3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFS3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
297184-74-2NDUFS4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NDUFS4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
297284-74-2NDUFS5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFS5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
297384-74-2NDUFS6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFS6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
297484-74-2NDUFS7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFS7 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
297584-74-2NDUFS8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFS8 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
297684-74-2NDUFV1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFV1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
297784-74-2NDUFV2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NDUFV2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
297884-74-2NEAT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NEAT1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
297984-74-2NEBLRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NEBL mRNA increases^expression 21266533
298084-74-2NECAP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NECAP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
298184-74-2NECTIN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NECTIN2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
298284-74-2NEDD8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NEDD8 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
298384-74-2NEDD9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NEDD9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
298484-74-2NEFLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NEFL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
298584-74-2NEGR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NEGR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
298684-74-2NEK4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NEK4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
298784-74-2NEK7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NEK7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
298884-74-2NELFARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NELFA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
298984-74-2NELFEMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NELFE mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
299084-74-2NEO1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NEO1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
299184-74-2NESMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NES mRNA increases^expression 21266533
299284-74-2NET1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NET1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
299384-74-2NEXNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NEXN mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
299484-74-2NF1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of NF1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
299584-74-2NF2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NF2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
299684-74-2NFAT5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NFAT5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
299784-74-2NFATC2IPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NFATC2IP mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
299884-74-2NFATC3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NFATC3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
299984-74-2NFATC4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NFATC4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
300084-74-2NFE2L2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NFE2L2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
300184-74-2NFE2L2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NFE2L2 protein increases^expression 28295950
300284-74-2NFE2L2Mus musculus[sulforafan co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] results in increased expression of NFE2L2 protein affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 28295950
300384-74-2NFIL3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NFIL3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
300484-74-2NFIXRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NFIX mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
300584-74-2NFKB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NFKB1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
300684-74-2NFKB2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NFKB2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
300784-74-2NFKBIAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NFKBIA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
300884-74-2NFKBIARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NFKBIA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
300984-74-2NFKBIDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NFKBID mRNA increases^expression 21266533
301084-74-2NFKBIEMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NFKBIE mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
301184-74-2NFKBIZMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NFKBIZ mRNA increases^expression 21266533
301284-74-2NFS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NFS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
301384-74-2NFX1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NFX1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
301484-74-2NFYBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NFYB mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
301584-74-2NFYCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NFYC mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
301684-74-2NGDNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NGDN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
301784-74-2NGFRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NGF mRNA increases^expression 21266533
301884-74-2NGFRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NGFR mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
301984-74-2NHLRC2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NHLRC2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
302084-74-2NHLRC3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NHLRC3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
302184-74-2NHP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NHP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
302284-74-2NICN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NICN1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
302384-74-2NID1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NID1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
302484-74-2NIF3L1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NIF3L1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
302584-74-2NIFKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NIFK mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
302684-74-2NIFKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NIFK mRNA increases^expression 21266533
302784-74-2NINJ1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NINJ1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
302884-74-2NIPA2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NIPA2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
302984-74-2NIPAL2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NIPAL2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
303084-74-2NIPBLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NIPBL mRNA increases^expression 21266533
303184-74-2NIPSNAP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NIPSNAP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
303284-74-2NIPSNAP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NIPSNAP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
303384-74-2NIPSNAP3ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NIPSNAP3A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
303484-74-2NISCHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NISCH mRNA increases^expression 21266533
303584-74-2NIT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NIT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
303684-74-2NKAIN4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NKAIN4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
303784-74-2NLGN1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of NLGN1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
303884-74-2NLGN2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of NLGN2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
303984-74-2NLGN3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NLGN3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
304084-74-2NLKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NLK mRNA increases^expression 21266533
304184-74-2NLNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NLN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
304284-74-2NLRP3Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NLRP3 protein increases^expression 26586371
304384-74-2NLRP3Homo sapiensKN 62 inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NLRP3 protein] decreases^reaction|increases^expression 26586371
304484-74-2NLRX1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NLRX1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
304584-74-2NME1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NME1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
304684-74-2NME1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NME1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
304784-74-2NME2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NME2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
304884-74-2NME3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NME3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
304984-74-2NME4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NME4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
305084-74-2NME6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NME6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
305184-74-2NME7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NME7 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
305284-74-2NMNAT2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of NMNAT2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
305384-74-2NMRAL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NMRAL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
305484-74-2NMT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NMT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
305584-74-2NMT2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NMT2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
305684-74-2NOCTRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NOCT mRNA increases^expression 21266533
305784-74-2NOD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NOD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
305884-74-2NOD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NOD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
305984-74-2NOGRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NOG mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
306084-74-2NOL4LRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NOL4L mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
306184-74-2NOL5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NOL5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
306284-74-2NOL5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NOL5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
306384-74-2NOL7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NOL7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
306484-74-2NOL8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NOL8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
306584-74-2NOLA3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NOLA3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
306684-74-2NOLC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NOLC1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
306784-74-2NOLC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NOLC1 mRNA increases^expression 16493179|21266533
306884-74-2NONOMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NONO mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
306984-74-2NOP10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NOP10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
307084-74-2NOP56Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NOP56 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
307184-74-2NOP58Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NOP58 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
307284-74-2NOP9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NOP9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
307384-74-2NOSIPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NOSIP mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
307484-74-2NOTCH2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of NOTCH2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
307584-74-2NOTCH2Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] affects the expression of NOTCH2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|affects^expression 25607892
307684-74-2NOTCH2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NOTCH2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
307784-74-2NOTCH2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NOTCH2 mRNA increases^expression 15829613
307884-74-2NOTCH3Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of NOTCH3 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
307984-74-2NOTCH3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NOTCH3 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
308084-74-2NOTCH4Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of NOTCH4 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
308184-74-2NP4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NP4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
308284-74-2NPAS2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NPAS2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
308384-74-2NPC2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of NPC2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
308484-74-2NPC2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NPC2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|21745491
308584-74-2NPDC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NPDC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
308684-74-2NPEPL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NPEPL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
308784-74-2NPEPORattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NPEPO mRNA increases^expression 21266533
308884-74-2NPLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NPL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
308984-74-2NPM1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of NPM1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
309084-74-2NPPAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NPPA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
309184-74-2NPPCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NPPC mRNA increases^expression 21266533
309284-74-2NPR2Cyprinus carpioDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NPR2 mRNA increases^expression 16835292
309384-74-2NPR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NPR2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
309484-74-2NPRL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NPRL2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
309584-74-2NPRL3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NPRL3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
309684-74-2NPTX2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NPTX2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
309784-74-2NPY1RRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NPY1R mRNA increases^expression 15620428
309884-74-2NPY5RRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NPY5R mRNA increases^expression 15620428
309984-74-2NQO1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NQO1 protein increases^expression 28295950
310084-74-2NQO1Mus musculus[sulforafan co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] results in increased expression of NQO1 protein affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 28295950
310184-74-2NQO2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NQO2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
310284-74-2NR0B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate affects the expression of NR0B1 mRNA affects^expression 21745491
310384-74-2NR0B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NR0B1 mRNA decreases^expression 15728792|17379624|21266533
310484-74-2NR0B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NR0B1 protein decreases^expression 15728792|21745491
310584-74-2NR0B2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NR0B2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
310684-74-2NR0B2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NR0B2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
310784-74-2NR1D2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NR1D2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
310884-74-2NR1I2Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate binds to and results in increased activity of NR1I2 protein affects^binding|increases^activity 16054614
310984-74-2NR1I2Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased activity of NR1I2 protein increases^activity 21742782
311084-74-2NR1I2Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased activity of NR1I2 protein alternative form increases^activity 21227907
311184-74-2NR1I3Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate analog binds to NR1I3 protein affects^binding 25938866
311284-74-2NR1I3Homo sapiens[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Androstanols] results in increased activity of NR1I3 protein alternative form affects^cotreatment|increases^activity 21227907
311384-74-2NR1I3Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased activity of NR1I3 protein alternative form increases^activity 21227907
311484-74-2NR1I3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased activity of NR1I3 protein increases^activity 15901914
311584-74-2NR1I3RodentiaDibutyl Phthalate binds to and results in increased activity of NR1I3 protein affects^binding|increases^activity 16054614
311684-74-2NR2C2APMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NR2C2AP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
311784-74-2NR2F2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NR2F2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
311884-74-2NR2F2Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Dexamethasone] results in increased expression of NR2F2 protein affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 22615892
311984-74-2NR2F2Rattus norvegicus[[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Dexamethasone] results in increased expression of NR2F2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Testosterone affects^cotreatment|decreases^abundance|increases^expression 22615892
312084-74-2NR2F2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NR2F2 protein increases^expression 22615892
312184-74-2NR2F2Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NR2F2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Testosterone decreases^abundance|increases^expression 22615892
312284-74-2NR2F6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NR2F6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
312384-74-2NR3C1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NR3C1 protein increases^expression 19815848
312484-74-2NR4A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NR4A1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
312584-74-2NR4A2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NR4A2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
312684-74-2NR4A3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NR4A3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
312784-74-2NR4A3Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of NR4A3 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
312884-74-2NR4A3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NR4A3 mRNA decreases^expression 19560483
312984-74-2NR5A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate inhibits the reaction [NR5A1 binds to STAR promoter] affects^binding|decreases^reaction 17884934
313084-74-2NR5A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate inhibits the reaction [NR5A1 protein binds to STAR promoter] affects^binding|decreases^reaction 23358192
313184-74-2NR5A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NR5A1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
313284-74-2NRARPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NRARP mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
313384-74-2NRBP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NRBP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
313484-74-2NRBP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NRBP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
313584-74-2NRCAMRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of NRCAM mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
313684-74-2NRG1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of NRG1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
313784-74-2NRG1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of NRG1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
313884-74-2NRKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NRK mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
313984-74-2NRMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NRM mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
314084-74-2NRP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NRP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
314184-74-2NRP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NRP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
314284-74-2NRP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NRP2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
314384-74-2NRTNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NRTN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
314484-74-2NRXN1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of NRXN1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
314584-74-2NRXN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NRXN2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
314684-74-2NRXN2Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of NRXN2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
314784-74-2NSD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NSD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
314884-74-2NSDHLRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NSDHL mRNA decreases^expression 19560483
314984-74-2NSFRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NSF mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
315084-74-2NSFL1CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NSFL1C mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
315184-74-2NSG1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of NSG1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
315284-74-2NSL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NSL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
315384-74-2NSMCE3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NSMCE3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
315484-74-2NSMCE4AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NSMCE4A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
315584-74-2NSMCE4AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NSMCE4A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
315684-74-2NT5CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NT5C mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
315784-74-2NT5C3ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NT5C3A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
315884-74-2NT5C3BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NT5C3B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
315984-74-2NT5DC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NT5DC2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
316084-74-2NT5EMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NT5E mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
316184-74-2NT5MMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NT5M mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
316284-74-2NTAN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NTAN1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
316384-74-2NTF3Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of NTF3 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
316484-74-2NTF3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NTF3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
316584-74-2NTF3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NTF3 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
316684-74-2NTF5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NTF5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
316784-74-2NTHL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NTHL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
316884-74-2NTMT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NTMT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
316984-74-2NTN4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NTN4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
317084-74-2NTNG1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of NTNG1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
317184-74-2NTNG2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of NTNG2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
317284-74-2NTPCRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NTPCR mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
317384-74-2NTRK2Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of NTRK2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
317484-74-2NTSR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NTSR2 mRNA increases^expression 15620428
317584-74-2NUAK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NUAK1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
317684-74-2NUBP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUBP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
317784-74-2NUBP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUBP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
317884-74-2NUBPLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUBPL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
317984-74-2NUDCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUDC mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
318084-74-2NUDCD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUDCD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
318184-74-2NUDT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUDT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
318284-74-2NUDT11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUDT11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
318384-74-2NUDT14Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUDT14 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
318484-74-2NUDT16Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUDT16 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
318584-74-2NUDT16L1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUDT16L1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
318684-74-2NUDT2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUDT2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
318784-74-2NUDT22Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUDT22 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
318884-74-2NUDT4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NUDT4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
318984-74-2NUDT5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUDT5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
319084-74-2NUDT7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUDT7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
319184-74-2NUDT9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUDT9 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
319284-74-2NUFIP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUFIP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
319384-74-2NUMA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUMA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
319484-74-2NUMBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NUMB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
319584-74-2NUP133Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUP133 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
319684-74-2NUP210Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUP210 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
319784-74-2NUP43Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUP43 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
319884-74-2NUP50Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUP50 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
319984-74-2NUP58Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUP58 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
320084-74-2NUP58Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NUP58 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
320184-74-2NUP62Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUP62 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
320284-74-2NUP85Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUP85 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
320384-74-2NUPR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NUPR1 mRNA increases^expression 24893172
320484-74-2NUS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
320584-74-2NUTF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NUTF2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
320684-74-2NWD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NWD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
320784-74-2NXNL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of NXNL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
320884-74-2NXT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of NXT1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
320984-74-2OAFRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OAF mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
321084-74-2OAS1FMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of OAS1F mRNA increases^expression 21266533
321184-74-2OATMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OAT mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
321284-74-2OAZ2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of OAZ2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
321384-74-2OBSL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OBSL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
321484-74-2OCLNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of OCLN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
321584-74-2ODC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ODC1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
321684-74-2ODF2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ODF2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
321784-74-2OGDHRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OGDH mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
321884-74-2OGNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of OGN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
321984-74-2OIP5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OIP5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
322084-74-2OLA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OLA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
322184-74-2OLFM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OLFM1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
322284-74-2OLFML2BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of OLFML2B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
322384-74-2OLR1070Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of OLR1070 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
322484-74-2OLR1684Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of OLR1684 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
322584-74-2OLR1867Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OLR1867 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
322684-74-2OLR414Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of OLR414 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
322784-74-2OMA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OMA1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
322884-74-2OPA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OPA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
322984-74-2OPCMLRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of OPCML mRNA increases^expression 21266533
323084-74-2OPN4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of OPN4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
323184-74-2OPRD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OPRD1 mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
323284-74-2OPRK1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of OPRK1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
323384-74-2OPRL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OPRL1 mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
323484-74-2OPTNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of OPTN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
323584-74-2ORAI1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ORAI1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
323684-74-2ORAI2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ORAI2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
323784-74-2ORC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ORC2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
323884-74-2ORC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ORC3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
323984-74-2ORC4Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ORC4 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
324084-74-2ORC5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ORC5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
324184-74-2ORC6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ORC6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
324284-74-2ORM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ORM1 mRNA increases^expression 24893172
324384-74-2ORMDL3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ORMDL3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
324484-74-2OSBPL8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of OSBPL8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
324584-74-2OSBPL9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OSBPL9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
324684-74-2OSBPL9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of OSBPL9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
324784-74-2OSGEPL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OSGEPL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
324884-74-2OSMRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of OSMR mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
324984-74-2OSR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OSR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
325084-74-2OSR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OSR2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
325184-74-2OSTCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OSTC mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
325284-74-2OSTF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OSTF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
325384-74-2OTORMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OTOR mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
325484-74-2OTUB2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of OTUB2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
325584-74-2OTUD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of OTUD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
325684-74-2OTUD7BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of OTUD7B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
325784-74-2OXCT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of OXCT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
325884-74-2P2RX7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of P2RX7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
325984-74-2P2RY1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of P2RY1 mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
326084-74-2P2RY1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of P2RY1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
326184-74-2P2RY14Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of P2RY14 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
326284-74-2P2RY2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of P2RY2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
326384-74-2P2RY5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of P2RY5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
326484-74-2P2RY6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of P2RY6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
326584-74-2P3H1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of P3H1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
326684-74-2P3H4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of P3H4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
326784-74-2P4HA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of P4HA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
326884-74-2P4HA3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of P4HA3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
326984-74-2P4HTMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of P4HTM mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
