The essential oil from the leaves and twigs is marketed as Abies oil, and is used in perfumes
Serial No. | Biological Activity Name |
1 | Anti-fungal |
1. Kurose, Kohsuke, and Mitsuyoshi Yatagai. "Compounds of the essential oil from Abies sachalinensis (Fr. Schm.) Mast. cones." Journal of Essential Oil Research 17.2 (2005): 147-149.
2. Yoneyama, S., et al. "An antifungal substance in the volatile wood-oil of todomatsu, Abies sachalinensis Mast." Mokuzai Gakkaishi= Journal of the Japan Wood Research Society 36.9 (1990): 777-780.
Serial No. | Compound Name | Compound Percentage(%) |
1 | Beta-Pinene | 13.30 |
2 | Bornyl Acetate | 8.0 |
3 | Alpha- Pinene | 6.90 |
Serial No. | Compound Name | Compound Percentage(%) |
1 | Beta-Phellandrene | 8.50 |
2 | Pinocarveol | 7.80 |
3 | Myrtenol | 5.40 |
4 | Cis-Verbenol | 3.90 |
5 | Alpha-Terpineol | 3.0 |
6 | Delta-3-Carene | 2.10 |
7 | Camphene | 2.40 |
8 | Limonene | 2.40 |
9 | Borneol | 2.20 |
10 | Cryptone | 1.20 |
11 | Myrcene | 1.10 |
12 | Pinocarvone | 1.60 |
13 | (E)-Alpha-Bisabolene | 0.40 |
14 | P-Cymenene | 0.20 |
15 | P-Cymene | 0.40 |
16 | Citronellol | trace |
17 | Nonanal | trace |
18 | Nerolidol | 0.40 |
19 | Cedrol | 0.10 |
20 | Caryophyllene Oxide | 0.20 |
21 | Carvone | 0.10 |
22 | Carveol | 0.50 |
23 | Isopulegol | 0.10 |
24 | Calamenene | trace |
25 | Hexanal | trace |
26 | Heneicosane | 0.10 |
27 | Gamma-Terpinene | trace |
28 | Beta-Humulene | 0.20 |
29 | Fenchone | trace |
30 | Sabinene | 0.40 |
31 | Farnesyl Acetate | trace |
32 | Alpha-Copaene | 0.10 |
33 | Piperitone | 0.50 |
34 | Epi-Alpha-Muurolol | 0.10 |
35 | Alpha-Cadinol | 0.10 |
36 | Delta-Cadinene | 0.20 |
37 | 13-Epi-Manool | 0.10 |