AromaDb: A Database of Plant's Aroma Molecules

Essential Oil Details

Essential Name
: Cistus ladanifer essential oil
Plant Name
: Gum rockrose
Plant Variety Name
: NA
Plant Tissue Name
: Whole plant


It is a popular ornamental plant, grown for its strongly resin-scented foliage and conspicuous flowers. Its leaves yield a fragrant oleoresin known as labdanum, used in perfumes, especially as a fixative.


1. Mariotti, J. P., et al. "Composition of the essential oil of Cistus ladaniferus L. cultivated in Corsica (France)." Flavour and fragrance journal 12.3 (1997): 147-151.

2. Barros, Lillian, et al. "Antifungal activity and detailed chemical characterization of Cistus ladanifer phenolic extracts." Industrial Crops and Products 41 (2013): 41-45.

Major Compound Details

Serial No.Compound Name Compound Percentage(%)
1 Alpha-Pinene 39.0

Minor Compound Details

Serial No.Compound Name Compound Percentage(%)
1 Bornyl Acetate 3.1
2 Ledol 3.3
3 Camphene 2.1
4 Pinocarveol 1.9
5 P-Cymene 1.7
6 Limonene 1.7
7 Allo-Aromadendrene 1.9
8 Terpinen-4-Ol 1.1
9 Spathulenol 0.5
10 Cyclosativene 0.7
11 Sabinene 0.8
12 Caryophyllene Oxide 0.4
13 Pinocarvone 0.9
14 Carvone 0.3
15 Campholenicaldehyde 0.8
16 Myrtenol 0.4
17 Myrtenal 0.5
18 Borneol 0.8
19 Beta-Pinene 0.5
20 Beta-Phellandrene 0.4
21 Isoborneol 0.2
22 Alpha-Terpineol 0.5
23 Globulol 0.3
24 Alpha-Terpinene 0.1
25 Geranyl Acetate 0.3
26 Alpha-Gurjunene 0.3
27 Gamma-Terpinene 0.4
28 Alpha-Copaene 0.8
29 Verbenone 0.3
30 Gamma-Muurolene 0.4
31 Terpinolene 0.2
32 Gamma-Cadinene 0.4
33 D-Cadinene 0.8

Latest Molecules

  • Name: Beta-Ylangene
    Scientific Name: 1-methyl-3-methylidene-8-propan-2-yltricyclo[,7]decane
  • Name: beta-himachalene
    Scientific Name: (4aR)-3,5,5,9-tetramethyl-1,2,4a,6,7,8-hexahydrobenzo[7]annulene
  • Name: Zonarene
    Scientific Name: (1S)-1,6-dimethyl-4-propan-2-yl-1,2,3,7,8,8a-hexahydronaphthalene

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