327084-74-2P76Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of P76 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
327184-74-2PA2G4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PA2G4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
327284-74-2PABPC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PABPC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
327384-74-2PABPN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PABPN1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
327484-74-2PACRGLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PACRGL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
327584-74-2PACSIN3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PACSIN3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
327684-74-2PADI2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PADI2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
327784-74-2PAFAH1B1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PAFAH1B1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
327884-74-2PAFAH1B3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PAFAH1B3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
327984-74-2PAIP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PAIP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
328084-74-2PAIP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PAIP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
328184-74-2PAK1IP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PAK1IP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
328284-74-2PAK2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PAK2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
328384-74-2PALMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PALM mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
328484-74-2PALMRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of PALM promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
328584-74-2PALMDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PALMD mRNA increases^expression 21266533
328684-74-2PAMRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PAM mRNA increases^expression 21266533
328784-74-2PAMR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PAMR1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
328884-74-2PANK2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PANK2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
328984-74-2PAPPAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PAPPA mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
329084-74-2PAPSS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PAPSS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
329184-74-2PAPSS2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PAPSS2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
329284-74-2PARD6BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PARD6B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
329384-74-2PARK7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PARK7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
329484-74-2PARM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PARM1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
329584-74-2PARP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PARP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
329684-74-2PARP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PARP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
329784-74-2PARP16Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PARP16 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
329884-74-2PARS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PARS2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
329984-74-2PATZ1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PATZ1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
330084-74-2PAWRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PAWR mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
330184-74-2PAXBP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PAXBP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
330284-74-2PBKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PBK mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
330384-74-2PBX3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PBX3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
330484-74-2PBXIP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PBXIP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
330584-74-2PCBD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PCBD2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
330684-74-2PCCAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PCCA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
330784-74-2PCCBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PCCB mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
330884-74-2PCDH19Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PCDH19 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
330984-74-2PCDH7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PCDH7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
331084-74-2PCDHB15Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of PCDHB15 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
331184-74-2PCDHB6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PCDHB6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
331284-74-2PCED1BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PCED1B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
331384-74-2PCGF3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PCGF3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
331484-74-2PCK2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PCK2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
331584-74-2PCLAFRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PCLAF mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
331684-74-2PCNAHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PCNA mRNA increases^expression 15461258
331784-74-2PCNAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PCNA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
331884-74-2PCNTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PCNT mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
331984-74-2PCSK5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PCSK5 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
332084-74-2PCXMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PCX mRNA increases^expression 21266533
332184-74-2PCYT2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PCYT2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
332284-74-2PDCD11Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of PDCD11 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
332384-74-2PDCD4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDCD4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
332484-74-2PDCD6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDCD6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
332584-74-2PDCD6IPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDCD6IP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
332684-74-2PDCD7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDCD7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
332784-74-2PDCLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDCL mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
332884-74-2PDCL3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDCL3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
332984-74-2PDE2AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDE2A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
333084-74-2PDE4BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDE4B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
333184-74-2PDE6DRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDE6D mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
333284-74-2PDE9ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDE9A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
333384-74-2PDFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDF mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
333484-74-2PDGFARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDGFA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
333584-74-2PDGFBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDGFB mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
333684-74-2PDGFRARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDGFRA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
333784-74-2PDGFRARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDGFRA mRNA increases^expression 24893172
333884-74-2PDGFRBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDGFRB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
333984-74-2PDGFRLRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDGFRL mRNA increases^expression 21266533
334084-74-2PDHXMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDHX mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
334184-74-2PDIA3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDIA3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
334284-74-2PDIA6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDIA6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
334384-74-2PDIK1LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDIK1L mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
334484-74-2PDK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDK1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
334584-74-2PDK2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDK2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
334684-74-2PDLIM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDLIM1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
334784-74-2PDLIM2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDLIM2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
334884-74-2PDLIM3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDLIM3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
334984-74-2PDLIM4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDLIM4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
335084-74-2PDLIM5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDLIM5 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
335184-74-2PDLIM7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDLIM7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
335284-74-2PDP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
335384-74-2PDP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
335484-74-2PDPNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDPN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
335584-74-2PDSS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDSS2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
335684-74-2PDXKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDXK mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
335784-74-2PDXPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDXP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
335884-74-2PDYNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDYN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
335984-74-2PDYNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PDYN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
336084-74-2PDZD2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PDZD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
336184-74-2PEA15ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PEA15A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
336284-74-2PEA15ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PEA15A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
336384-74-2PEAR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PEAR1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
336484-74-2PEBP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PEBP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
336584-74-2PEBP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PEBP1 protein decreases^expression 17379624
336684-74-2PECAM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PECAM1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
336784-74-2PECIMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PECI mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
336884-74-2PECRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PECR mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
336984-74-2PELORattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PELO mRNA increases^expression 21266533
337084-74-2PENKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PENK mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|24893172
337184-74-2PEPDRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of PEPD promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
337284-74-2PER1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of PER1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
337384-74-2PER2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PER2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
337484-74-2PER3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PER3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
337584-74-2PEX10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PEX10 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
337684-74-2PEX11AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PEX11A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
337784-74-2PEX16Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PEX16 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
337884-74-2PEX19Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PEX19 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
337984-74-2PEX2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PEX2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
338084-74-2PEX3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PEX3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
338184-74-2PFASMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PFAS mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
338284-74-2PFDN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PFDN1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
338384-74-2PFDN4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PFDN4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
338484-74-2PFDN6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PFDN6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
338584-74-2PFKMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PFKM mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
338684-74-2PFKPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PFKP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
338784-74-2PFKPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PFKP mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
338884-74-2PFN2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PFN2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
338984-74-2PGAM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PGAM1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
339084-74-2PGAM5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PGAM5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
339184-74-2PGAP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PGAP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
339284-74-2PGDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PGD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
339384-74-2PGFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PGF mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
339484-74-2PGFRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PGF mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
339584-74-2PGKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PGK mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
339684-74-2PGK1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PGK1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
339784-74-2PGLSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PGLS mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
339884-74-2PGM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PGM1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
339984-74-2PGM2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PGM2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
340084-74-2PGM3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PGM3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
340184-74-2PGPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PGP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
340284-74-2PGPEP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PGPEP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
340384-74-2PGRRattus norvegicusbisphenol A promotes the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PGR mRNA] increases^expression|increases^reaction 23294617
340484-74-2PGRRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of PGR mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
340584-74-2PGRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate promotes the reaction [bisphenol A results in increased expression of PGR mRNA] increases^expression|increases^reaction 23294617
340684-74-2PGRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PGR mRNA increases^expression 23294617
340784-74-2PGRMC2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PGRMC2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
340884-74-2PHACTR2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PHACTR2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
340984-74-2PHACTR4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PHACTR4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
341084-74-2PHC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PHC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
341184-74-2PHEXMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PHEX mRNA increases^expression 21266533
341284-74-2PHF13Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PHF13 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
341384-74-2PHF20L1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PHF20L1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
341484-74-2PHGDHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PHGDH mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
341584-74-2PHIPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PHIP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
341684-74-2PHKA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PHKA1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
341784-74-2PHKG2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PHKG2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
341884-74-2PHLDA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PHLDA1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
341984-74-2PHLDA3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PHLDA3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
342084-74-2PHLDB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PHLDB1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
342184-74-2PHLDB2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PHLDB2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
342284-74-2PHOSPHO1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PHOSPHO1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
342384-74-2PHPT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PHPT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
342484-74-2PHYHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PHYH mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
342584-74-2PHYKPLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PHYKPL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
342684-74-2PI16Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of PI16 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
342784-74-2PI4K2BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PI4K2B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
342884-74-2PIAS3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PIAS3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
342984-74-2PICALMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PICALM mRNA increases^expression 21266533
343084-74-2PICK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PICK1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
343184-74-2PIGHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PIGH mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
343284-74-2PIGKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PIGK mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
343384-74-2PIGPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PIGP mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
343484-74-2PIGSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PIGS mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
343584-74-2PIGYMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PIGY mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
343684-74-2PIGYLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PIGYL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
343784-74-2PIGZRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PIGZ mRNA increases^expression 21266533
343884-74-2PIH1D1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PIH1D1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
343984-74-2PIK3AP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PIK3AP1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
344084-74-2PIK3C2BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PIK3C2B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
344184-74-2PIK3CAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PIK3CA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
344284-74-2PIK3CBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PIK3CB mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
344384-74-2PIK3IP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PIK3IP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
344484-74-2PIK3R6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PIK3R6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
344584-74-2PIM3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PIM3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
344684-74-2PIMREGMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PIMREG mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
344784-74-2PIN4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PIN4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
344884-74-2PINX1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PINX1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
344984-74-2PIP4K2CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PIP4K2C mRNA increases^expression 21266533
345084-74-2PIP5K1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PIP5K1A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
345184-74-2PISDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PISD mRNA increases^expression 21266533
345284-74-2PITPNARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PITPNA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
345384-74-2PITRM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PITRM1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
345484-74-2PITX3Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of PITX3 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
345584-74-2PJA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PJA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
345684-74-2PJA2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PJA2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
345784-74-2PKDCCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PKDCC mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
345884-74-2PKIAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PKIA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
345984-74-2PKIGRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PKIG mRNA increases^expression 21266533
346084-74-2PKLRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PKLR mRNA increases^expression 21266533
346184-74-2PKMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PKM mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
346284-74-2PKP4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PKP4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
346384-74-2PLA1ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLA1A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
346484-74-2PLA2G12AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLA2G12A mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
346584-74-2PLA2G16Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLA2G16 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
346684-74-2PLA2G4ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLA2G4A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
346784-74-2PLA2G5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLA2G5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
346884-74-2PLAC8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLAC8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
346984-74-2PLAGL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLAGL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
347084-74-2PLATRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLAT mRNA increases^expression 21266533
347184-74-2PLAURRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLAUR mRNA increases^expression 21266533
347284-74-2PLBD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLBD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
347384-74-2PLBD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLBD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
347484-74-2PLCB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLCB1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
347584-74-2PLCB4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLCB4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
347684-74-2PLCD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLCD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
347784-74-2PLCH1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLCH1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
347884-74-2PLCL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLCL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
347984-74-2PLCL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLCL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
348084-74-2PLD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
348184-74-2PLD3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLD3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
348284-74-2PLD6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLD6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
348384-74-2PLEKHA3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLEKHA3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
348484-74-2PLEKHA3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLEKHA3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
348584-74-2PLEKHA4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLEKHA4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
348684-74-2PLEKHA6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLEKHA6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
348784-74-2PLEKHA8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLEKHA8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
348884-74-2PLEKHF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLEKHF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
348984-74-2PLEKHG2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLEKHG2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
349084-74-2PLEKHH3Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of PLEKHH3 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
349184-74-2PLEKHJ1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLEKHJ1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
349284-74-2PLEKHN1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLEKHN1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
349384-74-2PLEKHO1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLEKHO1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
349484-74-2PLGRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLG mRNA increases^expression 21266533
349584-74-2PLIN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLIN2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
349684-74-2PLIN2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLIN2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
349784-74-2PLIN3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLIN3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
349884-74-2PLIN5Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of PLIN5 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
349984-74-2PLK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLK1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
350084-74-2PLK2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLK2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
350184-74-2PLK3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLK3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
350284-74-2PLNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
350384-74-2PLOD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLOD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
350484-74-2PLP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
350584-74-2PLP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
350684-74-2PLP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
350784-74-2PLPP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLPP1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
350884-74-2PLPP3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLPP3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
350984-74-2PLPP7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLPP7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
351084-74-2PLPPR4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLPPR4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
351184-74-2PLRG1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLRG1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
351284-74-2PLS3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLS3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
351384-74-2PLVAPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PLVAP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
351484-74-2PLXNA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PLXNA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
351584-74-2PMEPA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PMEPA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
351684-74-2PMF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PMF1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
351784-74-2PMF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PMF1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
351884-74-2PMM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PMM1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
351984-74-2PMP22Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate affects the expression of PMP22 mRNA affects^expression 21745491
352084-74-2PMP22Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PMP22 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
352184-74-2PMS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PMS1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
352284-74-2PMS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PMS2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
352384-74-2PMVKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PMVK mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
352484-74-2PNISRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PNISR mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
352584-74-2PNKDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PNKD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
352684-74-2PNMA8BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PNMA8B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
352784-74-2PNMTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PNMT mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
352884-74-2PNPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PNP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
352984-74-2PNPLA8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PNPLA8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
353084-74-2PNPOMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PNPO mRNA increases^expression 21266533
353184-74-2PNPORattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PNPO mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
353284-74-2PNRC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PNRC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
353384-74-2POFUT2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of POFUT2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
353484-74-2POLA2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLA2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
353584-74-2POLBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of POLB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
353684-74-2POLD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
353784-74-2POLD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLD2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
353884-74-2POLD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLD3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
353984-74-2POLDIP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLDIP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
354084-74-2POLDIP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of POLDIP3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
354184-74-2POLERattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLE mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
354284-74-2POLE2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLE2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
354384-74-2POLE4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLE4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
354484-74-2POLIMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLI mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
354584-74-2POLR1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of POLR1A mRNA increases^expression 17361019
354684-74-2POLR1DMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of POLR1D mRNA increases^expression 21266533
354784-74-2POLR1EMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLR1E mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
354884-74-2POLR2AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLR2A mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
354984-74-2POLR2DMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLR2D mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
355084-74-2POLR2FMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLR2F mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
355184-74-2POLR2IMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLR2I mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
355284-74-2POLR2JMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLR2J mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
355384-74-2POLR2MMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLR2M mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
355484-74-2POLR3FRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLR3F mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
355584-74-2POLR3KMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POLR3K mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
355684-74-2POM121Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of POM121 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
355784-74-2POMKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POMK mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
355884-74-2PON2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PON2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
355984-74-2PORRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of POR mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491
356084-74-2POSTNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of POSTN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
356184-74-2POU5F1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of POU5F1 protein increases^expression 16916955
356284-74-2POU5F2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of POU5F2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
356384-74-2PPA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPA2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
356484-74-2PPANMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPAN mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
356584-74-2PPARAHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate binds to PPARA protein affects^binding 23843199
356684-74-2PPARAMus musculus[diethyl phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with diisononyl phthalate co-treated with diisobutyl phthalate co-treated with butylbenzyl phthalate] results in decreased expression of PPARA mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 28013214
356784-74-2PPARARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased activity of PPARA protein increases^activity 25291543
356884-74-2PPARARattus norvegicusGW 6471 inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in increased activity of PPARA protein] decreases^reaction|increases^activity 25291543
356984-74-2PPARBHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate binds to PPARB protein affects^binding 23843199
357084-74-2PPARGHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate binds to and results in increased activity of PPARG protein affects^binding|increases^activity 24155963|27633901
357184-74-2PPARGHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate binds to PPARG protein affects^binding 23843199
357284-74-2PPARGHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased activity of PPARG protein increases^activity 26172262
357384-74-2PPARGC1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPARGC1A mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
357484-74-2PPCSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPCS mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
