AromaDb: A Database of Plant's Aroma Molecules

Tagetes minuta , Vanphool

About PlantTagetes minuta (Family: Asteraceae), also known as Southern cone marigold is native to the southern half of South America. Tagetes minuta L. grows in the northwestern Himalayas in India. There is a growing interest in the oil of T. minuta as a raw material for flavor and fragrance industries currently and for the activity of (Z)-p-ocimene against mosquito larvae
Plant VarietyVanphool
Major Constituents of VarietyDihydrotagetone 32%, (Z)-tagetone 16.7%
Essential Oil
MS Graph of Essential Oil
Compounds in essential Oil Dihydrotagetone, (Z) -tagetone, (Z)- ß -ocimene, (z)-beta-ocimene, Dihydrotagetone, (z) tagetone, (E) tagetenone, (Z) tagetenone, sabinene
Major Compound
MS Graph in Compound
Compound Property
Contributor S Kumar, RP Bansal, JR Bahl, M Ram, SPS Khanuja, AK Shasany, MP Darokar,SN Garg, AA Naqvi and S Sharma.
Year of Release 1999
Reference Registration of Tagetes minuta variety Vanphool for north Indian plains. J. Med. Arom. Pl. Sci. (1999) 21: 49-50.

Other Variety