AromaDb: A Database of Plant's Aroma Molecules

Artemisia annua , Jeevanraksha

About PlantArtemisia annua (Family: Asteraceae) is native to temperate Asia, but naturally adopted throughout the world. It is annual herb having fern-like leaves, bright yellow flowers, and a camphor like aroma
Plant VarietyJeevanraksha
Major Constituents of VarietyArteminisin
Essential Oil Artemisia annua Jeevanraksha essential oil
MS Graph of Essential Oil
Compounds in essential Oil Artemisinic acid, artemisyl ketone, beta-caryophyllene, Germacrene
Major Compound
MS Graph in Compound
Compound Property
Contributor (1). S Kumar, S Banerjee, S Dwivedi, MM Gupta, RK Verma, DC Jain, SPS Khanuja, AK Mathur,GD Bagchi, M Zehra, VK Mehta, AA Naqvi, S Paul, G Ram, M Ram, D Saikia, RS Sangwan,TRS Kumar, AK Shasany, MP Darokar, AK Singh & A Singh; (2). Rao, BR Rajeswara, K. V. Syamasundar, and R. P. Patel.
Year of Release 1999
Reference Registration of Jeevanraksha and Suraksha varieties of the antimalarial medicinal plant Artemisia annua. J. Med. Arom. Pl. Sci. (1999) 21: 47-48.

Other Variety

Plant Name: Sweet wormwood, Quinghao
Variety Name: CIM-Arogya
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