357584-74-2PPDPFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPDPF mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
357684-74-2PPFIBP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPFIBP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
357784-74-2PPFIBP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPFIBP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
357884-74-2PPIBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPIB mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
357984-74-2PPICMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPIC mRNA increases^expression 21266533
358084-74-2PPIFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPIF mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
358184-74-2PPIL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPIL1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
358284-74-2PPM1ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPM1A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
358384-74-2PPM1BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPM1B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
358484-74-2PPM1BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPM1B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
358584-74-2PPM1EMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPM1E mRNA increases^expression 21266533
358684-74-2PPM1GMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPM1G mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
358784-74-2PPM1LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPM1L mRNA increases^expression 21266533
358884-74-2PPOXRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPOX mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
358984-74-2PPP1CBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPP1CB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
359084-74-2PPP1CBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPP1CB mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
359184-74-2PPP1CCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPP1CC mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
359284-74-2PPP1R10Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of PPP1R10 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
359384-74-2PPP1R12AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPP1R12A mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
359484-74-2PPP1R12BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPP1R12B mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
359584-74-2PPP1R13LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPP1R13L mRNA increases^expression 21266533
359684-74-2PPP1R14CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPP1R14C mRNA increases^expression 21266533
359784-74-2PPP1R15AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPP1R15A mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
359884-74-2PPP1R2-PS9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPP1R2-PS9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
359984-74-2PPP1R7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPP1R7 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
360084-74-2PPP1R8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPP1R8 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
360184-74-2PPP2CAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPP2CA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
360284-74-2PPP2CBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPP2CB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
360384-74-2PPP2R5AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPP2R5A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
360484-74-2PPP2R5BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPP2R5B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
360584-74-2PPP2R5CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPP2R5C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
360684-74-2PPP4R3BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPP4R3B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
360784-74-2PPT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPT1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
360884-74-2PPT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PPT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
360984-74-2PPT2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PPT2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
361084-74-2PQLC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PQLC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
361184-74-2PRDM4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PRDM4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
361284-74-2PRDX2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRDX2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
361384-74-2PRDX3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRDX3 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491
361484-74-2PRDX5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRDX5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
361584-74-2PRELID2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRELID2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
361684-74-2PREPLRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PREPL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
361784-74-2PRICKLE1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PRICKLE1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
361884-74-2PRIM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRIM1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
361984-74-2PRKAA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PRKAA2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
362084-74-2PRKAB2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PRKAB2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
362184-74-2PRKAB2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRKAB2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
362284-74-2PRKAR1BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PRKAR1B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
362384-74-2PRKAR2AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PRKAR2A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
362484-74-2PRKAR2BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRKAR2B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
362584-74-2PRKCAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PRKCA mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
362684-74-2PRKCDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PRKCD mRNA increases^expression 21266533
362784-74-2PRKCEMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRKCE mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
362884-74-2PRKCQRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PRKCQ mRNA increases^expression 21266533
362984-74-2PRKCSHRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRKCSH mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
363084-74-2PRKDCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRKDC mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
363184-74-2PRKDCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PRKDC mRNA increases^expression 21266533
363284-74-2PRKNRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of PRKN mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
363384-74-2PRKRAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRKRA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
363484-74-2PRKXRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PRKX mRNA increases^expression 21266533
363584-74-2PRL8A6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PRL8A6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
363684-74-2PRLRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRLR mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
363784-74-2PRMT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRMT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
363884-74-2PRMT3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRMT3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
363984-74-2PRMT5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRMT5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
364084-74-2PRMT6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRMT6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
364184-74-2PROCA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PROCA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
364284-74-2PROCRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PROCR mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
364384-74-2PRODHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRODH mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
364484-74-2PROM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PROM1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
364584-74-2PRPF31Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRPF31 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
364684-74-2PRPF4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRPF4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
364784-74-2PRPHRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRPH mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
364884-74-2PRPS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRPS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
364984-74-2PRPS2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of PRPS2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
365084-74-2PRPSAP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PRPSAP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
365184-74-2PRPSAP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRPSAP2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
365284-74-2PRR13Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PRR13 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
365384-74-2PRR36Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRR36 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
365484-74-2PRR7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate affects the expression of PRR7 mRNA affects^expression 24893172
365584-74-2PRRG2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRRG2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
365684-74-2PRRT4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PRRT4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
365784-74-2PRRX2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PRRX2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
365884-74-2PRSS23Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PRSS23 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
365984-74-2PRSS35Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PRSS35 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
366084-74-2PRSS57Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of PRSS57 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
366184-74-2PSAT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSAT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
366284-74-2PSEN1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PSEN1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
366384-74-2PSEN2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PSEN2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
366484-74-2PSMA3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PSMA3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
366584-74-2PSMB3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSMB3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
366684-74-2PSMB5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSMB5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
366784-74-2PSMB6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSMB6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
366884-74-2PSMC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSMC1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
366984-74-2PSMC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PSMC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
367084-74-2PSMC2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PSMC2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
367184-74-2PSMC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSMC3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
367284-74-2PSMC3IPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSMC3IP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
367384-74-2PSMC5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSMC5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
367484-74-2PSMD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PSMD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
367584-74-2PSMD10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSMD10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
367684-74-2PSMD11Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSMD11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
367784-74-2PSMD13Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSMD13 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
367884-74-2PSMD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSMD3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
367984-74-2PSMD4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PSMD4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
368084-74-2PSMD6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSMD6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
368184-74-2PSMD8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PSMD8 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
368284-74-2PSME1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSME1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
368384-74-2PSME2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSME2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
368484-74-2PSME4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PSME4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
368584-74-2PSMG1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSMG1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
368684-74-2PSMG2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSMG2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
368784-74-2PSPC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSPC1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
368884-74-2PSPHRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PSPH mRNA increases^expression 24893172
368984-74-2PSTKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PSTK mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
369084-74-2PTBP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTBP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
369184-74-2PTBP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTBP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
369284-74-2PTBP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTBP2 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
369384-74-2PTCD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTCD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
369484-74-2PTCH1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTCH1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
369584-74-2PTDSS2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTDSS2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
369684-74-2PTENRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTEN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
369784-74-2PTERMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTER mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
369884-74-2PTGDRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTGDR mRNA increases^expression 15620428
369984-74-2PTGER1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTGER1 mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
370084-74-2PTGER2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTGER2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
370184-74-2PTGER4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTGER4 mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
370284-74-2PTGER4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTGER4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
370384-74-2PTGESMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTGES mRNA increases^expression 21266533
370484-74-2PTGES3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTGES3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
370584-74-2PTGFRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTGFR mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
370684-74-2PTH1RRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTH1R mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
370784-74-2PTK2BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTK2B mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
370884-74-2PTK7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTK7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
370984-74-2PTP4A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTP4A1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
371084-74-2PTPN1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTPN1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
371184-74-2PTPN11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTPN11 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
371284-74-2PTPN12Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTPN12 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
371384-74-2PTPN14Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTPN14 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
371484-74-2PTPN18Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTPN18 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
371584-74-2PTPN2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTPN2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
371684-74-2PTPN21Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTPN21 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
371784-74-2PTPN9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTPN9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
371884-74-2PTPRARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTPRA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
371984-74-2PTPRDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTPRD mRNA increases^expression 21266533
372084-74-2PTPREMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTPRE mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
372184-74-2PTPRNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTPRN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
372284-74-2PTPRN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PTPRN2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
372384-74-2PTPRSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTPRS mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
372484-74-2PTPRSRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of PTPRS promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
372584-74-2PTPRVMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTPRV mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
372684-74-2PTRH2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTRH2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
372784-74-2PTSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTS mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
372884-74-2PTTG1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PTTG1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
372984-74-2PUF60Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PUF60 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
373084-74-2PUM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PUM1 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
373184-74-2PURBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PURB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
373284-74-2PUS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PUS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
373384-74-2PUS3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PUS3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
373484-74-2PUS7LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PUS7L mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
373584-74-2PUSL1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of PUSL1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
373684-74-2PVRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PVR mRNA increases^expression 21266533
373784-74-2PXDC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PXDC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
373884-74-2PXMP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PXMP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
373984-74-2PXNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PXN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
374084-74-2PXYLP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PXYLP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
374184-74-2PYCARDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PYCARD mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
374284-74-2PYCR2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PYCR2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
374384-74-2PYCRLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PYCRL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
374484-74-2PYGBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PYGB mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
374584-74-2PYGLRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of PYGL promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
374684-74-2PYGO2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of PYGO2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
374784-74-2PZPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of PZP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
374884-74-2QDPRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of QDPR mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
374984-74-2QKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of QK mRNA increases^expression 21266533
375084-74-2R3HCC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of R3HCC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
375184-74-2RAB10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAB10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
375284-74-2RAB11BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAB11B mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
375384-74-2RAB11FIP4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAB11FIP4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
375484-74-2RAB13Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAB13 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
375584-74-2RAB13Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of RAB13 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
375684-74-2RAB14Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAB14 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
375784-74-2RAB20Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAB20 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
375884-74-2RAB21Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAB21 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
375984-74-2RAB27AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAB27A mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
376084-74-2RAB28Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAB28 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
376184-74-2RAB29Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAB29 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
376284-74-2RAB31Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAB31 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
376384-74-2RAB31Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAB31 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
376484-74-2RAB32Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAB32 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
376584-74-2RAB33ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAB33A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
376684-74-2RAB34Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAB34 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
376784-74-2RAB3GAP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAB3GAP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
376884-74-2RAB40CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAB40C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
376984-74-2RAB4AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAB4A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
377084-74-2RAB4BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAB4B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
377184-74-2RAB5AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAB5A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
377284-74-2RAB8BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAB8B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
377384-74-2RABEP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RABEP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
377484-74-2RABEP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RABEP2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
377584-74-2RABGGTAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RABGGTA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
377684-74-2RABGGTBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RABGGTB mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
377784-74-2RACGAP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RACGAP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
377884-74-2RAD18Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAD18 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
377984-74-2RAD51AP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAD51AP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
378084-74-2RAD51CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAD51C mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
378184-74-2RAD52Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAD52 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
378284-74-2RAD54LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAD54L mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
378384-74-2RAD9AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAD9A mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
378484-74-2RAE1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAE1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
378584-74-2RAF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
378684-74-2RAI1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAI1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
378784-74-2RAI14Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAI14 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
378884-74-2RALBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RALB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
378984-74-2RALBP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RALBP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
379084-74-2RAMP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAMP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
379184-74-2RAMP3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAMP3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
379284-74-2RANMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
379384-74-2RANBP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RANBP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
379484-74-2RANBP3LRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of RANBP3L promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
379584-74-2RANBP9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RANBP9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
379684-74-2RANGRFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RANGRF mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
379784-74-2RAP1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAP1A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
379884-74-2RAP1ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAP1A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
379984-74-2RAP1GAPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAP1GAP mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
380084-74-2RAP1GAPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAP1GAP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
380184-74-2RAP1GAP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAP1GAP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
380284-74-2RAP2AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAP2A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
380384-74-2RAP2CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RAP2C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
380484-74-2RAPGEF2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAPGEF2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
380584-74-2RAPH1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAPH1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
380684-74-2RARAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RARA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
380784-74-2RARS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RARS2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
380884-74-2RASA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RASA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
380984-74-2RASA3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RASA3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
381084-74-2RASAL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RASAL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
381184-74-2RASD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RASD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
381284-74-2RASGRF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RASGRF2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
381384-74-2RASGRP3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RASGRP3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
381484-74-2RASIP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RASIP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
381584-74-2RASL10ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RASL10A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
381684-74-2RASL11AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RASL11A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
381784-74-2RASL11BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RASL11B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
381884-74-2RASL11BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RASL11B mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
381984-74-2RASL12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RASL12 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
382084-74-2RASSF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RASSF1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
382184-74-2RASSF4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RASSF4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
382284-74-2RAVER1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RAVER1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
382384-74-2RBBP4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RBBP4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
382484-74-2RBBP6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RBBP6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
382584-74-2RBCK1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RBCK1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
382684-74-2RBFOX1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RBFOX1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
382784-74-2RBL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RBL1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
382884-74-2RBM18Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RBM18 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
382984-74-2RBM19Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RBM19 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
383084-74-2RBM33Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RBM33 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
383184-74-2RBM34Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RBM34 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
383284-74-2RBM39Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RBM39 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
383384-74-2RBM43Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RBM43 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
383484-74-2RBM47Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RBM47 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
383584-74-2RBM5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RBM5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
383684-74-2RBM6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RBM6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
383784-74-2RBM8AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RBM8A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
383884-74-2RBM8ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RBM8A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
383984-74-2RBMS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RBMS1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
384084-74-2RBMS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RBMS2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
384184-74-2RBP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RBP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
384284-74-2RBP4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RBP4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
384384-74-2RBPMSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RBPMS mRNA increases^expression 21266533
384484-74-2RBPMS2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RBPMS2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
384584-74-2RC3H1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RC3H1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
384684-74-2RCAN1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RCAN1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
384784-74-2RCAN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RCAN2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
384884-74-2RCC1LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RCC1L mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
384984-74-2RCC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RCC2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
385084-74-2RCHY1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RCHY1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
385184-74-2RCOR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RCOR2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
385284-74-2RCOR3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RCOR3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
385384-74-2RCSD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RCSD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
385484-74-2RDXRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RDX mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
385584-74-2REEP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of REEP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
385684-74-2REEP6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of REEP6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
385784-74-2RELARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased expression of RELA protein increases^expression|increases^phosphorylation 26745512
385884-74-2RELARattus norvegicusRELA affects the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VIM protein] affects^reaction|increases^expression 26745512
385984-74-2RELBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RELB mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
386084-74-2RELL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RELL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
386184-74-2RELL2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RELL2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
386284-74-2RELNRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of RELN mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
386384-74-2REM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of REM1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
386484-74-2REM2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of REM2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
386584-74-2RENBPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RENBP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
386684-74-2RERGMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RERG mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
386784-74-2RETREG2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RETREG2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
386884-74-2RETREG2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RETREG2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
386984-74-2RETSATMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RETSAT mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
387084-74-2REV1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of REV1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
387184-74-2REXO1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of REXO1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
387284-74-2REXO2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of REXO2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
387384-74-2RFC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RFC2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
387484-74-2RFC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RFC3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
387584-74-2RFC4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RFC4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
387684-74-2RFC5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RFC5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
387784-74-2RFESDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RFESD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
