AromaDb: A Database of Plant's Aroma Molecules

Essential Oil Details

Essential Name
: Zingiber officinale essential oil
Plant Name
: Ginger
Plant Variety Name
: NA
Plant Tissue Name
: Rhizome


Ginger contains up to 3% of a fragrant essential oil whose main constituents are sesquiterpenoids, with (−)-zingiberene as the main component. Smaller amounts of other sesquiterpenoids (β-sesquiphellandrene, bisabolene, and farnesene) and a small monoterpenoid fraction (β-phelladrene, cineol, and citral) have also been identified.


Gurib-Fakim, Ameenah, et al. "Essential oil composition of Zingiberaceae species from Mauritius." Journal of Essential Oil Research 14.4 (2002): 271-273.

Major Compound Details

Serial No.Compound Name Compound Percentage(%)
1 Geranial 16.30
2 Neral 10.30
3 Zingiberene 9.50

Minor Compound Details

Serial No.Compound Name Compound Percentage(%)
1 Sesquiphellandrene 6.30
2 Ar-Curcumene 5.10
3 Borneol 4.70
4 E,E-Farnesol 4.10
5 Beta-Bisabolene 3.0
6 Alpha-Terpineol 3.30
7 Geraniol 3.10
8 Cineole 2.0
9 Geranyl Acetate 2.20
10 E-E-Alpha-Farnesene 2.40
11 Beta-Phellandrene 1.70
12 Spathulenol 1.40
13 Linalool 1.20
14 Gamma-Cadinene 1.80
15 Epi-Alpha-Muurolol 1.90
16 Epi-Alpha-Bisabolol 1.50
17 Citronellol 1.30
18 (E)-Nerolidol 0.60

Latest Molecules

  • Name: Beta-Ylangene
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  • Name: beta-himachalene
    Scientific Name: (4aR)-3,5,5,9-tetramethyl-1,2,4a,6,7,8-hexahydrobenzo[7]annulene
  • Name: Zonarene
    Scientific Name: (1S)-1,6-dimethyl-4-propan-2-yl-1,2,3,7,8,8a-hexahydronaphthalene

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