AromaDb: A Database of Plant's Aroma Molecules

Essential Oil Details

Essential Name
: Chamomila recutita essential oil
Plant Name
: Chamomile, German chamomile, Gule-babuna
Plant Variety Name
: CIM-Sammohak
Plant Tissue Name
: Flowers


Essential oil is used in flavouring alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, ice creams, candies and baked goods, high grade perfumes, in medicines as carminative and expectorant

Other Details

Essential oil is used in flavouring alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, ice creams, candies and baked goods, high grade perfumes, in medicines as carminative and expectorant

Biological Activity Details

Serial No.Biological Activity Name
1 Anti-microbial


1. RK Lal, R Chandra, HO Mishra, H Shanker, C Lal, AK Singh, Shrikrishna,A Kalra, B Kumar, A Yadav, HP Singh, A Krishna, HN Singh, SS Dhawan & AK Gupta. Registration of new released high yielding variety “CIM Sammohak” of Camomile (Chamomila recutita  L. Pauschert). J. Med. Arom. Pl. Sci. (2010) 32(4):1-3.

2. Presibella, Mayra Marinho, et al. "Comparison of chemical constituents of Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert essential oil and its anti-chemotactic activity." Brazilian archives of biology and technology 49.5 (2006): 717-724.

Major Compound Details

Serial No.Compound Name Compound Percentage(%)
1 Bicyclovetivenol 30.9
2 Khusimol 25.5
3 Epicurzerenone 3.6

Minor Compound Details

Serial No.Compound Name Compound Percentage(%)
1 Alpha-Cadinene 0.2
2 6-Methyl-5-Hepten-2-One 0.1
3 3-Octanol 0.1
4 (Z)-3-Hexenol 0.1
5 (E)-Nerolidol 0.2
6 Limonene 0.1
7 Ethyl isovalerate Trace
8 Ethyl hexanoate Trace
9 Dendrolasin 0.5
10 Alpha-Ylangene 0.1
11 Alpha-Pinene Trace
12 Alpha-Muurolol 0.3

Latest Molecules

  • Name: Beta-Ylangene
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  • Name: beta-himachalene
    Scientific Name: (4aR)-3,5,5,9-tetramethyl-1,2,4a,6,7,8-hexahydrobenzo[7]annulene
  • Name: Zonarene
    Scientific Name: (1S)-1,6-dimethyl-4-propan-2-yl-1,2,3,7,8,8a-hexahydronaphthalene

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