387884-74-2RFX7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RFX7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
387984-74-2RGCCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGCC mRNA increases^expression 21266533
388084-74-2RGD1303003Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGD1303003 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
388184-74-2RGD1304884Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGD1304884 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
388284-74-2RGD1305350Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGD1305350 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
388384-74-2RGD1305645Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGD1305645 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|24893172
388484-74-2RGD1305713Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGD1305713 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
388584-74-2RGD1306063Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGD1306063 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
388684-74-2RGD1306746Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGD1306746 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
388784-74-2RGD1307621Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGD1307621 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
388884-74-2RGD1308134Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of RGD1308134 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
388984-74-2RGD1309079Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGD1309079 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
389084-74-2RGD1309104Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGD1309104 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
389184-74-2RGD1309534Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGD1309534 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
389284-74-2RGD1309594Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGD1309594 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
389384-74-2RGD1310352Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGD1310352 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
389484-74-2RGD1311946Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGD1311946 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
389584-74-2RGD1311946Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGD1311946 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
389684-74-2RGD1359108Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGD1359108 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
389784-74-2RGD1560324Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGD1560324 mRNA increases^expression 24893172
389884-74-2RGD1560350Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of RGD1560350 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
389984-74-2RGD1562339Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGD1562339 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
390084-74-2RGD1562747Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGD1562747 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
390184-74-2RGD1562987Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGD1562987 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
390284-74-2RGD1563072Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGD1563072 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
390384-74-2RGD1563222Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGD1563222 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
390484-74-2RGD1563365Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGD1563365 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
390584-74-2RGD1563545Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGD1563545 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
390684-74-2RGD1563941Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGD1563941 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
390784-74-2RGD1564534Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGD1564534 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
390884-74-2RGD1564865Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGD1564865 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
390984-74-2RGD1565222Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGD1565222 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
391084-74-2RGD1565222Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGD1565222 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
391184-74-2RGD1565775Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGD1565775 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
391284-74-2RGD1566099Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGD1566099 mRNA increases^expression 24893172
391384-74-2RGD735029Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGD735029 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
391484-74-2RGS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGS1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
391584-74-2RGS12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGS12 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
391684-74-2RGS16Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGS16 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
391784-74-2RGS19Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RGS19 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
391884-74-2RGS2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGS2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
391984-74-2RGS22Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGS22 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
392084-74-2RGS3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RGS3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
392184-74-2RHBDD3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RHBDD3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
392284-74-2RHBDF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RHBDF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
392384-74-2RHBDF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RHBDF2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
392484-74-2RHBDL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RHBDL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
392584-74-2RHEBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RHEB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
392684-74-2RHOARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RHOA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
392784-74-2RHOBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RHOB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
392884-74-2RHOBTB3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RHOBTB3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
392984-74-2RHOCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RHOC mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
393084-74-2RHOJRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RHOJ mRNA increases^expression 21266533
393184-74-2RHOQMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RHOQ mRNA increases^expression 21266533
393284-74-2RHOUMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RHOU mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
393384-74-2RHPN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RHPN1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
393484-74-2RIANMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RIAN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
393584-74-2RIBC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RIBC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
393684-74-2RIC8AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RIC8A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
393784-74-2RIC8BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RIC8B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
393884-74-2RIDARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RIDA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
393984-74-2RIF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RIF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
394084-74-2RILPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RILP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
394184-74-2RILPL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RILPL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
394284-74-2RILPL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RILPL2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
394384-74-2RIN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RIN2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
394484-74-2RIOK1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RIOK1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
394584-74-2RIOK2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RIOK2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
394684-74-2RIOK3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RIOK3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
394784-74-2RIOX1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RIOX1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
394884-74-2RIPK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RIPK1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
394984-74-2RIT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RIT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
395084-74-2RLN1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RLN1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
395184-74-2RMND1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RMND1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
395284-74-2RMND5BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RMND5B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
395384-74-2RNASE12Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RNASE12 mRNA increases^expression 24893172
395484-74-2RNASEH2AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RNASEH2A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
395584-74-2RNASEKRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of RNASEK promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
395684-74-2RNASEKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RNASEK mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
395784-74-2RNASELMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RNASEL mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
395884-74-2RNASENMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RNASEN mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
395984-74-2RNASET2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RNASET2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
396084-74-2RND1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RND1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
396184-74-2RND2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RND2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
396284-74-2RND3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RND3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
396384-74-2RNF10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RNF10 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
396484-74-2RNF103Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RNF103 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
396584-74-2RNF11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RNF11 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
396684-74-2RNF121Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RNF121 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
396784-74-2RNF122Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RNF122 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
396884-74-2RNF126Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RNF126 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
396984-74-2RNF135Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RNF135 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
397084-74-2RNF138Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RNF138 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
397184-74-2RNF145Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RNF145 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
397284-74-2RNF146Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RNF146 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
397384-74-2RNF181Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RNF181 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
397484-74-2RNF19BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RNF19B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
397584-74-2RNF207Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RNF207 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
397684-74-2RNF217Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RNF217 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
397784-74-2RNF34Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RNF34 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
397884-74-2RNF5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RNF5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
397984-74-2RNF6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RNF6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
398084-74-2RNF8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RNF8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
398184-74-2RNFT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RNFT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
398284-74-2RNGTTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RNGTT mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
398384-74-2RNH1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RNH1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
398484-74-2RNMTRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RNMT mRNA increases^expression 21266533
398584-74-2RNPEPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RNPEP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
398684-74-2RNPS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RNPS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
398784-74-2ROBO1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of ROBO1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
398884-74-2ROBO1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ROBO1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
398984-74-2ROBO4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ROBO4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
399084-74-2ROCK2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ROCK2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
399184-74-2ROGDIMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ROGDI mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
399284-74-2RORAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RORA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
399384-74-2RP9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RP9 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
399484-74-2RPA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPA1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
399584-74-2RPA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPA2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
399684-74-2RPA3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPA3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
399784-74-2RPAP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPAP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
399884-74-2RPF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPF2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
399984-74-2RPH3ALMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPH3AL mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
400084-74-2RPIARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPIA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
400184-74-2RPL13Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPL13 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
400284-74-2RPL13ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPL13A mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
400384-74-2RPL14Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPL14 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
400484-74-2RPL18Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPL18 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
400584-74-2RPL19Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPL19 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
400684-74-2RPL21Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPL21 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
400784-74-2RPL24Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPL24 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
400884-74-2RPL31Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPL31 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
400984-74-2RPL32Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPL32 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
401084-74-2RPL34Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPL34 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
401184-74-2RPL34Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPL34 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
401284-74-2RPL36Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of RPL36 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
401384-74-2RPL36ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPL36A mRNA increases^expression 17379624
401484-74-2RPL37Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPL37 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
401584-74-2RPL37Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPL37 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
401684-74-2RPL39Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPL39 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
401784-74-2RPL41Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPL41 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
401884-74-2RPN1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPN1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
401984-74-2RPN2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPN2 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
402084-74-2RPP14Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPP14 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
402184-74-2RPP25Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPP25 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
402284-74-2RPP30Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPP30 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
402384-74-2RPP40Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPP40 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
402484-74-2RPS11Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPS11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
402584-74-2RPS12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPS12 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
402684-74-2RPS13Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPS13 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
402784-74-2RPS13Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPS13 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
402884-74-2RPS15Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPS15 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
402984-74-2RPS17Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPS17 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
403084-74-2RPS19Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPS19 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
403184-74-2RPS2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPS2 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
403284-74-2RPS21Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPS21 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
403384-74-2RPS27Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPS27 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
403484-74-2RPS27LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPS27L mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
403584-74-2RPS29Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPS29 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
403684-74-2RPS4XRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPS4X mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
403784-74-2RPS6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPS6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
403884-74-2RPS6KA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPS6KA1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
403984-74-2RPS6KA4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RPS6KA4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
404084-74-2RPSARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RPSA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
404184-74-2RRADRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RRAD mRNA increases^expression 24893172
404284-74-2RRAGBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RRAGB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
404384-74-2RRASMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RRAS mRNA increases^expression 21266533
404484-74-2RRAS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RRAS2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
404584-74-2RREB1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RREB1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
404684-74-2RRM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RRM1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
404784-74-2RRM2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RRM2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
404884-74-2RRP8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RRP8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
404984-74-2RRP9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RRP9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
405084-74-2RSAD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RSAD2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
405184-74-2RT1-A2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of RT1-A2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
405284-74-2RT1-CE5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RT1-CE5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
405384-74-2RT1-CE7Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of RT1-CE7 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
405484-74-2RT1-EC2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RT1-EC2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
405584-74-2RTN2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RTN2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
405684-74-2RTN4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RTN4 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
405784-74-2RTN4RL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RTN4RL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
405884-74-2RUNX1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RUNX1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
405984-74-2RUSC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RUSC2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
406084-74-2RUVBL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RUVBL1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
406184-74-2RUVBL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RUVBL2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
406284-74-2RWDD4AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RWDD4A mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
406384-74-2RXRAHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate binds to RXRA protein affects^binding 23843199
406484-74-2RXRARattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of RXRA mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
406584-74-2RXRBHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate binds to RXRB protein affects^binding 23843199
406684-74-2RXRGHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate binds to RXRG protein affects^binding 23843199
406784-74-2RXRGXenopus laevisDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RXRG mRNA decreases^expression 21544203
406884-74-2RYBPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of RYBP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
406984-74-2RYKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of RYK mRNA increases^expression 21266533
407084-74-2S100A10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of S100A10 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
407184-74-2S100A10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of S100A10 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
407284-74-2S100A13Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of S100A13 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
407384-74-2S100A6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of S100A6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
407484-74-2S100A8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of S100A8 mRNA increases^expression 24893172
407584-74-2S100BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of S100B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
407684-74-2S1PR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of S1PR1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
407784-74-2S1PR2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of S1PR2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
407884-74-2S1PR3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of S1PR3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
407984-74-2SAC3D1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SAC3D1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
408084-74-2SAE1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SAE1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
408184-74-2SAFB2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SAFB2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
408284-74-2SALL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SALL2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
408384-74-2SAMD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SAMD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
408484-74-2SAMD10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SAMD10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
408584-74-2SAMD4ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SAMD4A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
408684-74-2SAMM50Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SAMM50 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
408784-74-2SAPCD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SAPCD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
408884-74-2SARAFRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SARAF mRNA increases^expression 21266533
408984-74-2SARM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SARM1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
409084-74-2SART1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SART1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
409184-74-2SAT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SAT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
409284-74-2SAT2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SAT2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
409384-74-2SATB2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SATB2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
409484-74-2SAYSD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SAYSD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
409584-74-2SBF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SBF2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
409684-74-2SC5DMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SC5D mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
409784-74-2SC5DRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SC5D mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
409884-74-2SCAMP3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SCAMP3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
409984-74-2SCAMP5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SCAMP5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
410084-74-2SCARA5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SCARA5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
410184-74-2SCARB1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate affects the expression of SCARB1 protein affects^expression 21745491
410284-74-2SCARB1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SCARB1 mRNA decreases^expression 14617579|15141095|15987825|17379624|17884934|19560483|21266533|21745491|26472102|26948521|27079746
410384-74-2SCARB1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SCARB1 protein decreases^expression 14617579|15141095|17379624
410484-74-2SCARB2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SCARB2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
410584-74-2SCARF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SCARF2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
410684-74-2SCDRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SCD promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
410784-74-2SCDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SCD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
410884-74-2SCDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SCD mRNA increases^expression 17379624
410984-74-2SCD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SCD1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
411084-74-2SCD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SCD3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
411184-74-2SCG5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SCG5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
411284-74-2SCHIP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SCHIP1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
411384-74-2SCINMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SCIN mRNA increases^expression 17361019
411484-74-2SCLYRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SCLY mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
411584-74-2SCN3BRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SCN3B promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
411684-74-2SCN3BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SCN3B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
411784-74-2SCN4BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SCN4B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
411884-74-2SCN8AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SCN8A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
411984-74-2SCNM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SCNM1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
412084-74-2SCP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SCP2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
412184-74-2SCRN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SCRN1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
412284-74-2SCRN1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SCRN1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
412384-74-2SCRN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SCRN2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
412484-74-2SCRN3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SCRN3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
412584-74-2SCTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SCT mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
412684-74-2SCTRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SCTR mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
412784-74-2SCXRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SCX promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
412884-74-2SDC4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SDC4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
412984-74-2SDCBPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SDCBP mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
413084-74-2SDF4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SDF4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
413184-74-2SDHAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SDHA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
413284-74-2SDHAF3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SDHAF3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
413384-74-2SDHBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SDHB mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
413484-74-2SDHCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SDHC mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
413584-74-2SDR39U1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SDR39U1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
413684-74-2SEBOXMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SEBOX mRNA increases^expression 21266533
413784-74-2SEC23AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SEC23A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
413884-74-2SEC23BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SEC23B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
413984-74-2SEC24AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SEC24A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
414084-74-2SEC61A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SEC61A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
414184-74-2SECTM1BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SECTM1B mRNA increases^expression 24893172
414284-74-2SEL1L2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SEL1L2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
414384-74-2SEL1L3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SEL1L3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
414484-74-2SELENBP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SELENBP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
414584-74-2SELENOKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SELENOK mRNA increases^expression 21266533
414684-74-2SELENOMRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SELENOM mRNA increases^expression 21266533
414784-74-2SELENOPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SELENOP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
414884-74-2SELENOPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SELENOP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
414984-74-2SEMA3BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SEMA3B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
415084-74-2SEMA3BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SEMA3B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
415184-74-2SEMA4ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SEMA4A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
415284-74-2SEMA4CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SEMA4C mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
415384-74-2SEMA4FMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SEMA4F mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
415484-74-2SEMA5AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SEMA5A mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
415584-74-2SEMA5BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SEMA5B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
415684-74-2SENP5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SENP5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
415784-74-2SEPHS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SEPHS1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
415884-74-2SEPHS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SEPHS2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
415984-74-2Sep-11Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SEPT11 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
416084-74-2Sep-09Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SEPT9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
416184-74-2Sep-09Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SEPT9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
416284-74-2SERGEFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SERGEF mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
416384-74-2SERINC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SERINC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
416484-74-2SERINC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SERINC3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
416584-74-2SERINC5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SERINC5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
416684-74-2SERP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SERP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
416784-74-2SERPINA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SERPINA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
416884-74-2SERPINA1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SERPINA1A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
416984-74-2SERPINA3AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SERPINA3A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
417084-74-2SERPINA3GMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SERPINA3G mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
417184-74-2SERPINA5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SERPINA5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
417284-74-2SERPINA9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SERPINA9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
417384-74-2SERPINB1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SERPINB1A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
417484-74-2SERPINB6AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SERPINB6A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
417584-74-2SERPINE1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SERPINE1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
417684-74-2SERPINE2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SERPINE2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
417784-74-2SERPINF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SERPINF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
