The oil of Marrubium vulgare used in beverages, such as horehound beer, steeped as tea and in cocktails.
1. Nagy, Milan, and Emil Svajdlenka. "Comparison of Essential Oils from Marrubium vulgare L. and M. peregrinum L." Journal of Essential Oil Research 10.5 (1998): 585-587.
Serial No. | Compound Name | Compound Percentage(%) |
1 | Beta-Caryophyllene | 45.80 |
2 | Germacrene D | 14.40 |
Serial No. | Compound Name | Compound Percentage(%) |
1 | A-Humulene | 8.80 |
2 | (E)-Beta-Farnesene | 5.10 |
3 | Farnesol | 5.30 |
4 | Delta-Cadinene | 5.70 |
5 | Hexadecanoic Acid | 4.20 |
6 | Alpha-Copaene | 4.10 |
7 | Nerolidol | 2.30 |
8 | Eugenol | 2.10 |
9 | Linalool | 0.40 |