AromaDb: A Database of Plant's Aroma Molecules

(E)-Beta-Ocimene Details

: IUPAC Name
:Chemical Class
:CAS Registry Number

Ocimene refers to several isomeric hydrocarbons. The ocimenes are monoterpenes found within a variety of plants and fruits. alpha-Ocimene and the two beta-ocimenes differ in the position of the isolated double bond: it is terminal in the alpha isomer.

:Fragrance Type

Physical and Chemical properties

PUBCHEM ID 5281553
Molecular Weight (g/mol) 136.234
Molecular Formula C10H16
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 0
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 0
Rotatable Bond Count 3
IUPAC Name (3E)-3,7-dimethylocta-1,3,6-triene
Canonical SMILES C=C/C(C)=C/C/C=C(C)/C
Solubility Level 3
Vapour Pressure 0.017

Absorption and Metabolism information

BBB Level 0
Absorption Level 0
EXT PPB#Prediction 1
AlogP98 3.634
EXT CYP2D6#Prediction 0

Toxicological Information

Mouse Female FDA Single-Carcinogen
Mouse Male FDA Multi-Carcinogen
Rat Female FDA Single-Carcinogen
Rat Male FDA Multi-Carcinogen
Ames Prediction Non-Mutagen
Developmental / Reproductive Toxicity Toxic
Rat Oral LD50 1.21143 g/kg_body_weight
Ocular Irritancy Moderate
Hepatotoxic#Prediction 0
Effected Human Genes

Ecological Information

Aerobic Biodegradability Prediction Degradable

Hazard(s) Identification

Physical hazards not classified
Health hazards Moderate
Environmental hazards not classified
About Table Headings

Compound Biological Activity

Serial No.Cas No Gene SymbolOrganismInteractionInteraction Actions PubMed Id
Serial No. Activity Name DetailsReferences (PubMed)Other details EPA (U.S) Clinical Trials (U.S. NIH)
1 3779-61-1 (E)-Beta-Ocimene

Plant Variety and Essential oils

Serial No. Plant NameVariety NameEssential OilCompound Percentage
1 Clarysage CIM-Chandni Salvia sclarea CIM-Chandni essential oil
2 French basil, Indian basil, Sweet basil CIM-Saumya Ocimum basilicum CIM-Saumya essential oil
3 Geranium Pelargonium roseum essential oil
4 Geranium, Rose Scented Geranium CIM-Pawan Pelargonium graveolens CIM-Pawan essential oil
5 Geranium, Rose Scented Geranium Kelkar Pelargonium graveolens Kelkar essential oil
6 Lavendula angustifolia Sher-e-Kashmir Lavandula angustifolia sher-e-Kashmir essential oil
7 Lemongrass Cauvery Cymbopogon flexuosus Cauvery essential oil
8 Hook Cymbopogon microstachys essential oil
9 Curry tree Murraya koenigii essential oil
10 Holy basil Ocimum tenuiflorum essential oil
11 Pot marigold, ruddles, common marigold, garden marigold, English marigold, or Scottish marigold Calendula officinalis essential oil
12 American wild mint Mentha essential canadensis essential oil
13 Menthol mint, Corn mint, Japanese mint Gomti Mentha arvensis Gomti essential oil
14 Menthol mint, Corn mint, Japanese mint CIM-Saryu Mentha arvensis CIM-Saryu essential oil
15 Menthol mint, Corn mint, Japanese mint Damroo Mentha arvensis Damroo essential oil
16 Menthol mint, Corn mint, Japanese mint Himalaya Mentha arvensis Himalaya essential oil
17 Menthol mint, Corn mint, Japanese mint Kalka Mentha arvensis Kalka essential oil
18 Menthol mint, Corn mint, Japanese mint Kushal Mentha arvensis Kushal essential oil
19 Menthol mint, Corn mint, Japanese mint Saksham Mentha arvensis Saksham essential oil
20 Menthol mint, Corn mint, Japanese mint Sambhav Mentha arvensis Sambhav essential oil
21 Lemongrass Chirharit Cymbopogon flexuosus Chirharit essential oil
22 Lemongrass CIMAP-Suwarna Cymbopogon flexuosus CIMAP-Suwarna essential oil
23 Lemongrass Nima Cymbopogon flexuosus Nima essential oil
24 Lemongrass Krishna Cymbopogon flexuosus krishna essential oil
25 Lemongrass Praman Cymbopogon flexuosus praman essential oil
26 Java Cittronella Jalpallavi Cymbopogon winterianus Jalpallavi essential oil
27 Tegetes Vanphool Tagetes minuta Vanphool essential oil
28 Levisticum officinalis Levisticum aofficinalis essential oil
29 Languas galanga Alpinia galanga essential oil
30 American pepper Schinus molle essential oil
31 Oregano Origanum vulgare essential oil
32 Myrtle Myrtus communis essential oil
33 Broadleaved lavender, spike lavender or Portuguese lavender Lavandula latifolia essential oil
34 Catnip, Catswort, or Catmint Nepeta cataria essential oil
35 Common hop Humulus lupulus essential oil
36 Mexican pepperleaf Piper auritum essential oil
37 Mexican pepperleaf Piper auritum essential oil
38 Garden heliotrope Heliotropium floridum essential oil
39 Shampoo ginger. Bitter ginger Zingiber zerumbet essential oil
40 Aframomum stipulatum Aframomum stipulatum
41 Yellow bugle Ajuga chamaepitys essential oil
42 Amyris elimifera Amyris elimifera essential oil
43 Cashew tree Anacardium occidentale essential oil
44 Cashew tree Anacardium occidentale essential oil
45 Holy Ghost Angelica archangelica essential oil
46 Sitafal Annona cherimola essential oil
47 Sitafal Annona cherimola essential oil
48 Sitafal Annona cherimola essential oil
49 Custard apple Annona reticulata essential oil
50 Artemisia dracunculus Artemisia dracunculus essential oil
51 Artemisia dracunculus Artemisia dracunculus essential oil
52 Jamun Syzygium cordatum essential oil
53 Chrysanthemum coronarium Chrysanthemum indicum essential oil
54 Mums Chrysanthemum indicum essential oil
55 Fireweed Crassocephalum crepidioides essential oil
56 Fireweed Crassocephalum crepidioides essential oil
57 Wild carrot Daucus carota ssp. carota essential oil
58 Elsholtzia blanda Elsholtzia blanda essential oil
59 Southern blue-gum Eucalyptus globulus essential oil
60 Pitanga Eugenia uniflora essential oil

Compound Image

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