417884-74-2SERPING1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SERPING1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
417984-74-2SERPINH1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SERPINH1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
418084-74-2SERTAD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SERTAD1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
418184-74-2SERTAD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SERTAD3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
418284-74-2SESTD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SESTD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
418384-74-2SETMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SET mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
418484-74-2SETD4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SETD4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
418584-74-2SETD6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SETD6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
418684-74-2SETD7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SETD7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
418784-74-2SF3A2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SF3A2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
418884-74-2SF3A3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SF3A3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
418984-74-2SF3B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SF3B1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
419084-74-2SF3B2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SF3B2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
419184-74-2SF3B4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SF3B4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
419284-74-2SF3B5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SF3B5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
419384-74-2SF3B5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SF3B5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
419484-74-2SFI1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SFI1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
419584-74-2SFMBT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SFMBT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
419684-74-2SFNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SFN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
419784-74-2SFPQMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SFPQ mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
419884-74-2SFRP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SFRP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
419984-74-2SFRP5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SFRP5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
420084-74-2SFRS16Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SFRS16 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
420184-74-2SFRS3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SFRS3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
420284-74-2SFT2D1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SFT2D1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
420384-74-2SFT2D2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SFT2D2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
420484-74-2SFXN3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SFXN3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
420584-74-2SFXN4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SFXN4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
420684-74-2SGK1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate affects the expression of SGK1 mRNA affects^expression 21745491
420784-74-2SGK1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SGK1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
420884-74-2SGMS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SGMS1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
420984-74-2SGO1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SGO1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
421084-74-2SGPP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SGPP1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
421184-74-2SGPP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SGPP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
421284-74-2SGSHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SGSH mRNA increases^expression 21266533
421384-74-2SGTAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SGTA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
421484-74-2SH2B3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SH2B3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
421584-74-2SH2D4ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SH2D4A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
421684-74-2SH3BGRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SH3BGR mRNA increases^expression 21266533
421784-74-2SH3BGRLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SH3BGRL mRNA increases^expression 21266533
421884-74-2SH3GL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SH3GL2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
421984-74-2SH3GL3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SH3GL3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
422084-74-2SH3GL3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SH3GL3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
422184-74-2SH3GLB1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SH3GLB1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
422284-74-2SH3GLB2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SH3GLB2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
422384-74-2SH3KBP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SH3KBP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
422484-74-2SH3RF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SH3RF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
422584-74-2SH3TC2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SH3TC2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
422684-74-2SHANK2Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of SHANK2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
422784-74-2SHANK3Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SHANK3 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
422884-74-2SHBGHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate binds to SHBG protein affects^binding 25349334
422984-74-2SHBGSalmo salarDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SHBG protein increases^expression 12408638
423084-74-2SHC2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SHC2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
423184-74-2SHHRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SHH mRNA decreases^expression 19464577|22027561|25213187|26948521|27079746
423284-74-2SHISA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SHISA2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
423384-74-2SHISA5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SHISA5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
423484-74-2SHISA8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SHISA8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
423584-74-2SHKBP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SHKBP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
423684-74-2SHMT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SHMT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
423784-74-2SHPRHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SHPRH mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
423884-74-2SHROOM3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SHROOM3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
423984-74-2SHROOM4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SHROOM4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
424084-74-2SIAERattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SIAE mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
424184-74-2SIGLEC10Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SIGLEC10 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
424284-74-2SIGMAR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SIGMAR1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
424384-74-2SIK3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SIK3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
424484-74-2SIKE1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SIKE1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
424584-74-2SIN3AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SIN3A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
424684-74-2SINHCAFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SINHCAF mRNA increases^expression 21266533
424784-74-2SIPA1L2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SIPA1L2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
424884-74-2SIPA1L3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SIPA1L3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
424984-74-2SIRPARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SIRPA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
425084-74-2SIRT2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SIRT2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
425184-74-2SIRT3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SIRT3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
425284-74-2SIRT5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SIRT5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
425384-74-2SIX5Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SIX5 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
425484-74-2SIX5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SIX5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
425584-74-2SKIMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SKI mRNA increases^expression 21266533
425684-74-2SKILMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SKIL mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
425784-74-2SKP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SKP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
425884-74-2SLBPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLBP mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
425984-74-2SLC11A2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC11A2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
426084-74-2SLC12A2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC12A2 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
426184-74-2SLC12A6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC12A6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
426284-74-2SLC12A7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC12A7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
426384-74-2SLC13A2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC13A2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
426484-74-2SLC13A5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC13A5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
426584-74-2SLC15A2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC15A2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
426684-74-2SLC16A6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC16A6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
426784-74-2SLC16A8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC16A8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
426884-74-2SLC16A9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC16A9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
426984-74-2SLC18B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC18B1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
427084-74-2SLC1A2Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of SLC1A2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
427184-74-2SLC1A3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC1A3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
427284-74-2SLC1A4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC1A4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
427384-74-2SLC1A5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC1A5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
427484-74-2SLC1A6Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of SLC1A6 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
427584-74-2SLC20A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC20A1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
427684-74-2SLC22A23Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC22A23 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
427784-74-2SLC25A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC25A1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
427884-74-2SLC25A10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC25A10 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
427984-74-2SLC25A11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC25A11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
428084-74-2SLC25A13Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC25A13 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
428184-74-2SLC25A18Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC25A18 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
428284-74-2SLC25A20Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC25A20 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
428384-74-2SLC25A25Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC25A25 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
428484-74-2SLC25A28Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC25A28 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
428584-74-2SLC25A3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC25A3 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
428684-74-2SLC25A30Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC25A30 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
428784-74-2SLC25A35Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC25A35 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
428884-74-2SLC25A36Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC25A36 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
428984-74-2SLC25A37Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC25A37 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
429084-74-2SLC25A39Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC25A39 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
429184-74-2SLC25A4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC25A4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
429284-74-2SLC25A42Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC25A42 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
429384-74-2SLC25A45Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC25A45 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
429484-74-2SLC25A5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC25A5 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
429584-74-2SLC25A5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC25A5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
429684-74-2SLC26A2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC26A2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
429784-74-2SLC26A7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC26A7 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
429884-74-2SLC26A8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC26A8 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
429984-74-2SLC27A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC27A1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
430084-74-2SLC27A3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC27A3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
430184-74-2SLC29A4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC29A4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
430284-74-2SLC2A3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC2A3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
430384-74-2SLC30A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC30A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
430484-74-2SLC30A7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC30A7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
430584-74-2SLC31A2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC31A2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
430684-74-2SLC32A1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SLC32A1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
430784-74-2SLC34A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC34A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
430884-74-2SLC35A2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC35A2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
430984-74-2SLC35B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC35B1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
431084-74-2SLC35E1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC35E1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
431184-74-2SLC35E2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC35E2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
431284-74-2SLC35F1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC35F1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
431384-74-2SLC35G1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC35G1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
431484-74-2SLC36A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC36A1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
431584-74-2SLC36A2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC36A2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
431684-74-2SLC37A2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC37A2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
431784-74-2SLC38A10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC38A10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
431884-74-2SLC38A5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC38A5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
431984-74-2SLC38A7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC38A7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
432084-74-2SLC39A4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC39A4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
432184-74-2SLC39A6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC39A6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
432284-74-2SLC39A7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC39A7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
432384-74-2SLC3A2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC3A2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
432484-74-2SLC3A2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC3A2 mRNA increases^expression 24893172
432584-74-2SLC40A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC40A1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
432684-74-2SLC41A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC41A1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
432784-74-2SLC41A2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC41A2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
432884-74-2SLC41A3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC41A3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
432984-74-2SLC43A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC43A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
433084-74-2SLC44A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC44A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
433184-74-2SLC45A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC45A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
433284-74-2SLC45A4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC45A4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
433384-74-2SLC48A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC48A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
433484-74-2SLC4A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC4A1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
433584-74-2SLC5A3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC5A3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
433684-74-2SLC5A5Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC5A5 mRNA decreases^expression 16257484
433784-74-2SLC6A6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC6A6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
433884-74-2SLC6A6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC6A6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
433984-74-2SLC6A9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC6A9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
434084-74-2SLC7A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC7A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
434184-74-2SLC7A10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC7A10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
434284-74-2SLC7A4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC7A4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
434384-74-2SLC7A6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC7A6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
434484-74-2SLC7A8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC7A8 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491
434584-74-2SLC9A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC9A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
434684-74-2SLC9A3R2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLC9A3R2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
434784-74-2SLC9A5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLC9A5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
434884-74-2SLCO2A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLCO2A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
434984-74-2SLCO3A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLCO3A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
435084-74-2SLF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
435184-74-2SLFN9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLFN9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
435284-74-2SLIT1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of SLIT1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
435384-74-2SLIT2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLIT2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
435484-74-2SLITRK1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLITRK1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
435584-74-2SLKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLK mRNA increases^expression 21266533
435684-74-2SLMAPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SLMAP mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
435784-74-2SLTMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SLTM mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
435884-74-2SLX1BRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SLX1B promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
435984-74-2SMAD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SMAD3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
436084-74-2SMAD7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SMAD7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
436184-74-2SMAP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SMAP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
436284-74-2SMARCA2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SMARCA2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
436384-74-2SMARCA4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SMARCA4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
436484-74-2SMARCA5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SMARCA5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
436584-74-2SMARCA5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SMARCA5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
436684-74-2SMARCAL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SMARCAL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
436784-74-2SMARCC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SMARCC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
436884-74-2SMARCD3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SMARCD3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
436984-74-2SMARCE1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SMARCE1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
437084-74-2SMG1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SMG1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
437184-74-2SMG7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SMG7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
437284-74-2SMIM14Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SMIM14 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
437384-74-2SMIM20Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SMIM20 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
437484-74-2SMIM3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SMIM3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
437584-74-2SMN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SMN1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
437684-74-2SMORattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SMO promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
437784-74-2SMORattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SMO mRNA increases^expression 21266533
437884-74-2SMOC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SMOC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
437984-74-2SMOC2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SMOC2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
438084-74-2SMPD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SMPD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
438184-74-2SMPD4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SMPD4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
438284-74-2SMPDL3ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SMPDL3A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
438384-74-2SMPDL3BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SMPDL3B mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
438484-74-2SMPXRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SMPX mRNA increases^expression 21266533
438584-74-2SMTNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SMTN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
438684-74-2SMTNL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SMTNL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
438784-74-2SMURF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SMURF1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
438884-74-2SMURF2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SMURF2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
438984-74-2SMYD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SMYD3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
439084-74-2SNAI1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SNAI1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
439184-74-2SNAI2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SNAI2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
439284-74-2SNAP91Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNAP91 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
439384-74-2SNAPC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNAPC2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
439484-74-2SNCAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SNCA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
439584-74-2SNED1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNED1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
439684-74-2SNHG1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNHG1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
439784-74-2SNHG6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SNHG6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
439884-74-2SNRKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNRK mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
439984-74-2SNRNP200Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNRNP200 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
440084-74-2SNRNP25Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNRNP25 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
440184-74-2SNRNP40Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNRNP40 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
440284-74-2SNRPAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNRPA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
440384-74-2SNRPA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNRPA1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
440484-74-2SNRPBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNRPB mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
440584-74-2SNRPCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNRPC mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
440684-74-2SNRPD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNRPD1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
440784-74-2SNRPD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNRPD2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
440884-74-2SNRPD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNRPD3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
440984-74-2SNRPEMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNRPE mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
441084-74-2SNRPNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNRPN mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
441184-74-2SNTB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SNTB1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
441284-74-2SNUPNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNUPN mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
441384-74-2SNW1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNW1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
441484-74-2SNX18Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SNX18 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
441584-74-2SNX33Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SNX33 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
441684-74-2SNX33Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SNX33 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
441784-74-2SNX6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SNX6 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
441884-74-2SNX9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SNX9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
441984-74-2SOAT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SOAT1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
442084-74-2SOAT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SOAT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
442184-74-2SOCS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SOCS1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
442284-74-2SOCS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SOCS2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
442384-74-2SOCS3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SOCS3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
442484-74-2SOD1Mus musculus[diethyl phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with diisononyl phthalate co-treated with diisobutyl phthalate co-treated with butylbenzyl phthalate] results in decreased expression of SOD1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 28013214
442584-74-2SOD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased activity of SOD1 protein decreases^activity 25172463
442684-74-2SOD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SOD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
442784-74-2SOD2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased activity of SOD2 protein decreases^activity 25172463
442884-74-2SOD2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SOD2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
442984-74-2SOD3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SOD3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
443084-74-2SORBS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SORBS1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
443184-74-2SORBS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SORBS2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
443284-74-2SORBS3Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SORBS3 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
443384-74-2SORCS3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SORCS3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
443484-74-2SORDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SORD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
443584-74-2SORL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SORL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
443684-74-2SORT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SORT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
443784-74-2SOSTDC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SOSTDC1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
443884-74-2SOWAHBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SOWAHB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
443984-74-2SOX1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SOX1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
444084-74-2SOX11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SOX11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
444184-74-2SOX12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SOX12 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
444284-74-2SOX13Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SOX13 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
444384-74-2SOX14Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SOX14 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
444484-74-2SOX18Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SOX18 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
444584-74-2SOX4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SOX4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
444684-74-2SOX6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SOX6 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
444784-74-2SOX9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SOX9 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
444884-74-2SOX9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SOX9 mRNA decreases^expression 26472102
444984-74-2SP140Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SP140 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
445084-74-2SP4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SP4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
445184-74-2SPAG5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SPAG5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
445284-74-2SPATA13Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SPATA13 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
445384-74-2SPATA2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SPATA2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
445484-74-2SPATA46Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SPATA46 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
445584-74-2SPATA7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SPATA7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
445684-74-2SPATS2LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SPATS2L mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
445784-74-2SPC24Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SPC24 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
445884-74-2SPC25Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SPC25 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
445984-74-2SPDL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SPDL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
446084-74-2SPEER4F1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SPEER4F1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
446184-74-2SPG11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SPG11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
446284-74-2SPG20Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SPG20 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
446384-74-2SPG21Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SPG21 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
446484-74-2SPHK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SPHK1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
446584-74-2SPIN2CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SPIN2C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
446684-74-2SPINK4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SPINK4 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
446784-74-2SPOCK1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SPOCK1 mRNA increases^expression 24893172
446884-74-2SPOCK2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SPOCK2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
446984-74-2SPOCK3Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SPOCK3 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
447084-74-2SPOPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SPOP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
447184-74-2SPP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SPP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
447284-74-2SPRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SPR mRNA increases^expression 21266533
447384-74-2SPRED2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SPRED2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
447484-74-2SPRR1BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate affects the expression of SPRR1B mRNA affects^expression 15458795|24893172
447584-74-2SPRY1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SPRY1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
447684-74-2SPRY2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SPRY2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
447784-74-2SPRY4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SPRY4 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
447884-74-2SPSB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SPSB1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
