Chamomila recutita is native to Europe and temperate Asia and is introduced in temperate regions of India for cultivation. it is small herbacious annual plant growing to a hight of 60-90 cm. its flowers and essential oil are in demand in pharmaceuticals and cosmatic industries.
Essential oil is used in flavouring alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, ice creams, candies and baked goods, high grade perfumes, in medicines as carminative and expectorant
Serial No. | Biological Activity Name |
1 | Anti-microbial |
1. Kumar Sushil, Rao MG, Khanuja SPS, Gupta SK, Das M, Shasany AK, Darokar MP, Singh A, Bahl JR, Bansal RP, Ramesh S, Govind Ram 1999. The chamazulene rich chamomile variety-Prashant (a new genotype) J Med Arom Pl Sci 21: 1096-1098.
2. Orav, Anne, Ain Raal, and Elmar Arak. "Content and composition of the essential oil of Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert from some European countries." Natural product research 24.1 (2010): 48-55.
3. Esteves, Iracema, et al. "Gastric antiulcer and anti-inflammatory activities of the essential oil from Casearia sylvestris Sw." Journal of ethnopharmacology 101.1 (2005): 191-196.
Serial No. | Compound Name | Compound Percentage(%) |
1 | Epi-Alpha-Bisabolol | 30.9 |
2 | Bicyclovetivenol | 30.9 |
3 | Alpha-Bisabolol | 25.5 |
4 | Khusimol | 25.5 |
5 | Epicurzerenone | 10.9 |
Serial No. | Compound Name | Compound Percentage(%) |
1 | Alpha-Muurolene | 1.1 |
2 | Limonene | 0.1 |
3 | Dendrolasin | 0.5 |
4 | Beta-Pinene | Trace |
5 | Alpha-Cadinene | 0.2 |
6 | 6-Methyl-5-Hepten-2-One | 0.1 |
7 | 2-phenylethanol | 0.2 |
8 | 2-heptanone | Trace |
9 | (E)-Nerolidol | 0.2 |
10 | Sabinene | Trace |
11 | Myrcene | Trace |
12 | Methyl guaiacol | Trace |