447984-74-2SPSB1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SPSB1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
448084-74-2SPSB2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SPSB2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
448184-74-2SPSB4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SPSB4 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
448284-74-2SPTA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SPTA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
448384-74-2SPTBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SPTB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
448484-74-2SPTBN2Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of SPTBN2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
448584-74-2SPTLC2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SPTLC2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
448684-74-2SQLEMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SQLE mRNA increases^expression 21266533
448784-74-2SQLERattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SQLE mRNA decreases^expression 21266533|21745491
448884-74-2SQSTM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SQSTM1 protein decreases^expression 26804720
448984-74-2SRD5A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SRD5A1 mRNA decreases^expression 19560483
449084-74-2SRD5A2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SRD5A2 mRNA decreases^expression 25434310
449184-74-2SRD5A2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SRD5A2 protein decreases^expression 25434310
449284-74-2SRD5A3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SRD5A3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
449384-74-2SREBF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SREBF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
449484-74-2SREBF2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SREBF2 protein decreases^expression 21266533
449584-74-2SREK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SREK1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
449684-74-2SRFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SRF mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
449784-74-2SRGAP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SRGAP3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
449884-74-2SRIMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SRI mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
449984-74-2SRMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SRM mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
450084-74-2SRP19Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SRP19 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
450184-74-2SRP72Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SRP72 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
450284-74-2SRPRAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SRPRA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
450384-74-2SRPX2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SRPX2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
450484-74-2SRPX2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SRPX2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
450584-74-2SRRRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SRR promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
450684-74-2SRRM4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SRRM4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
450784-74-2SRSF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SRSF1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
450884-74-2SRSF10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SRSF10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
450984-74-2SRSF11Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SRSF11 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
451084-74-2SRSF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SRSF2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
451184-74-2SRSF3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SRSF3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
451284-74-2SRSF7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SRSF7 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
451384-74-2SRXN1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SRXN1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
451484-74-2SS18Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SS18 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
451584-74-2SSBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SSB mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
451684-74-2SSBP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SSBP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
451784-74-2SSBP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SSBP3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
451884-74-2SSBP4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SSBP4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
451984-74-2SSFA2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SSFA2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
452084-74-2SSH2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SSH2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
452184-74-2SSNA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SSNA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
452284-74-2SSPNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SSPN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
452384-74-2SSR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SSR2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
452484-74-2SSR3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SSR3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
452584-74-2SSR4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SSR4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
452684-74-2SSRP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SSRP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
452784-74-2SSSCA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SSSCA1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
452884-74-2SSTR1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SSTR1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
452984-74-2SSTR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SSTR2 mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
453084-74-2SSU72Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SSU72 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
453184-74-2ST13Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ST13 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
453284-74-2ST14Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ST14 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
453384-74-2ST3GAL4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ST3GAL4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
453484-74-2ST3GAL6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ST3GAL6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
453584-74-2ST8SIA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ST8SIA2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
453684-74-2ST8SIA5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ST8SIA5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
453784-74-2STAG2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STAG2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
453884-74-2STAMBPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STAMBP mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
453984-74-2STAP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STAP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
454084-74-2STARHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STAR mRNA decreases^expression 28104404
454184-74-2STARMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate metabolite results in increased expression of STAR mRNA increases^expression 16999944
454284-74-2STARMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate metabolite results in increased expression of STAR protein increases^expression 16999944
454384-74-2STARMus musculus[diethyl phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with diisononyl phthalate co-treated with diisobutyl phthalate co-treated with butylbenzyl phthalate] results in decreased expression of STAR mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 28013214
454484-74-2STARRattus norvegicus[Dexamethasone co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] results in decreased expression of STAR mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 22615892
454584-74-2STARRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate] results in decreased expression of STAR affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 17400582
454684-74-2STARRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STAR decreases^expression 17400582
454784-74-2STARRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STAR protein decreases^expression 14617579|15141095|19815848|21745491|26706031|26961603
454884-74-2STARRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STAR mRNA increases^expression 19560483|26472102
454984-74-2STARD4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STARD4 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
455084-74-2STARD4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STARD4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
455184-74-2STARD7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STARD7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
455284-74-2STAT2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STAT2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
455384-74-2STAT3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STAT3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
455484-74-2STAU1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STAU1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
455584-74-2STAU2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STAU2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
455684-74-2STC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STC1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
455784-74-2STC2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STC2 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533|21745491
455884-74-2STEAP4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STEAP4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
455984-74-2STIM2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STIM2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
456084-74-2STIP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STIP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
456184-74-2STK10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STK10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
456284-74-2STK11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STK11 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
456384-74-2STK24Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STK24 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
456484-74-2STK38Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STK38 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
456584-74-2STK38LRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STK38L mRNA increases^expression 21266533
456684-74-2STK4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STK4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
456784-74-2STK40Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STK40 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
456884-74-2STMN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STMN1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
456984-74-2STMN2Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of STMN2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
457084-74-2STN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STN1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
457184-74-2STOMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STOM mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
457284-74-2STOML2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STOML2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
457384-74-2STON1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STON1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
457484-74-2STOX2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STOX2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
457584-74-2STRA6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STRA6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
457684-74-2STRADAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STRADA mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
457784-74-2STRAPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STRAP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
457884-74-2STRAPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STRAP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
457984-74-2STRIP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STRIP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
458084-74-2STRN3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STRN3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
458184-74-2STSRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of STS mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
458284-74-2STUB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STUB1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
458384-74-2STX11Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STX11 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
458484-74-2STX17Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STX17 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
458584-74-2STX3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STX3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
458684-74-2STX5AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STX5A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
458784-74-2STX6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STX6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
458884-74-2STX8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STX8 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
458984-74-2STXBP1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of STXBP1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
459084-74-2STXBP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of STXBP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
459184-74-2STXBP4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of STXBP4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
459284-74-2SUCLG1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SUCLG1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
459384-74-2SUCLG2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SUCLG2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
459484-74-2SUGP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SUGP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
459584-74-2SULF2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SULF2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
459684-74-2SULT1E1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SULT1E1 mRNA increases^expression 15901914
459784-74-2SULT2A6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SULT2A6 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
459884-74-2SULT5A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SULT5A1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
459984-74-2SUMF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SUMF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
460084-74-2SUMO2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SUMO2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
460184-74-2SUMO3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SUMO3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
460284-74-2SUPT16HMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SUPT16H mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
460384-74-2SUPT20Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SUPT20 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
460484-74-2SURF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SURF1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
460584-74-2SURF4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SURF4 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
460684-74-2SUSD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SUSD3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
460784-74-2SUV39H1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SUV39H1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
460884-74-2SUZ12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SUZ12 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
460984-74-2SV2ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SV2A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
461084-74-2SV2BRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SV2B promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
461184-74-2SV2BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SV2B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
461284-74-2SV2CRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SV2C promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
461384-74-2SVS5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SVS5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
461484-74-2SVS6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SVS6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
461584-74-2SYAP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SYAP1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
461684-74-2SYCE2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SYCE2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
461784-74-2SYCP3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SYCP3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
461884-74-2SYDE1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SYDE1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
461984-74-2SYNGAP1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of SYNGAP1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
462084-74-2SYNGR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SYNGR2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
462184-74-2SYNJ2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SYNJ2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
462284-74-2SYNPO2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SYNPO2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
462384-74-2SYPRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] affects the expression of SYP mRNA affects^cotreatment|affects^expression 25607892
462484-74-2SYT10Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of SYT10 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
462584-74-2SYT12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SYT12 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
462684-74-2SYT13Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SYT13 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
462784-74-2SYT17Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of SYT17 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
462884-74-2SYT7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SYT7 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
462984-74-2SYTL2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SYTL2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
463084-74-2SZRD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of SZRD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
463184-74-2TACC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TACC3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
463284-74-2TACR3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TACR3 mRNA increases^expression 15620428
463384-74-2TADA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TADA1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
463484-74-2TADA2AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TADA2A mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
463584-74-2TAF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TAF1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
463684-74-2TAF13Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TAF13 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
463784-74-2TAF1BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TAF1B mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
463884-74-2TAF1DMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TAF1D mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
463984-74-2TAF1DRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TAF1D mRNA increases^expression 21266533
464084-74-2TAF2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TAF2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
464184-74-2TAF6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TAF6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
464284-74-2TAF6LMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TAF6L mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
464384-74-2TAF9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TAF9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
464484-74-2TAGLNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TAGLN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
464584-74-2TAGLNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TAGLN mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
464684-74-2TAGLN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TAGLN2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
464784-74-2TANC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TANC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
464884-74-2TAPBPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TAPBP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
464984-74-2TARBP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TARBP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
465084-74-2TARDBPRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of TARDBP promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
465184-74-2TARDBPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TARDBP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
465284-74-2TARSRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TARS mRNA increases^expression 21266533
465384-74-2TAS2R107Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TAS2R107 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
465484-74-2TAX1BP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TAX1BP3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
465584-74-2TAZMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TAZ mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
465684-74-2TBC1D1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TBC1D1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
465784-74-2TBC1D14Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TBC1D14 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
465884-74-2TBC1D23Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TBC1D23 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
465984-74-2TBC1D8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TBC1D8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
466084-74-2TBC1D9BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TBC1D9B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
466184-74-2TBCBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TBCB mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
466284-74-2TBCCD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TBCCD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
466384-74-2TBCDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TBCD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
466484-74-2TBX2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of TBX2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
466584-74-2TBX2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TBX2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
466684-74-2TBX5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TBX5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
466784-74-2TBXA2RRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TBXA2R mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
466884-74-2TCAF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TCAF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
466984-74-2TCEA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TCEA1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
467084-74-2TCEA2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TCEA2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
467184-74-2TCEA3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TCEA3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
467284-74-2TCF19Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TCF19 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
467384-74-2TCF21Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TCF21 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
467484-74-2TCF21Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TCF21 mRNA decreases^expression 26472102
467584-74-2TCF23Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TCF23 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
467684-74-2TCF25Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TCF25 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
467784-74-2TCF4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TCF4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
467884-74-2TCHHRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TCHH mRNA increases^expression 21266533
467984-74-2TCL1B1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TCL1B1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
468084-74-2TCOF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TCOF1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
468184-74-2TCP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TCP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
468284-74-2TCP11L2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TCP11L2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
468384-74-2TCRAMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TCRA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
468484-74-2TCTARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TCTA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
468584-74-2TCTEX1D2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TCTEX1D2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
468684-74-2TDP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TDP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
468784-74-2TDRD7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TDRD7 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
468884-74-2TEAD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TEAD1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
468984-74-2TECMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TEC mRNA increases^expression 17361019
469084-74-2TEFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TEF mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
469184-74-2TEN1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TEN1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
469284-74-2TENM4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TENM4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
469384-74-2TEP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TEP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
469484-74-2TESMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TES mRNA increases^expression 17361019
469584-74-2TESRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TES protein increases^expression 15728792
469684-74-2TESCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TESC mRNA increases^expression 21266533
469784-74-2TESTINRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TESTIN mRNA increases^expression 21266533|21745491
469884-74-2TESTINRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TESTIN protein increases^expression 21745491
469984-74-2TEX9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TEX9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
470084-74-2TFDP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TFDP2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
470184-74-2TFE3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TFE3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
470284-74-2TFF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TFF1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
470384-74-2TFPIRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TFPI mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
470484-74-2TFPTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TFPT mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
470584-74-2TFRCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TFRC mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
470684-74-2TGFARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TGFA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
470784-74-2TGFB1Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of TGFB1 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
470884-74-2TGFB1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TGFB1 mRNA decreases^expression 19464577
470984-74-2TGFB1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TGFB1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
471084-74-2TGFB1I1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TGFB1I1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
471184-74-2TGFB2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TGFB2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
471284-74-2TGFB3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TGFB3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
471384-74-2TGFB3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TGFB3 mRNA decreases^expression 19464577
471484-74-2TGFBRAP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TGFBRAP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
471584-74-2TGIF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TGIF1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
471684-74-2TGIF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TGIF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
471784-74-2TGIF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TGIF2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
471884-74-2TGM3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TGM3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
471984-74-2THAP11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of THAP11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
472084-74-2THAP3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of THAP3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
472184-74-2THAP7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of THAP7 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
472284-74-2THBDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of THBD mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
472384-74-2THBDRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of THBD mRNA increases^expression 21266533
472484-74-2THBS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of THBS1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
472584-74-2THBS2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of THBS2 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
472684-74-2THBS4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of THBS4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
472784-74-2THEMISMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of THEMIS mRNA increases^expression 21266533
472884-74-2THNSL2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of THNSL2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
472984-74-2THOC3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of THOC3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
473084-74-2THOP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of THOP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
473184-74-2THRARana catesbeianaDibutyl Phthalate promotes the reaction [Triiodothyronine metabolite results in increased expression of THRA mRNA] increases^expression|increases^reaction 15590988
473284-74-2THRARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of THRA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
473384-74-2THRBXenopus laevisDibutyl Phthalate inhibits the reaction [Triiodothyronine results in increased expression of THRB mRNA] decreases^reaction|increases^expression 16179385
473484-74-2THRBXenopus laevisDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of THRB mRNA decreases^expression 21544203
473584-74-2THRBDibutyl Phthalate inhibits the reaction [Triiodothyronine results in increased activity of THRB protein] decreases^reaction|increases^activity 19643168
473684-74-2THY1Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of THY1 protein increases^expression 22552774
473784-74-2THY1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of THY1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
473884-74-2THYN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of THYN1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
473984-74-2TIA1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TIA1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
474084-74-2TIAM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TIAM1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
474184-74-2TIFARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TIFA mRNA increases^expression 21266533
474284-74-2TIMELESSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TIMELESS mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
474384-74-2TIMM17BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TIMM17B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
474484-74-2TIMM22Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TIMM22 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
474584-74-2TIMM8A1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TIMM8A1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
474684-74-2TIMM8A1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TIMM8A1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
474784-74-2TIMP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TIMP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
474884-74-2TIMP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TIMP1 mRNA increases^expression 15829613|21266533
474984-74-2TIMP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TIMP3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
475084-74-2TINAGL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TINAGL1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
475184-74-2TIPARPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TIPARP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
475284-74-2TIPINMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TIPIN mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
475384-74-2TK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TK1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
475484-74-2TKFCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TKFC mRNA increases^expression 21266533
475584-74-2TKTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TKT mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
475684-74-2TLCD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TLCD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
475784-74-2TLE1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TLE1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
475884-74-2TLE2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TLE2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
475984-74-2TLN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TLN1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
476084-74-2TLR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TLR1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
476184-74-2TLR9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TLR9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
476284-74-2TM4SF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TM4SF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
476384-74-2TM7SF2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TM7SF2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
476484-74-2TM9SF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TM9SF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
476584-74-2TMA7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMA7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
476684-74-2TMBIM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMBIM1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
476784-74-2TMCC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMCC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
476884-74-2TMCO1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMCO1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
476984-74-2TMED10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMED10 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
477084-74-2TMED10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMED10 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
477184-74-2TMED6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMED6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
477284-74-2TMED9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMED9 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
477384-74-2TMEFF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEFF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
477484-74-2TMEM100Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM100 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
477584-74-2TMEM106AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM106A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
477684-74-2TMEM116Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM116 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
477784-74-2TMEM119Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of TMEM119 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
477884-74-2TMEM119Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM119 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
477984-74-2TMEM120ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM120A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
478084-74-2TMEM123Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM123 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
478184-74-2TMEM126BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM126B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
478284-74-2TMEM134Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM134 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
478384-74-2TMEM141Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM141 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
478484-74-2TMEM14CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM14C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
478584-74-2TMEM150ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM150A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
478684-74-2TMEM150CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM150C mRNA increases^expression 21266533
478784-74-2TMEM150CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM150C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
478884-74-2TMEM164Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM164 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
478984-74-2TMEM173Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM173 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
479084-74-2TMEM175Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM175 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
479184-74-2TMEM176AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM176A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
479284-74-2TMEM176ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM176A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
479384-74-2TMEM176BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM176B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
479484-74-2TMEM176BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM176B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
479584-74-2TMEM178Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM178 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
479684-74-2TMEM184AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM184A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
479784-74-2TMEM185ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM185A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
479884-74-2TMEM185BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM185B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
479984-74-2TMEM185BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM185B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
480084-74-2TMEM186Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM186 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
480184-74-2TMEM191CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM191C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
480284-74-2TMEM204Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM204 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
480384-74-2TMEM205Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM205 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
480484-74-2TMEM208Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM208 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
480584-74-2TMEM209Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM209 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
480684-74-2TMEM218Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM218 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
480784-74-2TMEM245Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of TMEM245 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
480884-74-2TMEM255AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM255A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
480984-74-2TMEM256Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM256 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
481084-74-2TMEM263Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM263 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
481184-74-2TMEM268Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM268 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
481284-74-2TMEM30AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM30A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
481384-74-2TMEM33Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of TMEM33 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
481484-74-2TMEM38ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM38A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
481584-74-2TMEM39AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM39A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
481684-74-2TMEM42Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM42 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
481784-74-2TMEM43Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM43 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
481884-74-2TMEM50BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM50B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
481984-74-2TMEM51Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM51 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
482084-74-2TMEM65Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM65 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
482184-74-2TMEM71Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM71 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
482284-74-2TMEM86AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM86A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
482384-74-2TMEM9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
482484-74-2TMEM97Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMEM97 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
482584-74-2TMEM9BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMEM9B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
482684-74-2TMIEMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMIE mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
482784-74-2TMOD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMOD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
482884-74-2TMOD3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMOD3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
482984-74-2TMPORattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of TMPO promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
483084-74-2TMPORattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMPO mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
483184-74-2TMSB10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMSB10 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
483284-74-2TMSB4XMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMSB4X mRNA increases^expression 21266533
483384-74-2TMSB4XRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMSB4X mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
483484-74-2TMTC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMTC2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
483584-74-2TMTC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMTC3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
483684-74-2TMUB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMUB1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
483784-74-2TMUB2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TMUB2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
483884-74-2TMX1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMX1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
483984-74-2TMX2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TMX2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
484084-74-2TNFMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNF mRNA increases^expression 21266533
484184-74-2TNFRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNF protein increases^expression 27511800
484284-74-2TNFAIP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNFAIP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
484384-74-2TNFAIP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNFAIP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
484484-74-2TNFAIP6Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNFAIP6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
484584-74-2TNFAIP8Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of TNFAIP8 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
484684-74-2TNFRSF11BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNFRSF11B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
484784-74-2TNFRSF12AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNFRSF12A mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
484884-74-2TNFRSF12ARattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of TNFRSF12A promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
484984-74-2TNFRSF18Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNFRSF18 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
485084-74-2TNFRSF1ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNFRSF1A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
485184-74-2TNFRSF21Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNFRSF21 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
485284-74-2TNIP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNIP2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
485384-74-2TNK2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TNK2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
485484-74-2TNKS1BP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNKS1BP1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
485584-74-2TNKS2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNKS2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
485684-74-2TNMDMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNMD mRNA increases^expression 21266533
485784-74-2TNNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
485884-74-2TNNC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNNC1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
485984-74-2TNNC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TNNC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
486084-74-2TNNI3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNNI3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
486184-74-2TNNT2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNNT2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
486284-74-2TNRC6ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNRC6A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
486384-74-2TNRC6BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TNRC6B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
486484-74-2TNS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TNS1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
486584-74-2TNS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TNS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
486684-74-2TNS3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TNS3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
486784-74-2TOB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TOB1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
486884-74-2TOGARAM1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TOGARAM1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
486984-74-2TOM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TOM1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
487084-74-2TOMM20Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TOMM20 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
487184-74-2TOMM20Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TOMM20 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
487284-74-2TOMM22Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TOMM22 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
487384-74-2TOMM34Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TOMM34 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
487484-74-2TOMM40Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TOMM40 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
487584-74-2TOMM40LRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of TOMM40L promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
487684-74-2TOMM70Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TOMM70 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
487784-74-2TOP2AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TOP2A mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
487884-74-2TOR1AIP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TOR1AIP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
487984-74-2TOR3AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TOR3A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
488084-74-2TOXMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TOX mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
488184-74-2TP53RKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TP53RK mRNA increases^expression 21266533
488284-74-2TPBGRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TPBG mRNA increases^expression 21266533
488384-74-2TPD52Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TPD52 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
488484-74-2TPD52L1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TPD52L1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
488584-74-2TPI1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TPI1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
488684-74-2TPM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TPM1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
488784-74-2TPM1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of TPM1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
488884-74-2TPM2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TPM2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
488984-74-2TPM2Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of TPM2 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
489084-74-2TPM3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TPM3 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
489184-74-2TPM3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TPM3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
489284-74-2TPM4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TPM4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
489384-74-2TPOHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased activity of TPO protein increases^activity 21809831
489484-74-2TPP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TPP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
489584-74-2TPPP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TPPP3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
489684-74-2TPRA1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TPRA1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
489784-74-2TPST1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TPST1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
489884-74-2TPT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TPT1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
489984-74-2TPX2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TPX2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
490084-74-2TRA2BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRA2B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
490184-74-2TRAF3IP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRAF3IP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
490284-74-2TRAF4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TRAF4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
490384-74-2TRAF5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TRAF5 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
490484-74-2TRAIPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRAIP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
490584-74-2TRAK1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TRAK1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
490684-74-2TRANK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TRANK1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
490784-74-2TRAP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRAP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
490884-74-2TRAPPC6BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TRAPPC6B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
490984-74-2TRAPPC9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRAPPC9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
491084-74-2TRAV6-3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TRAV6-3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
491184-74-2TRDMT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRDMT1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
491284-74-2TRHRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRHR mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
491384-74-2TRIB1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TRIB1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
491484-74-2TRIB2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRIB2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
491584-74-2TRIB2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TRIB2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
491684-74-2TRIM10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TRIM10 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
491784-74-2TRIM2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TRIM2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
491884-74-2TRIM2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRIM2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
491984-74-2TRIM21Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRIM21 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
492084-74-2TRIM26Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRIM26 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
492184-74-2TRIM27Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TRIM27 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
492284-74-2TRIM28Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRIM28 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
492384-74-2TRIM35Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TRIM35 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
492484-74-2TRIM41Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRIM41 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
492584-74-2TRIM62Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRIM62 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
492684-74-2TRIM65Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRIM65 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
492784-74-2TRIORattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRIO mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
492884-74-2TRIP13Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRIP13 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
492984-74-2TRIP6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TRIP6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
493084-74-2TRMT2AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRMT2A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
493184-74-2TRMT6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRMT6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
493284-74-2TRP53I11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRP53I11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
493384-74-2TRP53INP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TRP53INP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
493484-74-2TRP53INP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TRP53INP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
493584-74-2TRPA1Homo sapiens2-(1,3-dimethyl-2,6-dioxo-1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-7H-purin-7-yl)-N-(4-isopropylphenyl)acetamide inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in increased activity of TRPA1 protein] decreases^reaction|increases^activity 22935519
493684-74-2TRPA1Homo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased activity of TRPA1 protein increases^activity 22935519
493784-74-2TRPC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRPC2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
493884-74-2TRPC4APRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TRPC4AP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
493984-74-2TRPS1Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of TRPS1 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
494084-74-2TRPS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRPS1 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
494184-74-2TRPT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRPT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
494284-74-2TRUB2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TRUB2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
494384-74-2TSC2Rattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in increased expression of TSC2 mRNA affects^cotreatment|increases^expression 25607892
494484-74-2TSC22D1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TSC22D1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
494584-74-2TSC22D1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSC22D1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
494684-74-2TSC22D3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSC22D3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
494784-74-2TSEN15Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSEN15 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
494884-74-2TSEN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSEN2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
494984-74-2TSEN34Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSEN34 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
495084-74-2TSFMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSFM mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
495184-74-2TSHBXenopus laevisDibutyl Phthalate affects the expression of TSHB mRNA affects^expression 21544203
495284-74-2TSHRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSHR mRNA decreases^expression 15620428
495384-74-2TSHRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TSHR mRNA increases^expression 21266533
495484-74-2TSHZ1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSHZ1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
495584-74-2TSHZ3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSHZ3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
495684-74-2TSKURattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of TSKU promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
495784-74-2TSKURattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TSKU mRNA increases^expression 21266533
495884-74-2TSNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSN mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
495984-74-2TSNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TSN mRNA increases^expression 17379624
496084-74-2TSPAN11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSPAN11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
496184-74-2TSPAN15Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSPAN15 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
496284-74-2TSPAN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TSPAN2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
496384-74-2TSPAN3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSPAN3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
496484-74-2TSPAN32Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TSPAN32 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
496584-74-2TSPAN33Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of TSPAN33 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
496684-74-2TSPAN4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TSPAN4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
496784-74-2TSPAN5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSPAN5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
496884-74-2TSPAN6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSPAN6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
496984-74-2TSPAN7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSPAN7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
497084-74-2TSPAN9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSPAN9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
497184-74-2TSPORattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSPO mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
497284-74-2TSPORattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSPO protein decreases^expression 15141095|21745491
497384-74-2TSPORattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TSPO mRNA increases^expression 15141095|21745491
497484-74-2TSPYL3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSPYL3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
497584-74-2TSPY-PSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TSPY-PS mRNA increases^expression 21266533
497684-74-2TSSC4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TSSC4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
497784-74-2TSSK5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TSSK5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
497884-74-2TSTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TST mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
497984-74-2TSTA3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TSTA3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
498084-74-2TTC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TTC1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
498184-74-2TTC12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TTC12 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
498284-74-2TTC19Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TTC19 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
498384-74-2TTC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TTC3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
498484-74-2TTC39AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TTC39A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
498584-74-2TTC4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TTC4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
498684-74-2TTC7BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TTC7B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
498784-74-2TTC8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TTC8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
498884-74-2TTC9Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TTC9 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
498984-74-2TTF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TTF2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
499084-74-2TTKMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TTK mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
499184-74-2TTLL12Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TTLL12 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
499284-74-2TTLL9Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TTLL9 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
499384-74-2TTNRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TTN mRNA increases^expression 21266533
499484-74-2TTYH1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TTYH1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
499584-74-2TTYH2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TTYH2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
499684-74-2TTYH2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TTYH2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
499784-74-2TTYH3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TTYH3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
499884-74-2TUBA1ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TUBA1A mRNA decreases^expression 21745491
499984-74-2TUBA1BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TUBA1B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
500084-74-2TUBB2ARattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of TUBB2A promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
500184-74-2TUBB2BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TUBB2B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
500284-74-2TUBB3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TUBB3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
500384-74-2TUBB5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TUBB5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
500484-74-2TUBB6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TUBB6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
500584-74-2TUBE1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TUBE1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
500684-74-2TUBG1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TUBG1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
500784-74-2TUBGCP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TUBGCP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
500884-74-2TUFT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TUFT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
500984-74-2TULP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TULP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
501084-74-2TULP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TULP2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
501184-74-2TULP3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TULP3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
501284-74-2TWF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TWF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
501384-74-2TWF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TWF2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
501484-74-2TWSG1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TWSG1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
501584-74-2TXN1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TXN1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
501684-74-2TXN2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TXN2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
501784-74-2TXNIPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TXNIP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
501884-74-2TXNL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TXNL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
501984-74-2TXNL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TXNL1 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
502084-74-2TYMSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TYMS mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
502184-74-2TYSND1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of TYSND1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
502284-74-2TYW3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of TYW3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
502384-74-2U2AF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of U2AF1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
502484-74-2U2AF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of U2AF2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
502584-74-2UAP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UAP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
502684-74-2UBA1YMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UBA1Y mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
502784-74-2UBA2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UBA2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
502884-74-2UBA52Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UBA52 mRNA increases^expression 17379624
502984-74-2UBALD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UBALD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
503084-74-2UBALD2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UBALD2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
503184-74-2UBASH3BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UBASH3B mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
503284-74-2UBCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UBC mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
503384-74-2UBE2BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UBE2B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
503484-74-2UBE2D2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UBE2D2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
503584-74-2UBE2FRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UBE2F mRNA increases^expression 21266533
503684-74-2UBE2HRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of UBE2H promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
503784-74-2UBE2IMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UBE2I mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
503884-74-2UBE2J1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UBE2J1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
503984-74-2UBE2L3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UBE2L3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
504084-74-2UBE2L6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UBE2L6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
504184-74-2UBE2OMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UBE2O mRNA increases^expression 21266533
504284-74-2UBE2TMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UBE2T mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
504384-74-2UBE2ZRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UBE2Z mRNA increases^expression 21266533
504484-74-2UBE3CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UBE3C mRNA increases^expression 21266533
504584-74-2UBE4BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UBE4B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
504684-74-2UBFD1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UBFD1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
504784-74-2UBL4ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UBL4A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
504884-74-2UBL7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UBL7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
504984-74-2UBQLN2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UBQLN2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
505084-74-2UBR7Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UBR7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
505184-74-2UBTFRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of UBTF promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
505284-74-2UBXN2BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UBXN2B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
505384-74-2UBXN4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UBXN4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
505484-74-2UCHL3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UCHL3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
505584-74-2UCHL5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UCHL5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
505684-74-2UCK1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UCK1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
505784-74-2UCK2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UCK2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
505884-74-2UCKL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UCKL1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
505984-74-2UFD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UFD1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
506084-74-2UGCGMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UGCG mRNA increases^expression 21266533
506184-74-2UGDHRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UGDH mRNA increases^expression 21266533
506284-74-2UGGT2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UGGT2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
506384-74-2UGP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UGP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
506484-74-2UGT2B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UGT2B1 mRNA increases^expression 15901914
506584-74-2UGT8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UGT8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
506684-74-2UHRF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UHRF1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
506784-74-2UIMC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UIMC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
506884-74-2ULK2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ULK2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
506984-74-2UMPSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UMPS mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
507084-74-2UNC119Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UNC119 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
507184-74-2UNC119BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UNC119B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
507284-74-2UNC13BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UNC13B mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
507384-74-2UNC5BRattus norvegicus[Dibutyl Phthalate co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with vinclozolin co-treated with prochloraz co-treated with procymidone co-treated with Linuron co-treated with epoxiconazole co-treated with Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene] results in decreased expression of UNC5B mRNA affects^cotreatment|decreases^expression 25607892
507484-74-2UNC93B1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UNC93B1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
507584-74-2UNGMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UNG mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
507684-74-2UPK1BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UPK1B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
507784-74-2UPP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UPP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
507884-74-2UQCRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UQCR mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
507984-74-2UQCR11Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UQCR11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
508084-74-2UQCRBMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UQCRB mRNA increases^expression 21266533
508184-74-2UQCRFS1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UQCRFS1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
508284-74-2UQCRQRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UQCRQ mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
508384-74-2USF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of USF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
508484-74-2USMG5Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of USMG5 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
508584-74-2USO1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of USO1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
508684-74-2USP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of USP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
508784-74-2USP14Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of USP14 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
508884-74-2USP21Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of USP21 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
508984-74-2USP27XMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of USP27X mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
509084-74-2USP32Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of USP32 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
509184-74-2USP40Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of USP40 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
509284-74-2USP47Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of USP47 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
509384-74-2USP53Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of USP53 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
509484-74-2USP7Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of USP7 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
509584-74-2USP9XRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of USP9X mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
509684-74-2UTP3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UTP3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
509784-74-2UTYMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of UTY mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
509884-74-2UXS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of UXS1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
509984-74-2VAMP2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VAMP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
510084-74-2VAMP5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VAMP5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
510184-74-2VANGL1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VANGL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
510284-74-2VAPARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VAPA mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
510384-74-2VASH2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VASH2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
510484-74-2VASNMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VASN mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
510584-74-2VASPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VASP mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
510684-74-2VAT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VAT1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
510784-74-2VCANRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VCAN mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
510884-74-2VCLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VCL mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
510984-74-2VDAC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VDAC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
511084-74-2VDAC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VDAC1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
511184-74-2VDAC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VDAC2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
511284-74-2VDRMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VDR mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
511384-74-2VEGFAHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VEGFA mRNA increases^expression 28104404
511484-74-2VEGFARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VEGFA mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
511584-74-2VEZF1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VEZF1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
511684-74-2VGLL3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VGLL3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
511784-74-2VGLL4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VGLL4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
511884-74-2VIMHomo sapiensDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VIM protein increases^expression 22552774
511984-74-2VIMMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VIM mRNA increases^expression 21266533
512084-74-2VIMRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of VIM promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
512184-74-2VIMRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VIM mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
512284-74-2VIMRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased expression of VIM protein increases^expression|increases^phosphorylation 25291543
512384-74-2VIMRattus norvegicusGW 6471 inhibits the reaction [Dibutyl Phthalate results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased expression of VIM protein] decreases^reaction|increases^expression|increases^phosphorylation 25291543
512484-74-2VIPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VIP mRNA increases^expression 15620428
512584-74-2VKORC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VKORC1 mRNA decreases^expression 17379624|21266533
512684-74-2VKORC1L1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VKORC1L1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
512784-74-2VLDLRRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VLDLR mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
512884-74-2VMACMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VMAC mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
512984-74-2VMP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VMP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
513084-74-2VNN1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VNN1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
513184-74-2VPS11Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VPS11 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
513284-74-2VPS28Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VPS28 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
513384-74-2VPS33BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VPS33B mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
513484-74-2VPS37ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VPS37A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
513584-74-2VPS41Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VPS41 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
513684-74-2VPS4ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VPS4A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
513784-74-2VPS72Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VPS72 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
513884-74-2VRK2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VRK2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
513984-74-2VSIG10Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VSIG10 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
514084-74-2VSIG10Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VSIG10 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
514184-74-2VSNL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of VSNL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
514284-74-2VSTM4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VSTM4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
514384-74-2VTI1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VTI1A mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
514484-74-2VWC2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VWC2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
514584-74-2VWFRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of VWF mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
514684-74-2WASF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WASF1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
514784-74-2WASHC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WASHC1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
514884-74-2WASLMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of WASL mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
514984-74-2WBP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WBP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
515084-74-2WDHD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WDHD1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
515184-74-2WDR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of WDR1 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
515284-74-2WDR11Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WDR11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
515384-74-2WDR12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WDR12 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
515484-74-2WDR18Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WDR18 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
515584-74-2WDR26Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of WDR26 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
515684-74-2WDR31Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WDR31 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
515784-74-2WDR34Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WDR34 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
515884-74-2WDR41Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WDR41 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
515984-74-2WDR43Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of WDR43 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
516084-74-2WDR45Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of WDR45 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
516184-74-2WDR6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WDR6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
516284-74-2WDR62Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WDR62 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
516384-74-2WDR73Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WDR73 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
516484-74-2WDR77Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WDR77 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
516584-74-2WDR83OSRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of WDR83OS promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
516684-74-2WDR95Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of WDR95 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
516784-74-2WFDC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WFDC1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
516884-74-2WFDC1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of WFDC1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
516984-74-2WFDC18Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of WFDC18 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
517084-74-2WFDC6AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WFDC6A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
517184-74-2WFS1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WFS1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
517284-74-2WHRNRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of WHRN promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
517384-74-2WIPF3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WIPF3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
517484-74-2WISP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of WISP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
517584-74-2WLSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of WLS mRNA increases^expression 21266533
517684-74-2WNT10BRattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of WNT10B promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
517784-74-2WNT11Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of WNT11 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
517884-74-2WNT4Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WNT4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
517984-74-2WNT5AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WNT5A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
518084-74-2WNT6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WNT6 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
518184-74-2WRAP73Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WRAP73 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
518284-74-2WRBRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WRB mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
518384-74-2WSB2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of WSB2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
518484-74-2WT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WT1 mRNA decreases^expression 25434310
518584-74-2WT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of WT1 protein decreases^expression 25434310
518684-74-2WTIPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of WTIP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
518784-74-2WWC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of WWC2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
518884-74-2WWC3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of WWC3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
518984-74-2WWP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of WWP2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
519084-74-2WWTR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of WWTR1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
519184-74-2XBP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of XBP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
519284-74-2XBP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of XBP1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
519384-74-2XIAPMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of XIAP mRNA increases^expression 21266533
519484-74-2XIAPRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of XIAP mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
519584-74-2XKRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of XK mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
519684-74-2XKR5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of XKR5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
519784-74-2XKR8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of XKR8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
519884-74-2XPCRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of XPC mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
519984-74-2XPNPEP1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of XPNPEP1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
520084-74-2XPO1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of XPO1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
520184-74-2XPO4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of XPO4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
520284-74-2XPO5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of XPO5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
520384-74-2XRCC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of XRCC2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
520484-74-2XRCC3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of XRCC3 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
520584-74-2XRCC5Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of XRCC5 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
520684-74-2XXYLT1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of XXYLT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
520784-74-2XYLT2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of XYLT2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
520884-74-2YAE1D1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of YAE1D1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
520984-74-2YAF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of YAF2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
521084-74-2YAP1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of YAP1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
521184-74-2YARS2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of YARS2 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
521284-74-2YBX1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of YBX1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
521384-74-2YBX3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of YBX3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
521484-74-2YDJCMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of YDJC mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
521584-74-2YES1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of YES1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
521684-74-2YIF1AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of YIF1A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
521784-74-2YIF1BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of YIF1B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
521884-74-2YPEL1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of YPEL1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
521984-74-2YPEL3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of YPEL3 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
522084-74-2YTHDF1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of YTHDF1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
522184-74-2YWHAERattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of YWHAE mRNA decreases^expression 17379624
522284-74-2YWHAHRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of YWHAH mRNA increases^expression 21266533
522384-74-2YWHAQMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of YWHAQ mRNA increases^expression 21266533
522484-74-2ZADH2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZADH2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
522584-74-2ZAP70Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZAP70 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
522684-74-2ZBED3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZBED3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
522784-74-2ZBED5Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ZBED5 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
522884-74-2ZBTB14Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZBTB14 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
522984-74-2ZBTB17Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZBTB17 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
523084-74-2ZBTB18Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZBTB18 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
523184-74-2ZBTB20Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZBTB20 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
523284-74-2ZBTB20Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZBTB20 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
523384-74-2ZBTB44Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZBTB44 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
523484-74-2ZBTB46Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZBTB46 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
523584-74-2ZBTB7CRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZBTB7C mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
523684-74-2ZBTB8AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZBTB8A mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
523784-74-2ZBTB8OSMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZBTB8OS mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
523884-74-2ZC3H11AMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZC3H11A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
523984-74-2ZC3H11ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZC3H11A mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
524084-74-2ZC3H12ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZC3H12A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
524184-74-2ZC3H12CMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZC3H12C mRNA increases^expression 21266533
524284-74-2ZC3H14Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZC3H14 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
524384-74-2ZC3H7BMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZC3H7B mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
524484-74-2ZC3H8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZC3H8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
524584-74-2ZC3HC1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZC3HC1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
524684-74-2ZCCHC17Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZCCHC17 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
524784-74-2ZCCHC24Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZCCHC24 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
524884-74-2ZCRB1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZCRB1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
524984-74-2ZDBF2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZDBF2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
525084-74-2ZDHHC12Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZDHHC12 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
525184-74-2ZDHHC13Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZDHHC13 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
525284-74-2ZDHHC14Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZDHHC14 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
525384-74-2ZDHHC2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZDHHC2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
525484-74-2ZDHHC4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZDHHC4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
525584-74-2ZDHHC5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZDHHC5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
525684-74-2ZDHHC6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZDHHC6 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
525784-74-2ZEB2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZEB2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
525884-74-2ZFAND1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFAND1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
525984-74-2ZFAND2ARattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFAND2A mRNA increases^expression 21266533
526084-74-2ZFAND3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFAND3 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
526184-74-2ZFAND3Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFAND3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
526284-74-2ZFAND4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFAND4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
526384-74-2ZFAND5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFAND5 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
526484-74-2ZFC3H1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFC3H1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
526584-74-2ZFP120Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFP120 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
526684-74-2ZFP157Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP157 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
526784-74-2ZFP184Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFP184 mRNA increases^expression 17361019
526884-74-2ZFP2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
526984-74-2ZFP213Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP213 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
527084-74-2ZFP219Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFP219 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
527184-74-2ZFP248Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP248 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
527284-74-2ZFP282Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFP282 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
527384-74-2ZFP286Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP286 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
527484-74-2ZFP292Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP292 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
527584-74-2ZFP318Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP318 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
527684-74-2ZFP324Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP324 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
527784-74-2ZFP346Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP346 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
527884-74-2ZFP354BRattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFP354B mRNA increases^expression 21266533
527984-74-2ZFP36Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFP36 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
528084-74-2ZFP36L1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFP36L1 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
528184-74-2ZFP36L2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP36L2 mRNA decreases^expression 24893172
528284-74-2ZFP36L2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFP36L2 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
528384-74-2ZFP395Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP395 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
528484-74-2ZFP41Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP41 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
528584-74-2ZFP410Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP410 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
528684-74-2ZFP414Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP414 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
528784-74-2ZFP428Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP428 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
528884-74-2ZFP449Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP449 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
528984-74-2ZFP451Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFP451 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
529084-74-2ZFP46Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFP46 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
529184-74-2ZFP462Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFP462 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
529284-74-2ZFP467Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP467 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
529384-74-2ZFP512Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP512 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
529484-74-2ZFP566Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP566 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
529584-74-2ZFP579Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFP579 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
529684-74-2ZFP599Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP599 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
529784-74-2ZFP61Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP61 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
529884-74-2ZFP617Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP617 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
529984-74-2ZFP618Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFP618 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
530084-74-2ZFP637Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFP637 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
530184-74-2ZFP644Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFP644 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
530284-74-2ZFP672Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP672 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
530384-74-2ZFP688Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP688 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
530484-74-2ZFP691Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP691 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
530584-74-2ZFP706Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP706 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
530684-74-2ZFP707Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP707 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
530784-74-2ZFP711Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP711 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
530884-74-2ZFP781Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP781 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
530984-74-2ZFP783Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP783 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
531084-74-2ZFP799Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP799 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
531184-74-2ZFP810Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP810 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
531284-74-2ZFP825Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP825 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
531384-74-2ZFP827Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP827 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
531484-74-2ZFP90Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP90 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
531584-74-2ZFP91Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFP91 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
531684-74-2ZFR2Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFR2 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
531784-74-2ZFYVE21Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZFYVE21 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
531884-74-2ZFYVE27Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZFYVE27 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
531984-74-2ZHX2Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZHX2 mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
532084-74-2ZIC5Rattus norvegicus[bisphenol A co-treated with Diethylhexyl Phthalate co-treated with Dibutyl Phthalate] affects the methylation of ZIC5 promoter affects^cotreatment|affects^methylation 23359474
532184-74-2ZKSCAN16Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZKSCAN16 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
532284-74-2ZKSCAN4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZKSCAN4 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
532384-74-2ZKSCAN5Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZKSCAN5 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
532484-74-2ZKSCAN8Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZKSCAN8 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
532584-74-2ZMIZ1Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZMIZ1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
532684-74-2ZMYND11Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZMYND11 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
532784-74-2ZMYND19Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZMYND19 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019|21266533
532884-74-2ZMYND8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZMYND8 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
532984-74-2ZNF292Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZNF292 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
533084-74-2ZNF580Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZNF580 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
533184-74-2ZNF652Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZNF652 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
533284-74-2ZNFX1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZNFX1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
533384-74-2ZNHIT1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZNHIT1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
533484-74-2ZNRD1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZNRD1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
533584-74-2ZNRD1ASMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZNRD1AS mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
533684-74-2ZPR1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZPR1 mRNA decreases^expression 17361019
533784-74-2ZRANB3Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZRANB3 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
533884-74-2ZSCAN18Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZSCAN18 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
533984-74-2ZSWIM1Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZSWIM1 mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
534084-74-2ZSWIM4Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZSWIM4 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
534184-74-2ZSWIM6Mus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZSWIM6 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
534284-74-2ZSWIM8Rattus norvegicusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZSWIM8 mRNA increases^expression 21266533
534384-74-2ZWILCHMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in decreased expression of ZWILCH mRNA decreases^expression 21266533
534484-74-2ZWINTMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZWINT mRNA increases^expression 21266533
534584-74-2ZYXMus musculusDibutyl Phthalate results in increased expression of ZYX mRNA increases^expression 17361019|21266533
534684-74-2AMHR2Rattus norvegicusdiisobutyl phthalate results in increased expression of AMHR2 mRNA increases^expression 22112501
534784-74-2ARHomo sapiensdiisobutyl phthalate inhibits the reaction [Dihydrotestosterone binds to and results in increased activity of AR protein] affects^binding|decreases^reaction|increases^activity 15840436
534884-74-2ARRattus norvegicusdiisobutyl phthalate binds to AR protein affects^binding 14565775
534984-74-2CYP11A1Rattus norvegicusdiisobutyl phthalate results in decreased expression of CYP11A1 mRNA decreases^expression 21633115|22112501
535084-74-2CYP11A1Rattus norvegicusdiisobutyl phthalate results in decreased expression of CYP11A1 protein decreases^expression 16458459
535184-74-2CYP11B1Rattus norvegicusdiisobutyl phthalate results in decreased expression of CYP11B1 mRNA decreases^expression 22112501
535284-74-2CYP17A1Rattus norvegicusdiisobutyl phthalate results in decreased expression of CYP17A1 mRNA decreases^expression 22112501|28655647
535384-74-2ESR1Homo sapiensdiisobutyl phthalate binds to and results in increased activity of ESR1 protein affects^binding|increases^activity 15840436|27633901
535484-74-2ESR1Homo sapiensTamoxifen inhibits the reaction [diisobutyl phthalate binds to and results in increased activity of ESR1 protein] affects^binding|decreases^reaction|increases^activity 15840436
535584-74-2ESR2Homo sapiensdiisobutyl phthalate binds to and results in increased activity of ESR2 protein affects^binding|increases^activity 27633901
535684-74-2FLGHomo sapiens[FLG gene polymorphism affects the susceptibility to diisobutyl phthalate] which affects the abundance of mono-isobutyl phthalate affects^abundance|affects^response to substance 24380925
535784-74-2HMGCRRattus norvegicusdiisobutyl phthalate results in decreased expression of HMGCR mRNA decreases^expression 28655647
535884-74-2HMGCS1Rattus norvegicusdiisobutyl phthalate results in decreased expression of HMGCS1 mRNA decreases^expression 28655647
535984-74-2HSD17B3Rattus norvegicusdiisobutyl phthalate results in increased expression of HSD17B3 mRNA increases^expression 28655647
536084-74-2HSD3BRattus norvegicusdiisobutyl phthalate results in decreased expression of HSD3B mRNA decreases^expression 22112501
536184-74-2INSL3Rattus norvegicusdiisobutyl phthalate results in decreased expression of INSL3 mRNA decreases^expression 22112501
536284-74-2NR1I2Homo sapiensdiisobutyl phthalate results in increased activity of NR1I2 protein alternative form increases^activity 21227907
536384-74-2NR1I3Homo sapiensdiisobutyl phthalate binds to NR1I3 protein affects^binding 25938866
536484-74-2NR1I3Homo sapiens[diisobutyl phthalate co-treated with Androstanols] results in increased activity of NR1I3 protein alternative form affects^cotreatment|increases^activity 21227907
536584-74-2NR1I3Homo sapiensdiisobutyl phthalate results in increased activity of NR1I3 protein alternative form increases^activity 21227907
536684-74-2PPARGHomo sapiensdiisobutyl phthalate binds to and results in increased activity of PPARG protein affects^binding|increases^activity 24155963|27633901
536784-74-2PPARGHomo sapiensdiisobutyl phthalate results in increased activity of PPARG protein increases^activity 26172262
536884-74-2RXRGRattus norvegicusdiisobutyl phthalate results in decreased expression of RXRG mRNA decreases^expression 22112501
536984-74-2SCARB1Rattus norvegicusdiisobutyl phthalate results in decreased expression of SCARB1 mRNA decreases^expression 22112501|28655647
537084-74-2SOX9Rattus norvegicusdiisobutyl phthalate results in increased expression of SOX9 mRNA increases^expression 22112501
537184-74-2STARRattus norvegicusdiisobutyl phthalate results in decreased expression of STAR mRNA decreases^expression 21633115|22112501|28655647
537284-74-2STARRattus norvegicusdiisobutyl phthalate results in decreased expression of STAR protein decreases^expression 16458459
537384-74-2THRBHomo sapiensdiisobutyl phthalate binds to and results in decreased activity of THRB protein affects^binding|decreases^activity 27633901
Serial No. Activity Name DetailsReferences (PubMed)Other details EPA (U.S) Clinical Trials (U.S. NIH)
1 84-74-2 Dibutyl Phthalate

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